
Giant Bird Plume


Icon background
Giant bird plume
A tail feather from a giant bird
Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 538~541 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]


Used in Recipes[]

Desynthesis Recipes[]


Obtained from Desynthesis[]

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Materials > Clothcraft Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Dropped From[]

Name Level Zone
Lesser Roc 49-53 Riverne - Site #B01
Diatryma 47-50 Eastern Altepa Desert
47-51 Misareaux Coast
Phorusrhacos 57-60 Western Altepa Desert
Peryton 69-72 Valley of Sorrows
Nyzul Isle
Abraxas 80-83 Lufaise Meadows
Stryx 106-108 Marjami Ravine
Kreutzet (NM) 79 Cape Teriggan
Okyupete (NM) 60 Misareaux Coast

Treasure Casket[]

Chocobo Digging[]

Zone Abundance
Bibiki Bay Very Rare
Buburimu Peninsula Very Rare
Konschtat Highlands Very Rare
Valkurm Dunes Very Rare

The Chocobo Hot and Cold Game[]

Zone Abundance
La Theine Plateau 3.1%More data needed.(3.1%)
Konschtat Highlands 5.4%More data needed.(5.4%)
Tahrongi Canyon 7%More data needed.(7%)
Meriphataud Mountains 2%More data needed.(2%)