Start NPC Mapitoto - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements Level 20+
Items Needed Key ItemChocobo License
Key ItemMap of the Jeuno Area
Repeatable No
Reward Key ItemTrainer's Whistle
The ability to register various mounts
Key Item♪Raptor companion
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
Chocobo's Wounds None

Note: After completing the quest, you may speak to Mapitoto yet again and select "Let's do this" to try to beat the server's best time for the minigame. The markers will not be on your map.


  1. {Upper Jeuno} Speak with Mapitoto near the Chocobos for a cutscene that warps you to Batallia.
  2. {Batallia Downs} 10 minutes - Start: Upper Jeuno zone ---> End: Syrillia at (E-6).Raptor Minigame Food Locations
    1. A 10 minute timer will appear on screen.
    2. Visit any 5 out of 8 marked points, and then finally Syrillia at (E-6).
      • You must open up the map and map menu and thumb through the "Markers" lists to see them.
      • Inside each point is "Raptor's Food", down inside Barrows.
        • Barrow entrances are marked with a blue vertical beam as you near them.
        • The food is a bowl/basket on the floor.
      • You must ride close to the food to consume it (clicking not required).
        • The food will disappear.
        • Your raptor will have heart icons around it's head.
        • A message will print to the chat log letting you know how many more points you need to visit to complete the quest, or whether you should now seek out Syrillia.
        • A small amount of "Motivation" and "Pep".
    3. Mini-game mechanics: "Motivation" & "Pep" meters.
      • Motivation decreases over time
        • At about 50%, mount loses speed.
        • Motivation reduces faster over steep hills, indicated by a red "!" and sweat marks.
      • Pep slowly regenerates over time
        • Is converted into Motivation via /cheer.
        • Indicated by yellow musical notes on your mount.
    4. Once you have spoken to Syrillia at the end of the course, you will be automatically returned to Upper Jeuno.
      • If you run out of time or Dismount, you will be given several options: Try again, Try again at a lowered difficulty, or Give up. Lowering the difficulty does not affect the quest rewards, increases the time limit to 30 minutes, and changes the Motivation meter to drain more slowly and the Pep meter to fill more quickly.
  3. {Upper Jeuno} Speak to Mapitoto once more for your rewards.

Note: You can now trade items prefixed by a note "♪" (e.g., ♪Tiger) to Mapitoto to unlock further mounts.

Using mounts[]

  • "Abilities" > "Mount" in the action menu or main menu.
  • Or, use text command /mount [mount name].
    • Mounting is on a 1 minute cooldown.
    • You cannot mount while on a monster's enmity list.
  • Dismount via "Dismount" in the same action menu.
    • Note: mounts dismount automatically after 30 minutes.

Game Description[]

Mapitoto (Chocobo Stables, Upper Jeuno)
Hop on board Mapitoto's slightly ornery raptor and head to Batallia Downs. Seek out Syrillia once you have arrived.