
Cotton Tekko


Icon background
Cotton tekko
[Hands] All Races
DEF: 5
Lv. 18 MNK / SAM / NIN
View the entire Cotton Dogi Set.

Other Uses[]

Guild Points Value: 675 / 11,760 (17.42 items)
Resale Price: 669~688 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]

Clothcraft (22/33), Woodworking (6/17)

Yield: Cotton Tekko x 1
HQ 1: Cotton Tekko +1 x 1
Earth Crystal

Used in Recipes[]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes[]

Clothcraft (22/33)

Yield: Lauan Lumber x 1
HQ 1: Grass Thread x 1
HQ 2: Cotton Thread x 5
HQ 3: Cotton Thread x 6
Lightning Crystal
1 x Cotton Tekko

Obtained from Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Armor > Hands Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Price: ~2,528 - 4,212 gil
Name Location Type
Numa Port Bastok (E-7) Standard Merchant
Bastokans Conquest: 1st - citizens only
Silver Owl Port Bastok (F-6) Tenshodo Merchant
Akamafula Lower Jeuno (J-8) Tenshodo Merchant
Achika Norg (I-8) Tenshodo Merchant
Tsutsuroon Nashmau (G-7) Tenshodo Merchant

Dropped by[]

Name Level Zone
Yagudo Votary 21-25 Meriphataud Mountains
22-26 Giddeus
22-26 Castle Oztroja
26-30 Sauromugue Champaign