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Starting out[]

This is the hard part this will be the only time you have to lose any money for a very long time and it won't be much.

Water Crystal
San d'Orian Carrot x 4

These are great if you're a Beastmaster that is leveling cooking along with their job.

Fire Crystal
Bird Egg
Distilled Water
Sell them both back to NPC for a slight loss. Get the bird eggs from the airship merchant (Denvihr, Albinie, or Uli Pehkowa). If you don't have a pass ask someone who does. They're 50 gil each. you can get them at the cooking guild for 51 Gil.

Ready for a quick money maker? Make one stack of:

Earth Crystal
Crying Mustard
Black Bread
Apple Vinegar
La Theine Cabbage
Smoked Salmon
Mithran Tomato
Sell 11 of them at the AH for a nice profit and keep one for your guild test. You can do this with most of the cooking guild test items.
Wind Crystal
Bastore Sardine
Sell at the AH.
Ice Crystal
Selbina Milk
Rock Salt
A few breaks early, but sell at the AH and make up the cost.

The Fun Begins[]

Earth Crystal
Little Worm
Distilled Water
Use for fish bait.
Earth Crystal
San d'Orian Flour
Distilled Water
Hare Meat
AH these. Slow after Insect Ball, but not bad.
Earth Crystal
Rye Flour
Distilled Water
Bird Egg
Land Crab Meat
Sell to NPC for profit.
Water Crystal
San d'Orian Flour
Selbina Butter
Rock Salt
Sell at the AH.
Ice Crystal
Nosteau Herring
Dried Marjoram
Rock Salt
NPC for break even.
Earth Crystal
Crayfish x 3
San d'Orian Flour
Distilled Water
More fish bait. Sell at AH.
Fire Crystal
Selbina Butter
NPC for breakeven/slight loss depending on cost of Fire Crystals. Good chance to try something else.
Dark Crystal
Yagudo Cherry
Buburimu Grape x 3
Is it expensive...? Kinda. But selling at the AH will cover the cost of any breaks.
Fire Crystal
Ogre Pumpkin
Selbina Milk
Rock Salt
Distilled Water
Sell this back to NPCs for profit.
Fire Crystal
San d'Orian Grape
San d'Orian Flour
Selbina Butter
Maple Sugar
Rock Salt
Distilled Water
Sell to NPCs for breakeven.
Water Crystal
Derfland Pear x2
Selbina Milk
Back to the AH/bazaar. Good for leveling any job.
Water Crystal
Pamamas x2
Selbina Milk
Big stretch here, but the cost of early breaks is what you lose with any other recipe that succeeds. Sell in AH and bazaar. Be prepared to lose a little money early then make it up. I'm getting lots of feedback saying it's good, but be prepared to make and sell alot of this.
Fire Crystal
Ogre Pumpkin
Selbina Butter
Selbina Milk
Pie Dough
Maple Sugar
Distilled Water
Bird Egg
Money, money, money. Sell at the AH.
Dark Crystal
Rock Salt
Emperor Roe
AH in Jeuno only.
Fire Crystal
Tarutaru Rice
Pamtam Kelp
Flint Caviar
Rock Salt
Distilled Water
  • 94-100 do what ever you can. Ingredients are now hard to come by. The money is there for you to make with lower recipes. You'll end up with Cursed Soup for 100.

Happy crafting!

Author: Dasher
Original Post
