Bearer of Darkness
Bearer of Darkness
Cutscene NPC
Cut Scenes Only


An enigmatic creature of powerful dark magic, but when attacked, its blood shines a pure white that turns to shimmering dust on the ground. It has a strange habit of appearing at bodies of water during the full moon and seems to have an obsession with the Star Sibyl.

Involved in Missions

Involved in Quests

Nuvola apps important SPOILER WARNING: Details about the Final Fantasy XI in-game storyline follow.Nuvola apps important

During the Battle of Windurst, Karaha-Baruha and Robel-Akbel (his alternate timeline counterpart) used Summoning magic to control Fenrir, but the spell failed, and their spirits were absorbed into Fenrir's. Fenrir was then slain by the Bow of Light. In the present day, the Star Sibyl made a wish on the Star Spring, and the power of the Moon and Stars called Karaha-Baruha's spirit back from the afterlife. However, Fenrir's essence was still entangled with his, and so the Bearer of Darkness was created: Karaha-Baruha's body, and parts of his spirit and Fenrir's spirit. The other part of Fenrir's spirit was trapped inside of Joker when he was re-activated, since part of Karaha-Baruha's lifeforce was used to create the cardian.
