
Monipulator Overview[]

These large, caterpillar-like vermin are a common sight to the mercenaries of Aht Urhgan. Eruca, with their red and black coloring, can be found in certain regions on the Aradjiah continent.

How to Unlock: Level 30 Crawler (MON)

Species Forms:
Crawler (MON) (Available levels 1-99)
Eruca (MON) (Available levels 30-99)
Emerald Crawler (MON) (Available level 60-99)
Pygmy Emerald Crawler (Available level 60-99) (Purchased from Teyrnon for 6000 Infamy)

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraitsSpells

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
30 Sticky Thread 100 Slows enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
30 Cocoon 80 Enhances defense.
30 Incinerate 120 Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.

Monster Traits[]

Level  Name
30  Defense Bonus
30  Resist Petrify II
30  Resist Virus
30  Magic Attack Bonus
30  Magic Defense Bonus
30  Tranquil Heart
30  Fast Cast
31  Clear Mind
35  Fast Cast II
40  Magic Attack Bonus II
45  Fencer
45  Magic Defense Bonus II
50  Resist Petrify III
53  Clear Mind II
55  Fast Cast III
70  Resist Petrify IV
75  Clear Mind III
76  Fast Cast IV
81  Resist Petrify V
85  Magic Burst Bonus
86  Magic Attack Bonus III
87  Shield Mastery
89  Fast Cast V
95  Magic Burst Bonus II
96  Magic Defense Bonus III
97  Shield Mastery II

Spell List[]

Level  Spell
30  Dia
30  Cure
30  Stone
30  Barstone
30  Poison
30  Paralyze
30  Barsleep
30  Protect
30  Blind
30  Barwater
30  Water
30  Barpoison
30  Bio
30  Bind
30  Aquaveil
30  Barparalyze
30  Baraero
30  Slow
30  Aero
30  Cure II
30  Deodorize
30  Diaga
30  Enthunder
30  Barfire
30  Shell
30  Barblind
30  Enstone
30  Silence
30  Fire
Level  Spell
30  Blaze Spikes
30  Enaero
30  Sneak
30  Barblizzard
30  Gravity
30  Regen
30  Enblizzard
30  Barsilence
30  Blink
30  Blizzard
30  Enfire
30  Barthunder
30  Invisible
30  Sleep
30  Cure III
30  Enwater
30  Protect II
30  Thunder
31  Dia II
32  Dispel
33  Phalanx
34  Stoneskin
35  Stone II
36  Bio II
37  Shell II
38  Raise
39  Barvirus
40  Ice Spikes
40  Water II
Level  Spell
41  Refresh
43  Barpetrify
45  Aero II
46  Poison II
46  Sleep II
47  Protect III
48  Cure IV
48  Haste
50  Fire II
50  Enthunder II
52  Enstone II
54  Enaero II
55  Blizzard II
56  Enblizzard II
57  Shell III
58  Enfire II
60  Shock Spikes
60  Thunder II
60  Enwater II
63  Protect IV
65  Stone III
67  Water III
68  Shell IV
69  Aero III
71  Fire III
73  Blizzard III
75  Thunder III
Level  Spell
76  Regen II
77  Stone IV
77  Protect V
78  Baramnesia
80  Water IV
81  Gain-VIT
82  Refresh II
83  Addle
83  Aero IV
84  Gain-MND
86  Fire IV
87  Gain-CHR
87  Shell V
87  Break
89  Blizzard IV
90  Gain-AGI
92  Thunder IV
93  Gain-STR
95  Raise II
95  Temper
96  Gain-INT
98  Gravity II
99  Gain-DEX

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Crawler Instinct I HP+3% Attack+5 Resist Slow+30 4 30
Crawler Instinct II Fire+30 Accuracy+5 Physical damage taken-2% 6 60
Crawler Instinct III Information+ Information Information 8 90

See Also[]
