
Monipulator Overview[]

Type: Vermin
Family: Beetles
Weak against: Lizards, Ice Ice Light Light
Killer Trait: Plantoid Killer
Size: Small
Movement Speed: 100%

Armored insects that scurry around in forests, caves, tombs, and large open areas, beetles are a common sight to adventurers. Like their aquatic counterparts, the crabs, beetles are encased in thick body armor comprised of a segmented shell. Armed with formidable mandibles, they can easily chew through wood and flesh. Like all insects, their compound eyes give them excellent vision, which is not good news to adventurers who come across the more aggressive members of the beetle family. They also use their wings to their advantage; either fluttering them to cause sonic vibrations or flying up and launching themselves straight into an opponents face like a missile. Rhino Beetles are equipped with a fearsome horn and have the added ability Rhinowrecker, a high-damage cone attack.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraitsSpells

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
1 Power Attack 100 Deals physical damage.
10 Spoil 80 Reduces an enemy's STR.
20 Hi-Freq Field 100 Reduces evasion for enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
30 Rhino Guard 80 Enhances evasion.
40 Rhino Attack 120 Deals physical damage. Additional effect: Knockback.
50 Rhinowrecker 220 Deals physical damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional effects: Defense Down, Knockback.

Monster Traits[]

Paladin Traits[]

Level  Name
05  Undead Killer
10  Defense Bonus
20  Resist Sleep
25  Shield Mastery (No effect)
30  Defense Bonus II
35  Auto Refresh
40  Resist Sleep II
50  Defense Bonus III
50  Shield Mastery II (No effect)
60  Resist Sleep III
Level  Name
70  Defense Bonus IV
75  Shield Mastery III (No effect)
75 (Merit)  Guardian (No effect)
75 (Merit)  Iron Will
76  Defense Bonus V
77  Shield Defense Bonus (No effect)
79  Critical Defense Bonus
91  Defense Bonus VI
96  Shield Mastery IV (No effect)

Black Mage Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Resist Petrify
15  Fast Cast
20  Magic Attack Bonus
25  Magic Defense Bonus
26  Tranquil Heart
30  Resist Petrify II
31  Clear Mind (No effect)
35  Fast Cast II
40  Magic Attack Bonus II
45  Magic Defense Bonus II
50  Resist Petrify III
53  Clear Mind II (No effect)
Level  Name
55  Fast Cast III
70  Resist Petrify IV
75  Clear Mind III
76  Fast Cast IV
81  Resist Petrify V
85  Magic Burst Bonus (No effect)
86  Magic Attack Bonus III
87  Shield Mastery (No effect)
89  Fast Cast V
95  Magic Burst Bonus II
96  Magic Defense Bonus III
97  Shield Mastery II (No effect)

Spell List I[]

Level  Spell
05  Cure
07  Banish
10  Protect
17  Cure II
20  Shell
30  Cure III
Level  Spell
30  Protect II
34  Banish II
37  Flash
40  Shell II
50  Protect III
55  Cure IV
Level  Spell
55  Holy
60  Shell III
61  Reprisal
70  Protect IV
77  Phalanx
80  Shell IV
Level  Spell
85  Enlight
90  Protect V
99  Holy II

Spell List II[]

Level  Spell
01  Dia
03  Cure
04  Stone
05  Barstone
05  Poison
06  Paralyze
07  Barsleep
07  Protect
08  Blind
09  Barwater
09  Water
10  Barpoison
10  Bio
11  Bind
12  Aquaveil
12  Barparalyze
13  Baraero
13  Slow
14  Aero
14  Cure II
15  Deodorize
15  Diaga
16  Enthunder
17  Barfire
17  Shell
18  Barblind
18  Enstone
18  Silence
19  Fire
Level  Spell
20  Blaze Spikes
20  Enaero
20  Sneak
21  Barblizzard
21  Gravity
21  Regen
22  Enblizzard
23  Barsilence
23  Blink
24  Blizzard
24  Enfire
25  Barthunder
25  Invisible
25  Sleep
26  Cure III
27  Enwater
27  Protect II
29  Thunder
31  Dia II
32  Dispel
33  Phalanx
34  Stoneskin
35  Stone II
36  Bio II
37  Shell II
39  Barvirus
40  Ice Spikes
40  Water II
Level  Spell
41  Refresh
43  Barpetrify
45  Aero II
46  Poison II
46  Sleep II
47  Protect III
48  Cure IV
48  Haste
50  Fire II
50  Enthunder II
52  Enstone II
54  Enaero II
55  Blizzard II
56  Enblizzard II
57  Shell III
58  Enfire II
60  Shock Spikes
60  Thunder II
60  Enwater II
63  Protect IV
65  Stone III
67  Water III
68  Shell IV
69  Aero III
71  Fire III
73  Blizzard III
75  Thunder III
75 (Merit)  Bio III
Level  Spell
75 (Merit)  Blind II
75 (Merit)  Dia III
75 (Merit)  Paralyze II
75 (Merit)  Phalanx II
75 (Merit)  Slow II
76  Regen II
77  Stone IV
77  Protect V
78  Baramnesia
80  Water IV
81  Gain-VIT
82  Refresh II
83  Addle
83  Aero IV
84  Gain-MND
86  Fire IV
87  Gain-CHR
87  Shell V
87  Break
89  Blizzard IV
90  Gain-AGI
92  Thunder IV
93  Gain-STR
95  Temper
96  Gain-INT
98  Gravity II
99  Gain-DEX

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Beetle Instinct I HP+3% VIT+10 DEF+15 2 30
Beetle Instinct II STR +7 Undead Killer +1 Resist Sleep +30 4 60
Beetle Instinct II Information Needed Information Needed Information Needed 6 90

See Also[]
