
Healing Mist


Flask of Healing Mist RareExclusiveTemporary
A gaseous substance with curative
properties. When dispersed to the air,
it will restore the HP of anyone within
a certain radius.

Stackable: No

Effect: Restores all HP of party members within a certain radius.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Synthesis Recipes[]


Used in Recipes[]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipe[]


Obtained From Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, or bazaared, but can be delivered to a character on the same account. Ffxiah-small
This item is currently missing Gobbie Mystery Box info.

Dropped From[]

Name Level Zone
Bakka (NM) 85 Verification Needed Abyssea - Konschtat
Tonberry Bedeviler 75-84 Abyssea - Konschtat

Resistance Credits[]

Price: 75 Resistance Credits
Name Location Type
Bastion Prefect Abyssea - Vunkerl Abyssea - Misareaux Abyssea - Attohwa Standard Merchant

Walk of Echoes[]

  • Drops as a temporary item. Frequency unknown.