
Dried Mugwort


Icon background
Pinch of dried mugwort
This spice is said to aid digestion.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 679~717 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]

Cooking (59/70), Alchemy (40/51)

Yield: Dried Mugwort x 1
HQ 1: Dried Mugwort x 2
HQ 2: Dried Mugwort x 3
HQ 3: Dried Mugwort x 4
Ice Crystal

Used in Recipes[]

Desynthesis Recipes[]


Obtained from Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Dropped By[]

Name Level Zone
Sozu Terberry (NM) 65 Temple of Uggalepih
Tonberry Kinq (NM) 65 Temple of Uggalepih
Sozu Rogberry (NM) 65~66 Temple of Uggalepih
Sozu Sarberry (NM) 66 Temple of Uggalepih
Carmine-tailed Janberry (NM) 66~67 Den of Rancor
Celeste-eyed Tozberry (NM) 67-69 Den of Rancor
Crimson-toothed Pawberry (NM) 70 Temple of Uggalepih
Tawny-fingered Mugberry NM 71~73 Den of Rancor
Tonberry Decapitator (NM) 72-74 Den of Rancor
Tonberry Tracker (NM) 72-74 Den of Rancor
Beryl-footed Molberry (NM) 73~75 Temple of Uggalepih
Bistre-hearted Malberry (NM) 75 Den of Rancor
Tonberry Pontifex (NM) 75 Den of Rancor
Chukwa (NM) 75 Abyssea - Tahrongi
Cryptonberry Occultist 75-90 Abyssea - Konschtat
Tonberry Bedeviler 75-90 Abyssea - Konschtat
Adze (NM) 80 Abyssea - Tahrongi
Gancanagh (NM) Information Needed Abyssea - Tahrongi
Treble Noctules (NM) Information Needed Abyssea - Tahrongi
Lachrymater (NM) Information Needed Abyssea - Tahrongi
Mictlantecuhtli (NM) Information Needed Abyssea - Tahrongi

Treasure Casket[]
