
Gallimaufry is the currency earned by completing objectives inside Sortie battlefields. Defeating monsters, NMs, and opening chests all reward this. You may spend this currency with Ruspix to buy rewards from sortie or to upgrade your Reforged Empyrean Armor +1. Gallimaufry is also the primary currency to pay Gama-Shama's fees to buy and upgrade Prime Weapons.

Players may hold up to a maximum of 100,000 gallimaufry.[1]
The maximum is increased to 100,000,000 gallimaufry if you have completed all The Voracious Resurgence Missions.


Floor Brown Blue Red Aurum
1 100 100 500 1,000
2 100 300 1,500 Information Needed
Area Monsters Midboss Boss
A 30~36 195 2,000
B 42~48 255
C 54~60 315
D 66~72 375
E 75~81 435 10,000
F 78~84Verification Needed 450
G 81~87 465
H Information Needed Information Needed
  • Floor 2 Nakuaal are all worth 93 Gallimaufry each.
  • See Ruspix for an overview of items obtainable with Gallimaufry.
  • Your current total of gallimaufry can be seen in the Status > Currencies 2 Menu.


Gallimaufry means "Any absurd medley." in English. Synonymous with potpourri. (Wiktionary)

