
Damage is the abuse that has been dealt to a particular target. HP (Hit Points) represent how much damage a player, monster, or non-player character, can take before falling unconscious ("dying") (see K.O.).

Type of Damage[]

There are three types of damage: Physical, Magical, and Breath.

The percentage values listed on these items are only partially correct. The formula to determine the exact damage reduction is:
[(Percentage listed on item * 256) Rounded down] / 256

Example: Earth/Terra's Staff is listed as -20% physical damage taken.

20% * 256 = 51.2
51.2 rounded down is 51
51/256 = 0.19921875
Actual reduction = 19.921875%

Damage reduction caps out at 128/256 (50%).

Physical Damage[]

Physical Damage is defined as damage dealt to players, monsters or non-player characters from a physical source, such as a monster stabbing you with a knife. Other sources could include damage from area attacks, usually Jumping attacks, or attacks which involve monsters smashing their bodies into you. Overall physical damage is resisted/reduced by one's Defense and Vitality.

Magic Damage[]

Magical damage is defined as damage dealt to players, monsters or non-player characters from a magical source, such as a player casting Stonega IV on a monster. Other sources can sometimes include damage from area attacks, usually grenade blasts or other explosive abilities, or attacks which deal Damage Over Time. (Sometimes attacks can be considered nonmagical nonphysical though, and are not bound by these rules, but may still correlate to an element and may have damage reduced through elemental defense such as Barfire) Overall magic damage is resisted/reduced by one's Magic Defense, Intelligence, and Mind.

Breath Damage[]

Breath damage is not physical or Magical, but can sometimes correlate to a specific element, so reduction in Breath damage is commonly through spells like Barfire or Baraero, Breath damage reduction is also available through BLU magic traits, Atmas, and a very limited amount of equipments.


Overall-Damage-Taken (-DT)[]

Name Type Level Bonus
Black Sallet Head 71 +9%
Onyx Sallet Head 71 +10%
Plastron Body 71 +14%
Plastron +1 Body 71 +15%
Black Gadlings Hands 71 +6%
Onyx Gadlings Hands 71 +7%
Black Cuisses Legs 71 +13%
Onyx Cuisses Legs 71 +14%
Black Sollerets Feet 71 +8%
Onyx Sollerets Feet 71 +9%
Avalon Shield Shield 72 +10%
Kubira Bead Necklace Neck 75 +5%
Shadow Trews Legs 75 +4%
Valkyrie's Trews Legs 75 +5%
Owleyes Club 80 +10%
Name Type Level Bonus
Medicine Earring Earring 70 Latent: -30%
Sorcerer's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -30%
Conjurer's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -20%
Laeradr Breastplate Body 99 -11%
Defending Ring Ring 70 -10%
Tartarus Platemail Body 99 -10%
Reverence Surcoat +1 Body 99 -9%
Reverence Surcoat Body 99 -8%
Laeradr Helm Head 99 -8%
Vocane Ring Ring 99 -7%
Terror Shield Shield 70 Campaign: -10%
Iron Ram Lance Polearm 71 -10%
Gavial Mail Body 72 -3%
Gavial Mail +1 Body 72 -4%
Hydra Mail Body 72 -3%
Hydra Mail +1 Body 72 -4%
Hexerei Cape Back 72 -3%
Palmerin's Shield Shield 72 -2%
Askar Gambieras Feet 75 -2%
Denali Wristbands Hands 75 -2%
Valhalla Breastplate Body 75 -5%
Valhalla Helm Head 75 -5%
Succor Ring Ring 75 -3%
Nierenschutz Waist 76 -3%
Inmicus Cuisses Legs 77 -2%
Twilight Torque Neck 90 -5%

Physical-Damage-Taken (-PDT)[]

Name Type Level Bonus
Earth Staff Staff 51 -20%
Terra's Staff Staff 51 -20%
Patronus Ring Ring 60 -2% Campaign: -10%
Arhat's Jinpachi Head 63 -4%
Arhat's Jinpachi +1 Head 63 -6%
Jelly Ring Ring 63 -5%
Arhat's Gi Body 64 -6%
Arhat's Gi +1 Body 64 -9%
Darksteel Cap Head 65 -1%
Darksteel Cap +1 Head 65 -2%
Darksteel Harness Body 65 -3%
Darksteel Harness +1 Body 65 -4%
Darksteel Mittens Hands 65 -1%
Darksteel Mittens +1 Hands 65 -2%
Darksteel Subligar Legs 65 -2%
Darksteel Subligar +1 Legs 65 -3%
Darksteel Leggings Feet 65 -1%
Darksteel Leggings +1 Feet 65 -2%
Sand Mantle Back 65 Petrification: -20%
Heavy Gauntlets Hands 67 -3%
Cheviot Cape Back 68 -5% Nighttime: -10%
Umbra Cape Back 68 -6% Nighttime: -12%
Faucheuse Scythe 69 -5%
Louhi's Mask Head 69 Daytime: -3%
Black Belt Waist 70 -5%
Mercenary's Ring Ring 70 Besieged: -5%
Minstrel's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -30%
Slayer's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -20%
Tracker's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -30%
Hauteclaire Sword 71 -7%
Gavial Cuisses Legs 72 -3%
Gavial Cuisses +1 Legs 72 -4%
Gavial Greaves Feet 72 -2%
Gavial Greaves +1 Feet 72 -3%
Hydra Cuisses Legs 72 -3%
Hydra Cuisses +1 Legs 72 -4%
Hydra Greaves Feet 72 -2%
Hydra Greaves +1 Feet 72 -3%
Balestarius Great Axe 74 -8%
Genbu's Shield Shield 74 -10%
Burtgang Sword 75 -10%
Goliard Trews Legs 75 -3%
Colossus's Earring Earring 75 -1% Light weather: -2%
Minerva's Ring Ring 75 +8%
Shadow Hat Head 75 +3%
Valkyrie's Hat Head 75 +4%
Shadow Coat Body 75 +6%
Valkyrie's Coat Body 75 +7%
Shadow Cuffs Hands 75 +2%
Valkyrie's Cuffs Hands 75 +3%
Shadow Clogs Feet 75 +1%
Valkyrie's Clogs Feet 75 +2%
Nocturnus Helm Head 75 Occasionally Absorbs
Shadow Mantle Back 75 Occasionally Annulls
Dakini Dagger 75 -5%
Cat's Claws Hand-to-Hand 75 -5%
Soulsaber Sword 75 -5%
Brand d'arcon Great Sword 75 -5%
Skeggiold Axe 75 -5%
Hephaestus Great Axe 75 -7%
Ranseur Polearm 75 -7%
Severance Scythe 75 -7%
Kuina Katana 75 -5%
Efunotachi Great Katana 75 -7%
Ingrimm Club 75 -5%
Teiwaz Staff 75 -7%
Huracan Gun 75 -5%
Gyrfalcon Bow 75 -5%
Nasatya's Ring Ring 75 -1%
Repelling Collar Neck 75 -1%
Eisen Grip Grip 76 -2%
Versa Celata Head 77 -2%
Versa Celata +1 Head 77 -3%
Versa Hauberk Body 77 -3%
Versa Hauberk +1 Body 77 -4%
Versa Breeches Legs 77 -1%
Versa Breeches +1 Legs 77 -2%
Versa Mufflers Hands 77 -1%
Versa Mufflers +1 Hands 77 -2%
Versa Sollerets Feet 77 -1%
Versa Sollerets +1 Feet 77 -2%
Fugacity Beret Head 78 -1%
Ruffian Leggings Feet 78 -3%
Metallon Mantle Back 80 -4%
Grim Cuirass Body 80 -5%
Grim Cuirass +1 Body 80 -6%
Vallus Grip Grips 84 +5%
Tristan's Breastplate Body 89 -5%
Dark Ring (Augmented inside Abyssea - Konschtat) Ring 74 -1-6%

Magic-Damage-Taken (-MDT)[]

Name Type Level Bonus
Resentment Cape Back 40 Outside Nation's
Control: -5%
Coral Bangles Hands 60 -1%
Merman's Bangles Hands 60 -2%
Lieutenant's Sash Waist 60 -2%
Coral Earring Earring 63 -1%
Merman's Earring Earring 63 -2%
Coral Visor Head 63 -1%
Coral Visor +1 Head 63 -2%
Jelly Ring Ring 63 +5%
Coral Cuisses Legs 64 -2%
Coral Cuisses +1 Legs 64 -3%
Coral Greaves Feet 64 -1%
Coral Greaves +1 Feet 64 -2%
Coral Finger Gauntlets Hands 65 -1%
Coral Finger Gauntlets +1 Hands 65 -2%
Coral Scale Mail Body 65 -3%
Coral Scale Mail +1 Body 65 -4%
Coral Cap Head 66 -1%
Merman's Cap Head 66 -2%
Coral Leggings Feet 66 -1%
Merman's Leggings Feet 66 -2%
Coral Mittens Hands 66 -1%
Merman's Mittens Hands 66 -2%
Coral Harness Body 67 -3%
Merman's Harness Body 67 -4%
Coral Subligar Legs 67 -2%
Merman's Subligar Legs 67 -3%
Louhi's Mask Head 69 Nighttime: -3%
Mirror Tiara Head 69 Campaign: -10%
Coral Ring Ring 70 -3%
Merman's Ring Ring 70 -4%
Fencer's Earring Earring 70 Latent: -30%
Kyudogi Body 70 -2%
Kyudogi +1 Body 70 -3%
Ronin Earring Earring 70 Latent: -20%
Avalon Breastplate Body 71 -5%
Amir Korazin Set Full Set 72 -8% Verification Needed
Gavial Finger Gauntlets Hands 72 -2%
Gavial Finger Gauntlets +1 Hands 72 -4%
Gavial Mask Head 72 -2%
Gavial Mask +1 Head 72 -3%
Hydra Finger Gauntlets Hands 72 -2%
Hydra Finger Gauntlets +1 Hands 72 -3%
Hydra Mask Head 72 -2%
Hydra Mask +1 Head 72 -3%
Wyrm Finger Gauntlets Hands 73 Wyvern: -5%
Aegis Shield 75 -25%
Colossus's Mantle Back 75 -2% Lightsday:-3%
Minerva's Ring Ring 75 -8%
Nocturnus Mail Body 75 Occasionally Absorbs
Shadow Coat Body 75 -3%
Shadow Ring Ring 75 Occasionally Annulls
Valkyrie's Coat Body 75 -4%
Wyrm Finger Gauntlets +1 Hands 75 Wyvern: -5%
Dasra's Ring Ring 55 -1%
Repelling Collar Neck 75 +1%
Lore Hat Head 77 -1%
Lore Hat +1 Head 77 -2%
Lore Robe Body 77 -2%
Lore Robe +1 Body 77 -3%
Lore Cuffs Hands 77 -1%
Lore Cuffs +1 Hands 77 -2%
Lore Slops Legs 77 -1%
Lore Slops +1 Legs 77 -2%
Lore Sabots Feet 77 -1%
Lore Sabots +1 Feet 77 -2%
Grim Cuirass +1 Body 80 +6%
Vallus Grip Grips 84 -5%
Dark Ring(Augmented inside Abyssea - Konschtat) Ring 74 -1-6%

Breath-Damage-Taken (-BDT)[]

See Breath Damage Taken page.


Overall-Damage-Taken (-DT)[]

Name Type Bonus
Atma of the Ducal Guard Magical and Physical at low HP-50%

See also[]
