Mission Name Ghatsad's Quandary
Number 5-3
Items Needed Key ItemGift for Megomak
Key ItemPure white ampoule
Reward 20,000 gil
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Raubahn the Blue The Revelation


Speak with Ghatsad in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-7) for a cutscene with him, Abda-Lurabda and Tateeya. You will receive Key ItemGift for Megomak.


General directions to reach Megomak

Travel to Mount Zhayolm (I-9) and check the Acid-Eaten Door for a cutscene with Megomak. Megomak instructs you to investigate the Hazhalm Testing Grounds.

Travel to the Hazhalm Testing Grounds. The quickest access is via the Caedarva Mire Home Point.

  • Once inside the testing grounds check the Entry Gate for a cutscene with Uran-Mafran and the Gloom Phantom.

Exit to Caedarva Mire and check the Vexing Sniffles at E-10 for a cutscene with the Gloom Phantom, Mnejing and Uran-Mafran. Once it has completed prepare for a fight and check the Vexing Sniffles again.

  • Mnejing joins you in the battle. The fight is managable for an item-level geared player with trusts. Some form of crowd control is useful.
  • When the fight ends you will receive Key ItemPure white ampoule.

Check the Vexing Sniffles one more time for a cutscene.

Return to Megomak for another cutscene.

Return to Ghatsad for a final cutscene and your reward.

Game Description

Mission Orders
A metallic red-tinted box from Ghatsad inscribed with the seal of Caduceus. It is sealed by a special incantation, preventing it from being opened by anyone but its intended recipient. Perhaps Megomak will be a bit more receptive with this in tow.