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Jugner Forest S-Navigation


Within Jugner Forest (S) there are three main "areas" that be freely walked through. Travel between these areas is highly restricted and generally requires going through Vunkerl Inlet (S) to access a different "area". The main exception is you may cross from the western section to the central section over the dividing river, but you can't go back the other way. The graphic above shows the three areas in red, green, and blue colors for clarity. The map may not be 100% accurate, but it does show where you can and cannot go with a fair bit of accuracy.


  • The Areas
    • The Green Area (A) contains the alliance fortification and is therefor where most people will be when participating in Campaign Battle. This area also contains the Cavernous Maw.
    • The Red Area (B) allows access to East Ronfaure (S). This area is reachable by one-way bridges from the Green area as well which makes it the only area directly accessible from another one of the three main areas.
    • The Blue Area (C) allows access to Batallia Downs (S) which ensures this will be the first area visited by all players.
  • Obstructions
    • Wooden Walls shown as black lines look to have been built by Orcs and are one of the main obstructions in the area.
    • The river between the Green and Red areas allows for movement from Green to Red, but not the other way. The locations of the one-way crossings are shown in white. Within the Red and Green areas are many two-way crossings to get over the river in other locations, these are not shown as they are numerous and not hard to find.
    • The Blue line in H-7 is a gate that when checked says, "The gate is locked." Examine the gate twice to have it say there is a half moon shaped keyhole. Afterwards, look for a ??? to find a Key item Sliced Pole. I found one spot at the lookout post on I-8. I'm sure it spawns in other places.
    • Right near the entrance to the Green area from Vunkerl Inlet (S) there is a cliff which is a one-way drop down. There is a red arrow showing where this is.
    • There are two piles of fallen debris not shown on the map. These two piles block access to the area north of Lake Mechicume.