
Records of Eminence: Content[]

Content (Ambuscade)[]

Record Count Spa. EXP CAP Reward
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 1 1 100 100 0 Key Item Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 2 1 100 100 0 Key Item Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 1 (Daily) 1 100 100 0 Key Item Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 2 (Daily) 1 100 100 0 Key Item Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Ambuscade (Weekly) 1 100 200 0 06500 Abdhaljs Seal Exclusive
Intense Ambuscade (Monthly) 1 200 0 1,000 06500 Abdhaljs Seal Exclusive

Ambuscade Primer Vol. 1 (Daily)[]

Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of the monthly designated foe in non-Legion areas. Unlocked after completing the unrepeatable objective.

Ambuscade Primer Vol. 2 (Daily)[]

Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of the monthly designated foe in non-Legion areas. Unlocked after completing the unrepeatable objective.

Ambuscade (Weekly)[]

Successfully complete any Ambuscade the requisite number of times.

Intense Ambuscade (Monthly)[]

Clear an Intense Ambuscade on any difficulty the requisite number of times.

Lair Reives[]

  • First-time completion of each objective will confer a 1% capacity point bonus.
  • Emerge victorious twice from the following areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Capacity Reward Repeats
Ceizak Battlegrounds 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Yahse Hunting Grounds 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Foret de Hennetiel 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Morimar Basalt Fields 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Yorcia Weald 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Marjami Ravine 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Kamihr Drifts 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Cirdas Caverns 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Outer Ra'Kaznar 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court 2 500 2500 1250 Check

Colonization Reives[]

  • First-time completion of each objective will confer a 2% capacity point bonus.
  • Emerge victorious twice from the following areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Capacity Reward Repeats
Ceizak Battlegrounds 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Yahse Hunting Grounds 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Foret de Hennetiel 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Morimar Basalt Fields 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Yorcia Weald 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Marjami Ravine 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Kamihr Drifts 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Sih Gates 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Moh Gates 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Cirdas Caverns 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Dho Gates 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Woh Gates 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Outer Ra'Kaznar 2 500 2500 1250 Check
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court 2 500 2500 1250 Check

Wildskeeper Reives[]

Objective Sparks Exp Capacity Reward Requirements
Subjugation: Colkhab 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemMatriarch Naakual paragon Defeat Colkhab in the Ceizak Battlegrounds Wildskeeper Reive
Subjugation: Tchakka 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemRiptide Naakual paragon Defeat Tchakka in the Foret de Hennetiel Wildskeeper Reive
Subjugation: Achuka 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemFirebrand Naakual paragon Defeat Achuka in the Morimar Basalt Fields Wildskeeper Reive
Subjugation: Yumcax 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemLigneous Naakual paragon Defeat Yumcax in the Yorcia Weald Wildskeeper Reive
Subjugation: Hurkan 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemBooming Naakual paragon Defeat Hurkan in the Marjami Ravine Wildskeeper Reive
Subjugation: Kumhau 1000 5000 1250 Key ItemFlashfrost Naakual paragon Defeat Kumhau in the Kamihr Drifts Wildskeeper Reive

Content (Other)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Total Successful Synthesis Results 30 100 500 Must be successful synths. Check
Total Successful Chocobo Digging 30 100 500 Must be successful chocobo digs. Check
Monstrosity: Total Monsters Vanquished 100 1000 5000 Defeat regular monsters while possessing a monster in Monstrosity. Check
Unlock Treasure Chests and Coffers 1 200 1000 Must use either Treasure Chest Key or Coffer Key. Check
Reaching the Crest 1 500 2500 Successfully clear a battlefield requiring an orb. (Beastman/Kindred Seals or Kindred/High Kindred/Sacred Kindred Crests). Check
Subjugation: Kirin 1 1000 5000 Defeat Kirin, who resides in Ru'Avitau Check
Subjugation: Genbu 1 300 1500 Defeat Genbu, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens. Check
Subjugation: Suzaku 1 300 1500 Defeat Suzaku, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens. Check
Subjugation: Seiryu 1 300 1500 Deafeat Seiryu, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens. Check
Subjugation: Byakko 1 300 1500 Deafeat Byakko, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens. Check
Subjugation: Jailer of Justice 1 300 1500 Defeat Jailer of Justice, who resides in Al'Taieu Check
Subjugation: Jailer of Hope 1 300 1500 Defeat Jailer of Hope, who resides in Al'Taieu Check
Subjugation: Jailer of Prudence 1 300 1500 Defeat Jailer of Prudence, who resides in Al'Taieu Check
Subjugation: Jailer of Love 1 300 1500 Defeat Jailer of Love, who resides in Al'Taieu Check
Subjugation: Battleclad Chariot 1 500 2500 Defeat Battleclad Chariot, who resides in Zhayolm Remnants (Salvage) Check
Subjugation: Armored Chariot 1 500 2500 Defeat Armored Chariot, who resides in Arrapago Remnants (Salvage) Check
Subjugation: Long-Bowed Chariot 1 500 2500 Defeat Long-Bowed Chariot, who resides in Bhaflau Remnants (Salvage) Check
Subjugation: Long-Armed Chariot 1 500 2500 Defeat Long-Armed Chariot, who resides in Silver Sea Remnants (Salvage) Check

Content (Dynamis 1)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Subjugation: Overlord's Tombstone 1 300 1500 Deafeat Overlord's Tombstome, which resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria Check
Subjugation: Bladeburner Rokgevok 1 300 1500 Deafeat Bladeburner Rokgevok, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria Check
Subjugation: Steelshank Kratzvatz 1 300 1500 Deafeat Steelshank Kratzvatz, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria Check
Subjugation: Bloodfist Voshgrosh 1 300 1500 Deafeat Bloodfist Voshgrosh, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria Check
Subjugation: Spellspear Djokvukk 1 300 1500 Deafeat Spellspear Djokvukk, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria Check
Subjugation: Gu'Dha Effigy 1 300 1500 Deafeat Gu'Dha Effigy, which resides in Dynamis - Bastok Check
Subjugation: Zo'Pha Forgesoul 1 300 1500 Deafeat Zo'Pha Forgesoul, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok Check
Subjugation: Ra'Gho Darkfount 1 300 1500 Deafeat Ra'Gho Darkfount, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok Check
Subjugation: Va'Zhe Pummelsong 1 300 1500 Deafeat Va'Zhe Pummelsong, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok Check
Subjugation: Bu'Bho Truesteel 1 300 1500 Deafeat Bu'Bho Truesteel, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok Check
Subjugation: Tzee Xicu Idol 1 300 1500 Deafeat Tzee Xicu Idol, which resides in Dynamis - Windurst Check
Subjugation: Xuu Bhoqa the Enigma 1 300 1500 Deafeat Xuu Bhoqa the Enigma, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst Check
Subjugation: Fuu Tzapo the Blessed 1 300 1500 Deafeat Fuu Tzapo the Blessed, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst Check
Subjugation: Naa Yixo the Stillrage 1 300 1500 Deafeat Naa Yixo the Stillrage, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst Check
Subjugation: Tee Zaksa the Ceaseless 1 300 1500 Deafeat Tee Zaksa the Ceaseless, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst Check
Subjugation: Goblin Golem 1 300 1500 Deafeat Goblin Golem, which resides in Dynamis - Jeuno Check
Subjugation: Quicktrix Hexhands 1 300 1500 Deafeat Quicktrix Hexhands, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno Check
Subjugation: Feralox Honeylips 1 300 1500 Deafeat Feralox Honeylips, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno Check
Subjugation: Scourquix Scaleskin 1 300 1500 Deafeat Scourquix Scaleskin, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno Check
Subjugation: Wilywox Tenderpalm 1 300 1500 Deafeat Wilywox Tenderpalm, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno Check

Content (Dynamis 2)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Subjugation: Angra Mainyu 1 300 1500 Deafeat Angra Mainyu, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine Check
Subjugation: Taquede 1 300 1500 Deafeat Taquede, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine Check
Subjugation: Pignonpausard 1 300 1500 Deafeat Pignonpausard, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine Check
Subjugation: Hitaume 1 300 1500 Deafeat Hitaume, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine Check
Subjugation: Cavanneche 1 300 1500 Deafeat Cavanneche, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine Check
Subjugation: Dynamis Lord 1 300 1500 Deafeat Dynamis Lord, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard Check
Subjugation: Duke Haures 1 300 1500 Deafeat Duke Haures, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard Check
Subjugation: Marquis Caim 1 300 1500 Deafeat Marquis Caim, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard Check
Subjugation: Baron Avnas 1 300 1500 Deafeat Baron Avnas, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard Check
Subjugation: Count Haagenti 1 300 1500 Deafeat Count Haagenti, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard Check

Content (Limbus)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Spoils (Ivory Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain an Ivory Chip Check
Spoils (Scarlet Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Scarlet Chip Check
Spoils (Emerald Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain an Emerald Chip Check
Spoils (Orchid Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain an Orchid Chip Check
Spoils (Cerulean Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Cerulean Chip Check
Spoils (Silver Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Silver Chip Check
Spoils (Smoky Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Smoky Chip Check
Spoils (Magenta Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Magenta Chip Check
Spoils (Charcoal Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Charcoal Chip Check
Spoils (Smalt Chip) 1 300 1500 Obtain a Smalt Chip Check
Subjugation: Proto-Ultima 1 1000 5000 Defeat Proto-Ultima who resides in Temenos
Reward: Copper Voucher
Subjugation: Proto-Omega 1 1000 5000 Defeat Proto-Omega who resides in Apollyon Check

Content (ZNM)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Subjugation: Vulpangue 1 300 1500 Deafeat Vulpangue, which resides in Wajaom Woodlands Check
Subjugation: Chamrosh 1 300 1500 Deafeat Chamrosh, who resides in Mamook Check
Subjugation: Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon 1 300 1500 Deafeat Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Check
Subjugation: Brass Borer 1 300 1500 Deafeat Brass Borer, who resides in Mount Zhayolm Check
Subjugation: Claret 1 300 1500 Deafeat Claret, who resides in Mount Zhayolm Check
Subjugation: Ob 1 300 1500 Deafeat Ob, who resides in Alza'daal Undersea Ruins Check
Subjugation: Velionis 1 300 1500 Deafeat Velionis, who resides in Arrapago Reef Check
Subjugation: Lil' Apkallu 1 300 1500 Deafeat Lil' Apkallu, who resides in Arrapago Reef Check
Subjugation: Chigre 1 300 1500 Deafeat Chigre, who resides in Aydeewa Subterrane Check
Subjugation: Iriz Ima 1 300 1500 Deafeat Iriz Ima, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands Check
Subjugation: Lividroot Amooshah 1 300 1500 Deafeat Lividroot Amooshah, who resides in Bhaflau Thickets Check
Subjugation: Iriri Samariri 1 300 1500 Deafeat Iriri Samariri, who resides in Mamook Check
Subjugation: Anantaboga 1 300 1500 Deafeat Anantaboga, who resides in Mount Zhayolm Check
Subjugation: Reacton 1 300 1500 Deafeat Reacton, who resides in Halvung Check
Subjugation: Dextrose 1 300 1500 Deafeat Dextrose, who resides in Halvung Check
Subjugation: Wulgaru 1 300 1500 Deafeat Wulgaru, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Check
Subjugation: Zareehkl the Jubilant 1 300 1500 Deafeat Zareehkl the Jubilant, who resides in Arrapago Reef Check
Subjugation: Verdelet 1 300 1500 Deafeat Verdelet, who resides in Caedarva Mire Check
Subjugation: Armed Gears 1 300 1500 Deafeat Armed Gears, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Check
Subjugation: Gotoh Zha the Redolent 1 300 1500 Deafeat Gotoh Zha the Redolent, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands Check
Subjugation: Dea 1 300 1500 Deafeat Dea, who resides in Bhaflau Thickets Check
Subjugation: Nosferatu 1 300 1500 Deafeat Nosferatu, who resides in Aydeewa Subterrane Check
Subjugation: Khromasoul Bhurborlor 1 300 1500 Deafeat Khromasoul Bhurborlor, who resides in Mount Zhayolm Check
Subjugation: Achamoth 1 300 1500 Deafeat Achamoth, who resides in Halvung Check
Subjugation: Mahjlaef the Paintorn 1 300 1500 Deafeat Mahjlaef the Paintorn, who resides in Caedarva Mire Check
Subjugation: Experimental Lamia 1 300 1500 Deafeat Experimental Lamia, who resides in Caedarva Mire Check
Subjugation: Nuhn 1 300 1500 Deafeat Nuhn, who resides in Arrapago Reef Check

Content (Vagary)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Subjugation: Putraxia 1 1000 5000 Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). X
Subjugation: Rancibus 1 1000 5000 Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). X
Subjugation: Palloritus 1 1000 5000 Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). X
Subjugation: Perfidien 1 1000 5000 Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). X
Subjugation: Plouton 1 1000 5000 Defeat Plouton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Putraxia 1 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Putraxia 2 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Rancibus 1 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Rancibus 2 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Palloritus 1 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Palloritus 2 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Perfidien 1 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Perfidien 2 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Pluton 1 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Pluton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly
Subjugation: Pluton 2 (W) 1 500 2500 Defeat Pluton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U). Weekly

Content (Omen)[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Requirement Repeats
Subjugation: Fu 1 1000 5000 Defeat Fu, who resides in Reisenjima Henge. X
Subjugation: Kyou 1 1000 5000 Defeat Kyou, who resides in Reisenjima Henge. X
Subjugation: Kei 1 1000 5000 Defeat Kei, who resides in Reisenjima Henge. X
Subjugation: Gin 1 1000 5000 Defeat Gin, who resides in Reisenjima Henge. X
Subjugation: Kin 1 1000 5000 Defeat Kin, which resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. X

A.M.A.N. Trove[]

All of these objectives reward 500 Sparks, 5000 EXP and 5000 Capacity Points upon completion.

Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward Repeat Requirements
A.M.A.N. Trove (M) 1 500 5000 Mars Orb Every Version Update (Monthly) Speak with Greyson in Lower Jeuno (G-11) and hear an explanation on A.M.A.N. Trove.
Examine a Home Point (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Examine a home point in your home nation.
Auction an Item (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Place items for sale in the auction house the requisite number of times.
Unity Chat Greetings (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Use the auto-translate function to say {Hello!} in Unity Chat the requisite number of times.
Conquest Participation (M) 30 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Participate in Conquest and vanquish the requisite number of monsters.
Beseiged Participation (M) 2 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Participate in Besieged and earn Imperial Standing the requisite number of times.
Campaign Participation (M) 5000 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Participate in Campaign battles and receive the requisite amount of Allied Notes.
Reive Participation (M) 5000 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Participate in Reives and receive the requisite amount of Bayld.
Ambuscade Participation (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Form a party and participate in Ambuscade the requisite number of times. *Alter egos do not count as party members for this objective.
Omen Participation (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Form a party and participate in Omen the requisite number of times. *Alter egos do not count as party members for this objective.
Dynamis (D) Participation (M) 1 500 5000 Silver Voucher Every Version Update (Monthly) Form a party and participate in Dynamis-Divergence the requisite number of times. *Alter egos do not count as party members for this objective.

Auction an Item (M)[]

You only need to place one item for sale. The sale can be canceled immediately.

Beseiged Participation (M)[]

You must perform actions that grant Imperial Standing. The total amount of Standing earned must be nonzero. Use the /bmap command to know when the next invasion will be.

Ambuscade Participation (M)[]

This objective completes as soon as you zone into the battlefield. You are not required to win.

Omen Participation (M)[]

This objective completes as soon as you zone into the battlefield. You are not required to win or complete any objectives.

Dynamis (D) Participation (M)[]

This objective completes as soon as you zone into the area.


Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward Repeat Requirements
Sheol A 1 1000 5000 xp
10000 cap
100 acc
L. Lu. Scale Box X Arrive at the otherworldly vortex in Sheol A
Sheol B 1 1000 10000 xp
10000 cap
100 acc
L. Lu. Hide Box X Arrive at the otherworldly vortex in Sheol B
Sheol C 1 1000 10000 xp
10000 cap
100 acc
L. Lu. Wing Box X Arrive at the otherworldly vortex in Sheol C

Sheol A[]

You must find and use the Veridical Conflux on each floor to reach the next floor. The "Otherworldly Vortex" is the exit from Odyssey found on the final (seventh) floor. You must successfully exit the battlefield to receive credit for this quest. After completing this objective you unlock the ability to augment rewards from certain Unity Concord Wanted battles.

Sheol B[]

The exit is on the fifth of sixth floors.


Each Boss has an individual, non-repeatable objective that rewards 1,000 sparks, 5,000 EXP, 5,000 CAP, and 100 Accolades. Completions also reward an old case. The quality depends on the boss.

First floor boss objectives reward one Old Case

Basement boss objectives reward one Old Case +1

Aminon's objective rewards one Old Case +2
