
Players can accrue Daily Tally points that may be exchanged for random awards via the Goblins below.

Location Name
Southern San d'Oria (L-7) Mystrix
Port San d'Oria (I-10) Habitox
Bastok Mines (K-9) Bountibox
Bastok Markets (I-7) Specilox
Windurst Walls (C-14) Arbitrix
Windurst Woods (G-7) Funtrox
Upper Jeuno (I-10) Priztrix
Lower Jeuno (I-6) Sweepstox
Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-11) Wondrix
Western Adoulin (H-10) Rewardox
Eastern Adoulin (G-10) Winrix

Once you have spoken to one of the Goblins above, 10 points are added to your Daily Tally every Earth day at 12:00am (JST). Characters less than 45 Earth days old cannot participate.

Note: There is a hard limit of 50,000 points meaning "use it or lose it."


You will be able to select from five different point amounts that you would like to expend at once, and the reward will vary depending on the dial chosen. Dials 1-5 all cost 10 points, and there is a special dial that costs 50 points. The special dial may be selected once per day (Earth time) and resets at Japanese Midnight.

Note that all the below lists will likely never reach 100% completion.

Possible items:

Special Dial[]

As of the March 2022 version update, of the 21,928 items in the game, 12,866 are available as a random reward for spinning the Special Dial and 9,062 are not. Rather than list them all below, please visit one of these two subpages:

and either scroll alphabetically or use your browser to search.

Please be advised that, by its very nature, these are large pages and hence may take longer to load.

Special events[]

Adoulin Dial Campaign[]

During the Adoulin Dial Campaign a special Adoulin Dial will be available from the Gobbie Mystery Box this Dial can be used once per real life day (Resetting at Japan midnight) and costs no points to use. During an Adoulin Dial Campaign, opening the SP Dial will yield equipment at a higher probability.

Adoulin Dial
Airlixir Airlixir +1 Lebondopt Wing
Pulchridopt Wing Wailing Stone Wailing Stone +1
Wailing Stone +2 Worn Sack (LD+1) Worn Sack (LT+1)
Worn Sack (LS+1) Worn Sack (LO+1) Worn Sack (SD+1)
Worn Sack (ST+1) Worn Sack (SS+1) Worn Sack (SO+1)
Worn Sack (DD+1) Worn Sack (DT+1) Worn Sack (DS+1)
Worn Sack (DO+1) Worn Sack (LD+2) Worn Sack (LT+2)
Worn Sack (LS+2) Worn Sack (LO+2) Worn Sack (SD+2)
Worn Sack (ST+2) Worn Sack (SS+2) Worn Sack (SO+2)
Worn Sack (DD+2) Worn Sack (DT+2) Worn Sack (DS+2)
Worn Sack (DO+2) Velkk Coffer Grand Velkk Coffer
Ymmr-Ulvid's Coffer Ignor-Mnt's Coffer Durs-Vike's Coffer
Liij-Vok's Coffer Tryl-Wuj's Coffer High-purity Bayld

Pictlogica Event[]

During the Pictlogica event a special Pictlogica Dial will be available from the Gobbie Mystery Box this Dial can be used once per real life day (Resetting at Japan midnight) and costs no points to use.

Pictlogica Dial
Crystal Board Dancer Board Duelist Board Empress Board
Fighter Board Forestdweller Board Guardian Board Princess Board
Sproutling Board Stoic Board Wizardess Board

Wanted Event[]

During the Wanted event a special Wanted Dial will be available from the Gobbie Mystery Box this Dial can be used once per real life day (Resetting at Japan midnight) and costs no points to use.

Wanted Dial
Wanted NM Coffers

Abjuration Dial Campaign[]

Campaign Period: Wednesday, 11 May at 8:00 a.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, 31 May at 2:59 p.m. (GMT).
During the Abjuration Dial Campaign you will receive a Dial Key #Ab Exclusive once per real life day upon logging in. Trading the key to a Goblin NPC at a Gobbie Mystery Box will give you a random Abjuration or, very rarely, a Goblin-related item. This item is given if the Abjuration you were about to receive is one you already have, either in Moghouse or in Inventory.

Abjuration Dial
Goblin Pie, Hobgoblin Chocolate, Goblin Mess Tin, Goblin Weel
HNM, Sky, Einherjar
Aquarian Abjurations Dryadic Abjurations Earthen Abjurations Hadean Abjurations
Martial Abjurations Neptunal Abjurations Phantasmal Abjurations Wyrmal Abjurations
Voidwatch, Legion
Corvine Abjurations Foreboding Abjurations Lenitive Abjurations Supernal Abjurations
Transitory Abjurations
Escha - Ru'Aun
Abyssal Abjurations Arean Abjurations Bushin Abjurations Cronian Abjurations
Cyllenian Abjurations Grove Abjurations Jovian Abjurations Shinryu Abjurations
Triton Abjurations Vale Abjurations Venerian Abjurations

Trading for points[]

  • You can trade certain Rare items to the Goblin to add daily points to your total.
  • (item values have changed since 2014-09-09 update)
  • They accept Rare quest and Notorious Monster spawn items. They will not accept equipment, food (outside a rare few quest items e.g. Mandragora Buds), scrolls, or furniture.
  • There is a limit of 50 points earned from Rare items per day, after which the Goblin refuses to accept any items. Any overflow will be lost.
  • You get a different message depending on how many points you get. If you overflow with your trade, it will give you a message based on remaining possible points rounded down:
    • 5 = "Yer daily tally's increased a smidge."
    • 15 = "Yer daily tally's increased someamawhats."
    • 25 = "Yer daily tally's increased a Gobby-fold!"
    • 50 = "Yer daily tally's increased a ginormagantic amount!"
  • Generally, the points awarded are based on the approximate minimum level it takes to get the item.

Items Accepted[]

Please Expand for the full list.

See below for a full list of items starting with A-M and the value of daily tally that they award when trading to the Gobbie Mystery Box.

n.b. this list is generated from information on individuals items' pages. If there should be an item on this list that is not, please update that item's page and 'purge' this one to update it.

Items Value
00973 Ace of Batons (Card) Rare 50
00999 Ace of Coins (Card) Rare 50
00960 Ace of Cups (Card) Rare 50
00986 Ace of Swords (Card) Rare 50
02948 Acidic Humus Rare 50
01878 Air Tank Rare 50
02920 Alkaline Humus Rare 50
01088 Ancient Papyrus RareExclusive 15
01147 Ancient Salt RareExclusive 15
01190 Antican Tag RareExclusive 25
03087 Apkallu Down Rare 50
02174 Archaic Mirror (Item) RareExclusive 25
02910 Armored Dragonhorn Rare 50
01683 Attohwa Ginseng RareExclusive 15
03249 Audumbla Hide Rare 50
01423 Autumnstone Rare 50
03088 Avian Remex Rare 50
01105 Bag of Seeds RareExclusive 25
02918 Baleful Skull Rare 50
03353 Barbaric Bijou RareExclusive 50
01435 Bard's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01034 Beadeaux Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01043 Beadeaux Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
03341 Beastly Shank SendableRare 25
01434 Beastmaster's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01267 Bee Larvae RareExclusive 25
01537 Behemoth Leather Missive RareExclusive 15
03257 Benumbed Eye Rare 50
03245 Bevel Gear Rare 50
03085 Bewitching Tusk Rare 25
02377 Bhaflau Card Exclusive 0
01429 Black Mage's Testimony RareExclusive 50
03097 Black Rabbit Tail Rare 50
03103 Black Whisker Rare 50
03074 Blanched Silver Rare 50
02917 Bloodshot Hecteye Rare 50
02919 Bloody Fang Rare 50
00540 Bloody Robe RareExclusive 15
02331 Blue Mage's Testimony RareExclusive 50
03343 Blue Pondweed SendableRare 25
01090 Bomb Coal RareExclusive 15
02588 Bone Charcoal RareExclusive 50
03076 Bone Chips Rare 50
02525 Bottled Pixie SendableRareExclusive 15
01052 Boyahda Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
00580 Bronze Box RareExclusive 25
01660 Bronze Key RareExclusive 15
00551 Bruised Starfruit Rare 15
03265 Bubbling Oil Rare 50
02900 Bug-eaten Hat Rare 50
01541 Bunny Fang Sack RareExclusive 15
01125 Carbuncle's Ruby RareExclusive 25
00530 Castle Floor Plans RareExclusive 15
01662 Cathedral Tapestry RareExclusive 15
01053 Cauldron Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
06011 Celadon Yggrete Shard I Rare 50
06012 Celadon Yggrete Shard II Rare 50
06013 Celadon Yggrete Shard III Rare 50
06014 Celadon Yggrete Shard IV Rare 50
06015 Celadon Yggrete Shard V Rare 50
03375 Celestial Goad RareExclusive 50
01756 Cerebrator Remnant RareExclusive 15
01668 Cleanly Snapped Rod RareExclusive 25
01880 Clustered Tar Rare 25
02923 Cockatrice Tailmeat Rare 50
01543 Coeurl Leather Missive RareExclusive 15
03081 Coeurl Round Rare 50
00907 Cold Bone Rare 25
02463 Colorful Hair Rare 15
01665 Copper Key RareExclusive 15
01659 Coral Crest Key RareExclusive 15
02332 Corsair's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01757 Coveter Remnant RareExclusive 15
00539 Crab Apron RareExclusive 15
03078 Cracked Dragonscale Rare 50
08995 Cracked Matamata Shell RareExclusive 50
03108 Crawler Floatstone Rare 50
03456 Creeper's Juju RareExclusive 50
01143 Cursed Key RareExclusive 50
00587 Damp Envelope RareExclusive 5
00537 Damselfly Worm RareExclusive 15
02556 Dancer's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01028 Dangruf Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01433 Dark Knight's Testimony RareExclusive 50
03266 Darkflame Arm Rare 50
01529 Darksteel Engraving RareExclusive 15
01033 Davoi Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01042 Davoi Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
01036 Delkfutt Chest Key RareExclusive 25
00549 Delkfutt Key RareExclusive 15
03362 Deluder's Fortune RareExclusive 50
01653 Demon Pen RareExclusive 15
03372 Demoniac Goad RareExclusive 50
01050 Den Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
03101 Dented Skull Rare 50
01209 Desert Venom Rare 15
03359 Despot's Fortune RareExclusive 50
01540 Dhalmel Leather Missive RareExclusive 15
00541 Dhalmel Saliva RareExclusive 15
02388 Diorite RareExclusive 50
03355 Divine Bijou RareExclusive 50
03373 Divine Goad RareExclusive 50
03106 Djinn Ashes Rare 50
01439 Dragoon's Testimony RareExclusive 50
02891 Dried Chigoe Rare 50
01169 Earth Pendulum RareExclusive 0
02903 Eft Blood Rare 50
02922 Eft Egg Rare 50
00980 Eight of Batons (Card) Rare 25
01006 Eight of Coins (Card) Rare 25
00967 Eight of Cups (Card) Rare 25
00993 Eight of Swords (Card) Rare 25
01039 Eldieme Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01046 Eldieme Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
01146 Elshimo Marble RareExclusive 15
00535 Engraved Key RareExclusive 15
03377 Ethereal Goad RareExclusive 50
01089 Exoray Mold RareExclusive 15
02947 Exorcised Skull Rare 50
02594 Exorcism Treatise RareExclusive 50
03080 Extended Eyestalk Rare 50
01698 Extra-Fine File RareExclusive 25
03271 Fay Teardrop Rare 50
01037 Fei'Yin Chest Key RareExclusive 25
00608 Fetich Arms Rare 5
00606 Fetich Head Rare 5
00609 Fetich Legs Rare 5
00607 Fetich Torso Rare 5
03404 Fiendish Tome (1) RareExclusive 50
03413 Fiendish Tome (10) RareExclusive 50
03414 Fiendish Tome (11) RareExclusive 50
03415 Fiendish Tome (12) RareExclusive 50
03416 Fiendish Tome (13) RareExclusive 50
03417 Fiendish Tome (14) RareExclusive 50
03418 Fiendish Tome (15) RareExclusive 50
03419 Fiendish Tome (16) RareExclusive 50
03420 Fiendish Tome (17) RareExclusive 50
03421 Fiendish Tome (18) RareExclusive 50
03422 Fiendish Tome (19) RareExclusive 50
03405 Fiendish Tome (2) RareExclusive 50
03417 Fiendish Tome (20) RareExclusive 50
03424 Fiendish Tome (21) RareExclusive 50
03425 Fiendish Tome (22) RareExclusive 50
03426 Fiendish Tome (23) RareExclusive 50
03427 Fiendish Tome (24) RareExclusive 50
03428 Fiendish Tome (25) RareExclusive 50
03429 Fiendish Tome (26) RareExclusive 50
03430 Fiendish Tome (27) RareExclusive 50
03427 Fiendish Tome (28) RareExclusive 50
03432 Fiendish Tome (29) RareExclusive 50
03406 Fiendish Tome (3) RareExclusive 50
03433 Fiendish Tome (30) RareExclusive 50
03407 Fiendish Tome (4) RareExclusive 50
03408 Fiendish Tome (5) RareExclusive 50
03409 Fiendish Tome (6) RareExclusive 50
03410 Fiendish Tome (7) RareExclusive 50
03411 Fiendish Tome (8) RareExclusive 50
03412 Fiendish Tome (9) RareExclusive 50
03470 Fiendish Tome II (1) RareExclusive 50
03479 Fiendish Tome II (10) RareExclusive 50
03480 Fiendish Tome II (11) RareExclusive 50
03481 Fiendish Tome II (12) RareExclusive 50
03482 Fiendish Tome II (13) RareExclusive 50
03483 Fiendish Tome II (14) RareExclusive 50
03484 Fiendish Tome II (15) RareExclusive 50
03485 Fiendish Tome II (16) SendableRareExclusive 50
03486 Fiendish Tome II (17) RareExclusive 50
03471 Fiendish Tome II (2) RareExclusive 50
03472 Fiendish Tome II (3) RareExclusive 50
03473 Fiendish Tome II (4) RareExclusive 50
03474 Fiendish Tome II (5) RareExclusive 50
03475 Fiendish Tome II (6) RareExclusive 50
03476 Fiendish Tome II (7) RareExclusive 50
03477 Fiendish Tome II (8) RareExclusive 50
03478 Fiendish Tome II (9) RareExclusive 50
02902 Filthy Gnole Claw Rare 50
00977 Five of Batons (Card) Rare 15
01003 Five of Coins (Card) Rare 15
00964 Five of Cups (Card) Rare 15
00990 Five of Swords (Card) Rare 15
02793 Flamestone Rare 25
02387 Flickering Lantern RareExclusive 25
01782 Florid Stone RareExclusive 15
01877 Fomor Codex Rare 25
03105 Fortune Wing Rare 50
00976 Four of Batons (Card) Rare 5
01002 Four of Coins (Card) Rare 5
00963 Four of Cups (Card) Rare 5
00989 Four of Swords (Card) Rare 5
04369 Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud RareExclusive 50
02462 Frayed Arrow Rare 15
01898 Fresh Blood Rare 15
02794 Froststone Rare 25
02795 Galestone Rare 25
01531 Galka Fang Sack RareExclusive 15
02893 Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang Rare 50
03099 Gargouille Stone Rare 50
01727 Garhada Teak Lumber RareExclusive 25
01041 Garlaige Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01047 Garlaige Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
00502 Garlaige Key RareExclusive 15
03251 Gear Fluid Rare 50
03252 Gelid Arm Rare 50
01418 Gem of the East Rare 50
01424 Gem of the North Rare 50
01420 Gem of the South Rare 50
01422 Gem of the West Rare 50
01024 Ghelsba Chest Key RareExclusive 25
02901 Giant Agaricus Rare 50
02912 Giant Bugard Tusk Rare 50
00904 Giant Fish Bones RareExclusive 15
03244 Giant Mistletoe Rare 50
02904 Giant Slug Eyestalk Rare 50
01026 Giddeus Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01107 Glittersand RareExclusive 15
03098 Gnarled Taurus Horn Rare 50
02566 Gnat Pellets SendableRareExclusive 50
02565 Gnole Pellets RareExclusive 50
03264 Goblin Gunpowder Rare 50
03274 Goblin Oil Rare 50
03273 Goblin Rope Rare 50
01684 Gold Key Rare 15
01181 Goobbue Humus RareExclusive 15
03079 Gory Pincer Rare 50
02589 Granulated Sugar RareExclusive 50
03084 Great Root Rare 50
02601 Greenling RareExclusive 50
01055 Grotto Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01059 Grotto Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
01031 Gusgen Chest Key RareExclusive 25
00569 Gusgen Clay RareExclusive 15
02223 Halvung Brass Key RareExclusive 25
02222 Halvung Bronze Key RareExclusive 25
02221 Halvung Shakudo Key RareExclusive 25
03091 Hardened Raptor Skin Rare 50
03374 Heavenly Goad RareExclusive 50
03250 Helical Gear Rare 50
03459 Herald's Juju RareExclusive 50
04173 Hi-Reraiser Rare 15
03259 High-Quality Black Tiger Hide Rare 50
03258 High-Quality Buffalo Horn Rare 50
02915 High-Quality Clionid Wing Rare 50
03240 High-Quality Cockatrice Skin Rare 50
03093 High-Quality Crab Meat Rare 50
03238 High-Quality Dhalmel Hide Rare 50
02916 High-Quality Limule Pincer Rare 50
03253 High-Quality Marid Hide Rare 50
03270 High-Quality Pugil Scale Rare 50
03109 High-Quality Rabbit Hide Rare 50
03094 High-Quality Rock Salt Rare 50
03242 High-Quality Scorpion Claw Rare 50
03268 High-Quality Wivre Hide Rare 50
02386 Hoary Battle Horn RareExclusive 25
03366 Holy Goad RareExclusive 50
03339 Honey Wine SendableRare 50
01029 Horutoto Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01539 Hound Fang Sack RareExclusive 15
03256 Imp Sentry's Horn Rare 50
03367 Intricate Goad RareExclusive 50
00983 Jack of Batons (Card) Rare 50
01009 Jack of Coins (Card) Rare 50
00970 Jack of Cups (Card) Rare 50
00996 Jack of Swords (Card) Rare 50
03362 Jaculus Wing Rare 50
01532 Jade Cryptex RareExclusive 15
02307 Jody's Acid RareExclusive 15
01142 Judgment Key RareExclusive 15
00985 King of Batons (Card) Rare 50
01011 King of Coins (Card) Rare 50
00972 King of Cups (Card) Rare 50
00998 King of Swords (Card) Rare 50
01051 Kuftal Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
03241 Ladybird Leaf Rare 50
02220 Lamian Bone Key RareExclusive 25
02218 Lamian Claw Key RareExclusive 25
02219 Lamian Fang Key RareExclusive 25
03357 Leering Bijou RareExclusive 50
04600 Lucky Egg RareExclusive 50
00538 Magicked Skull RareExclusive 15
01696 Magicked Steel RareExclusive 15
02951 Malachite RareExclusive 25
02226 Mamook Blackscale Key SendableRareExclusive 25
02224 Mamook Silverscale Key RareExclusive 25
02225 Mamook Tanscale Key SendableRareExclusive 25
03083 Mangled Cockatrice Skin Rare 50
02896 Massive Armband Rare 50
01481 Mermaid Body RareExclusive 15
01482 Mermaid Hands RareExclusive 15
01480 Mermaid Head SendableRareExclusive 15
01483 Mermaid Tail RareExclusive 15
02598 Merrow No. 11 Molting RareExclusive 50
03261 Minaruja Skull Rare 50
01661 Misareaux Garlic RareExclusive 15
01534 Mithra Fang Sack RareExclusive 15
02926 Moaning Vestige Rare 50
01729 Moblin Hotrok RareExclusive 25
03092 Mocking Beak Rare 50
02385 Moldy Buckler RareExclusive 50
03086 Molt Scraps Rare 50
01427 Monk's Testimony RareExclusive 50
02905 Moonglow Cloth Rare 50
00585 Muddy Bar Tab RareExclusive 5
02914 Murmuring Glob Rare 50
03378 Mysterial Goad RareExclusive 50
03378 Mystic Goad RareExclusive 50

See below for a full list of items starting with N-Z and the value of daily tally that they award when trading to the Gobbie Mystery Box.

n.b. this list is generated from information on individuals items' pages. If there should be an item on this list that is not, please update that item's page and 'purge' this one to update it.

Items Value
03263 Naiad's Lock Rare 50
01040 Nest Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01045 Nest Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
01063 Newton Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
03468 Nightmare Blood RareExclusive 50
03461 Nightmare Bud RareExclusive 50
03466 Nightmare Chop RareExclusive 50
03460 Nightmare Log RareExclusive 50
03465 Nightmare Loin RareExclusive 50
03464 Nightmare Roast RareExclusive 50
03463 Nightmare Shank RareExclusive 50
03469 Nightmare Shard RareExclusive 50
03467 Nightmare Shell RareExclusive 50
03462 Nightmare Water RareExclusive 50
00981 Nine of Batons (Card) Rare 25
01007 Nine of Coins (Card) Rare 25
00968 Nine of Cups (Card) Rare 25
00994 Nine of Swords (Card) Rare 25
01438 Ninja's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01135 Norg Shell Rare 25
03234 Oasis Water Rare 50
02908 Oblivispore Rare 50
00586 Odd Postcard RareExclusive 5
03385 Odious Backscale RareExclusive 50
03397 Odious Bell RareExclusive 50
03402 Odious Blood RareExclusive 50
03384 Odious Charm RareExclusive 50
03382 Odious Cryptex RareExclusive 50
03392 Odious Cup RareExclusive 50
03393 Odious Die RareExclusive 50
03389 Odious Feather RareExclusive 50
03395 Odious Grenade RareExclusive 50
03390 Odious Holy Water RareExclusive 50
03381 Odious Leather RareExclusive 50
03387 Odious Letterbox RareExclusive 50
03394 Odious Mask RareExclusive 50
01653 Odious Pen RareExclusive 50
03391 Odious Quipu RareExclusive 50
03398 Odious Root RareExclusive 50
03380 Odious Scale RareExclusive 50
03383 Odious Strongbox RareExclusive 50
03396 Odious Talisman RareExclusive 50
02578 Oily Blood RareExclusive 50
01062 Oldton Chest Key RareExclusive 25
03315 Ominous Skull RareExclusive 50
02562 One Hundred Eight-Knot Quipu RareExclusive 15
01056 Onzozo Chest Key RareExclusive 25
03104 Opaque Wing Rare 50
02757 Orcish Armor Plate RareExclusive 15
01112 Orcish Mail Scales RareExclusive 15
01030 Ordelle Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01728 Ordrynite RareExclusive 15
03365 Ornate Goad RareExclusive 50
03089 Orobon Cheekmeat Rare 50
02895 Oversized Sock Rare 50
01035 Oztroja Chest Key RareExclusive 25
01044 Oztroja Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
01432 Paladin's Testimony RareExclusive 50
01025 Palborough Chest Key RareExclusive 25
02572 Pandemonium Key RareExclusive 50
02564 Peiste Pellets SendableRareExclusive 50
06228 Phlox Yggrete Shard II Rare 50
06230 Phlox Yggrete Shard IV Rare 50
02898 Piceous Scale Rare 50
02954 Powder Casket RareExclusive 25
01137 Prelate Key RareExclusive 15
01064 Pso'Xja Chest Key RareExclusive 25
02977 Punch Bug RareExclusive 15
03239 Puppet's Blood Rare 50
02333 Puppetmaster's Testimony RareExclusive 50
03267 Pursuer's Wing Rare 50
00494 Quadav Augury Shell Rare 15
02758 Quadav Backscale RareExclusive 15
00495 Quadav Charm RareExclusive 15
00495 Quadav Stew RareExclusive 50
00984 Queen of Batons (Card) Rare 50
01010 Queen of Coins (Card) Rare 50
00971 Queen of Cups (Card) Rare 50
00997 Queen of Swords (Card) Rare 50
01054 Quicksand Coffer Key RareExclusive 50
02949 Quivering Eft Egg Rare 50
01538 Ram Leather Missive RareExclusive 15
00911 Rampaging Horn RareExclusive 0
01485 Rancor Globe RareExclusive 15
01487 Rancor Handle RareExclusive 15
01484 Rancor Mantle RareExclusive 15
01486 Rancor Tank RareExclusive 15