Stackable: 99
Other Uses[]
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.
Walk of Echoes: After obtaining your first
Kupofried's corundum from Glimmer of Hope, trade 4x Crystal Petrifacts to Kupofried via the ??? in Walk of Echoes to obtain another
Kupofried's corundum instantly, without waiting a full real-life day for Kupofried to craft another.

- A player can hold up to 3x
Kupofried's corundums at once. If a player already has three and more Crystal Petrifacts are traded, Kupofried simply adds the new
Kupofried's corundums to his reserve stock for the player.
Goodness Shop: Trade a stack of 99x to Emporox for Voidwatcher Goodness 1.
How to Obtain[]
- All Voidwatch NMs
Monster Rearing[]
- Slime - Possible reward from choosing to Collect items from monster.