
Records of Eminence: Combat (Region)[]

Combat (Region) objectives become available in the Records of Eminence menu after you have entered the area in which the objective takes place at least once.

  • For example, Conflict: Xarcabard and Subjugation: Biast become available upon entering Xarcabard for the first time.

Original Areas 1[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:

Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
West Ronfaure 10 10 500 5 Navarin Check
East Ronfaure 10 10 500 5 Brass Harness Check
Ghelsba Outpost 10 10 500 5 Sardonyx Earring Check
Fort Ghelsba 10 10 500 5 Amethyst Earring Check
Yughott Grotto 10 10 500 5 Onyx Ring Check
King Ranperre's Tomb 10 10 100 5 Opal Ring Check
Bostaunieux Oubliette 10 15 100 5 Accura Cape Check
Valkurm Dunes 10 11 550 5 Silver Ring Check
Konschtat Highlands 10 11 550 5 Lapis Lazuli Ring Check
Gusgen Mines 10 11 100 5 Amethyst Ring Check
La Theine Plateau 10 11 550 5 Sardonyx Ring Check
Ordelle's Caves 10 12 100 5 Clear Ring Check

Subjugation: Defeat Notorious Monsters in the following zones:

Objective Target Sparks Exp Repeats
West Ronfaure Jaggedy-Eared Jack 250 500 X
East Ronfaure Swamfisk 250 500 X
Ghelsba Outpost Thousandarm Deshglesh 250 500 X
Fort Ghelsba Hundredscar Hajwaj 500 1000 X
Yughott Grotto Ashmaker Gotblut 250 500 X
King Ranperre's Tomb Barbastelle 250 500 X
Bostaunieux Oubliette Bloodsucker (NM) 500 1000 X
Valkurm Dunes Valkurm Emperor 250 550 X
Konschtat Highlands Bendigeit Vran 250 600 X
Gusgen Mines Juggler Hecatomb 250 600 X
La Theine Plateau Bloodtear Baldurf 500 1000 X
Ordelle's Caves Morbolger 500 1000 X

Original Areas 2[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:

Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Jugner Forest 10 12 600 5 Meat Mithkabob x12 Check
Batallia Downs 10 13 650 5 Invisible Mantle Check
Eldieme Necropolis 10 14 100 5 Swordbelt Check
Davoi 10 13 650 5 Banded Mail Check
North Gustaberg 10 10 500 5 Jack-o'-Lantern Check
South Gustaberg 10 10 500 5 Doublet Check
Zeruhn Mines 10 10 100 5 Amber Earring Check
Palborough Mines 10 10 500 5 Tourmaline Earring Check
Dangruf Wadi 10 10 100 5 Amber Ring Check
Pashhow Marshlands 10 12 600 5 Crab Sushi x12 Check
Rolanberry Fields 10 13 650 5 High Breath Mantle Check
Crawler's Nest 10 14 100 5 Corsette Check
Beadeaux 10 13 650 5 Brigandine Check

Subjugation: Defeat Notorious Monsters in the following zones:

Objective Target Sparks Exp Repeats
Jugner Forest King Arthro 250 500 X
Batallia Downs Lumber Jack 250 500 X
Eldieme Necropolis Cwn Cyrff 250 500 X
Davoi Hawkeyed Dnatbat 250 600 X
North Gustaberg Maighdean Uaine 250 500 X
South Gustaberg Carnero 250 500 X
Palborough Mines Zi'Ghi Boneeater 250 550 X
Dangruf Wadi Teporingo 250 600 X
Pashhow Marshlands Ni'Zho Bladebender 250 600 X
Rolanberry Fields Simurgh 500 1000 X
Crawler's Nest Demonic Tiphia 500 1000 X
Beadeaux Zo'Khu Blackcloud 500 1000 X

Original Areas 3[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:

Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
West Sarutabaruta 10 10 500 5 Chocomilk Check
East Sarutabaruta 10 10 500 5 Linen Robe Check
Giddeus 10 10 500 5 Opal Earring Check
Toraimarai Canal 10 15 100 5 Red Cape Check
Inner Horutoto Ruins 10 10 100 5 Clear Earring Check
Outer Horutoto Ruins 10 10 100 5 Lapis Lazuli Earring Check
Buburimu Peninsula 10 12 600 5 Onyx Ring Check
Tahrongi Canyon 10 11 550 5 Tourmaline Ring Check
Maze of Shakhrami 10 12 100 5 Bone Earring Check
Meriphataud Mountains 10 12 600 5 Apple Pie x12 Check
Sauromugue Champaign 10 13 650 5 Black Cape Check
Garlaige Citadel 10 14 100 5 Qiqirn Sash Check
Castle Oztroja 10 13 650 5 Pyro Robe Check

Subjugation: Defeat Notorious Monsters in the following zones:

Objective Target Sparks Exp Repeats
West Sarutabaruta Nunyenunc 250 500 X
East Sarutabaruta Spiny Spipi 250 500 X
Giddeus Hoo Mjuu the Torrent 250 500 X
Toraimarai Canal Oni Carcass 250 800 X
Inner Horutoto Ruins Maltha 250 500 X
Outer Horutoto Ruins Bomb King 250 500 X
Buburimu Peninsula Helldiver 250 600 X
Tahrongi Canyon Serpopard Ishtar 500 1000 X
Maze of Shakhrami Argus 250 550 X
Meriphataud Mountains Daggerclaw Dracos 250 600 X
Sauromugue Champaign Roc 250 600 X
Garlaige Citadel Serket 500 1000 X
Castle Oztroja Lii Jixa the Somnolist 500 1000 X

Original Areas 4[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Beaucedine Glacier 10 14 700 5 Mohbwa Scarf Check
Ranguemont Pass 10 11 100 5 Beetle Earring Check
Fei'Yin 10 14 100 5 Tortoise Earring Check
Xarcabard 10 14 700 5 Gold Earring Check
Castle Zvahl Baileys 10 15 750 5 Hi-Potion Tank Check
Castle Zvahl Keep 10 15 750 5 Hi-Ether Tank Check
Qufim Island 10 13 650 5 Focus Collar Check
Lower Delkfutt's Tower 10 13 100 5 Snoll Gelato x12 Check
Middle Delkfutt's Tower 10 13 100 5 Sole Sushi x12 Check
Upper Delkfutt's Tower 10 13 100 5 Yellow Curry Bun x12 Check
Behemoth's Dominion 10 14 100 5 Fish MithkabobX12 Check

Subjugation: Defeat Notorious Monsters in the following zones:

Objective Target Sparks Exp Repeats
Beaucedine Glacier Nue 250 500 X
Ranguemont Pass Gloom Eye 250 500 X
Fei'Yin Goliath 250 500 X
Xarcabard Biast 500 1000 X
Castle Zvahl Baileys Duke Haborym 250 500 X
Castle Zvahl Keep Baron Vapula 250 500 X
Qufim Island Dosetsu Tree 250 500 X
Lower Delkfutt's Tower Epialtes 500 1000 X
Middle Delkfutt's Tower Ogygos 250 550 X
Upper Delkfutt's Tower Enkelados 250 600 X

Adoulin 1[]

Objective Count Sparks Exp Capacity Unity
Reward Repeats
Rala Waterways I 5 Spoutdrenched Toads 100 500 100 10 Check
Rala Waterways II 5 Stillwater Funguars 100 500 100 10 Check
Rala Waterways III 5 Pewter Diremites 100 500 100 10 Check
Ceizak Battlegrounds I 5 Blanched Mandragoras 100 500 100 10 Check
Ceizak Battlegrounds II 5 Careening Twitherym 100 500 100 10 Check
Ceizak Battlegrounds III 5 Resplendent Luckybugs 100 500 100 10 Check
Yahse Hunting Grounds I 5 Calfcleaving Chapulis 100 500 100 10 Check
Yahse Hunting Grounds II 5 Twitherym Infestations 100 500 100 10 Check
Yahse Hunting Grounds III 5 Nettled Wasps 100 500 100 10 Check
Foret de Hennetiel I 5 Perfidious Crabs 110 500 100 11 Check
Foret de Hennetiel II 5 Scummy Slugs 110 500 100 11 Check
Foret de Hennetiel III 5 Vorst Gnats 110 500 100 11 Check
Morimar Basalt Fields I 5 Sinewy Matamatas 110 500 100 11 Check
Morimar Basalt Fields II 5 Tephra Lizards 110 500 100 11 Check
Morimar Basalt Fields III 5 Maca Macas 110 500 100 11 Check
Yorcia Weald I 5 Snapweeds 120 500 100 12 Check
Yorcia Weald II 5 Cheeky Opo-opos 120 500 100 12 Check
Yorcia Weald III 5 Bronzecaps 120 500 100 12 Check
Marjami Ravine I 5 Vinelash Vultures 120 500 100 12 Check
Marjami Ravine II 5 Stryxes 120 500 100 12 Check
Marjami Ravine III 5 Lapinions 120 500 100 12 Check

Adoulin 2[]

Kill five monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Capacity Unity
Reward Repeats
Kamihr Drifts I 5 Snowpelt Rabbits 130 500 100 13 Check
Kamihr Drifts II 5 Cicatricose Raaz 130 500 100 13 Check
Kamihr Drifts III 5 Shaggy Ovim 130 500 100 13 Check
Sih Gates I 5 Bonarias 160 500 100 16 Check
Sih Gates II 5 Loathsome Obdella 160 500 100 16 Check
Sih Gates III 5 Ferocious Funguars 160 500 100 16 Check
Moh Gates I 5 Conflagrant Erucas 160 500 100 16 Check
Moh Gates II 5 Erythemic Efts 160 500 100 16 Check
Moh Gates III 5 Writhing Leeches 160 500 100 16 Check
Cirdas Caverns I 5 Subteranne Spiders 160 500 100 16 Check
Cirdas Caverns II 5 Livid Umbrils 160 500 100 16 Check
Cirdas Caverns III 5 Flatus Acuexes 160 500 100 16 Check
Dho Gates I 5 Velkk Magi 160 500 100 16 Check
Dho Gates II 5 Ripsaw Jagils 160 500 100 16 Check
Dho Gates III 5 Unyielding Tarichuks 160 500 100 16 Check
Woh Gates I 5 Metalcruncher Worms 160 500 100 16 Check
Woh Gates II 5 Drusy Twitherym 160 500 100 16 Check
Woh Gates III 5 Wheezing Acuexes 160 500 100 16 Check
Outer Ra'Kaznar I 5 Restless Twitheryms 170 500 100 17 Check
Outer Ra'Kaznar II 5 Bristlehair Bats 170 500 100 17 Check
Outer Ra'Kaznar III 5 Astringent Acuexes 170 500 100 17 Check
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court I 5 Bilespouting Acuexess 180 600 100 Check
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court II 5 Scowling Vodorigas 180 600 100 Check
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court III 5 Unrepentant Byrgen 180 600 100 Check

Zilart 1[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Sanctuary of Zi'Tah 10 12 600 5 Echo Drops x12 Check
Ro'Maeve 10 16 800 5 Mulsum x12 Check
Boyahda Tree 10 16 100 5 Deodorizer x12 Check
Dragon's Aery 10 17 850 5 Super Ether Check
Eastern Altepa Desert 10 13 650 5 Prism Powder x12 Check
Western Altepa Desert 10 14 700 5 Silent Oil x12 Check
Quicksand Caves 10 15 100 5 Gaia Mantle Check
Gustav Tunnel 10 16 100 5 Jester's Cape Check
Kuftal Tunnel 10 14 100 5 Peiste Mantle Check
Cape Teriggan 10 16 800 5 Beak Necklace Check
Valley of Sorrows 10 16 800 5 Coral Gorget Check
Yuhtunga Jungle 10 13 650 5 Torque Check

Zilart 2[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Sea Serpent Grotto 10 13 100 5 Brocade Obi Check
Yhoator Jungle 10 13 650 5 Twinthread Obi Check
Temple of Uggalepih 10 15 100 5 Peiste Belt Check
Den of Rancor 10 16 100 5 Rainbow Obi Check
Ifrit's Cauldron 10 16 100 5 Sun Earring Check
Ru'Aun Gardens 10 70 850 7 Purple Earring Check
Ve'Lugannon Palace 10 70 100 7 Yellow Earring Check
Shrine of Ru'Avitau 10 70 100 7 Green Earring Check
Labyrinth of Onzozo 10 14 700 5 Zircon Earring Check
Korroloka Tunnel 10 12 600 5 Aquamarine Earring Check

Promathia 1[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Oldton Movalpolos 10 13 650 5 Moon Earring Check
Newton Movalpolos 10 16 800 5 Night Earring Check
Lufaise Meadows 10 13 650 5 Melody Earring Check
Misareaux Coast 10 13 650 5 Eris' Earring Check
Phomiuna Aqueducts 10 13 650 5 Fang Earring Check
Riverne - Site A01 10 13 650 5 Carapace Ring Check
Riverne - Site B01 10 14 700 5 Trumpet Ring Check
Sacrarium 10 14 700 5 Sun Ring Check
Promyvion - Holla 10 12 600 5 Fluorite Ring Check
Promyvion - Dem 10 12 600 5 Chrysoberyl Ring Check
Promyvion - Mea 10 12 600 5 Jadeite Ring Check
Promyvion - Vahzl 10 14 700 5 Zircon Ring Check

Promathia 2[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Unity
(first time only)
Al'Taieu 10 70 850 9 Aquamarine Ring Check
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi 10 70 850 9 Moon Ring Check
Garden of Ru'Hmet 10 80 900 11 Moonring Blade Check
Carpenters' Landing 10 11 550 5 Painite Ring Check
Bibiki Bay 10 13 650 5 Hard Leather Ring Check
Attohwa Chasm 10 13 650 5 Demon's Ring Check
Pso'Xja 10 14 700 5 Gold Ring Check
Uleguerand Range 10 16 800 5 Behemoth Mantle Check

Aht Urhgan[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward
(first time only)
Bhaflau Thickets 10 60 800 Tower Shield Check
Mamook 10 70 850 Ritter Shield Check
Wajaom Woodlands 10 60 800 Arachne Obi Check
Aydeewa Subterrane 10 60 800 Koenigs Belt Check
Halvung 10 70 850 Marid Belt Check
Mount Zhayolm 10 70 850 Peace Cape Check
Caedarva Mire 10 60 800 Tarutaru Sash Check
Arrapago Reef 10 70 850 Lynx Mantle Check
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins 10 70 850 Rainbow Cape Check

Goddess 1[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas: (Allied Tags DO NOT Count)
Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward
(first time only)
East Ronfaure (S) 10 11 550 Coeurl Gorget Check
Jugner Forest (S) 10 14 700 Hoplon Check
Batallia Downs (S) 10 12 600 Jeweled Collar Check
La Vaule (S) 10 70 850 Orichalcum Earring Check
Eldieme Necropolis (S) 10 16 800 Smilodon Mantle Check
North Gustaberg (S) 10 11 550 Darksteel Nodowa Check
Grauberg (S) 10 13 650 Platinum Earring Check
Vunkerl Inlet (S) 10 13 650 Phantom Earring Check
Pashhow Marshlands (S) 10 16 800 Coral Earring Check
Rolanberry Fields (S) 10 13 650 Darksteel Shield Check
Beadeaux (S) 10 70 850 Star Earring Check
Crawlers' Nest (S) 10 16 800 Crimson Earring Check

Goddess 2[]

Kill ten monsters in these areas: (Allied Tags DO NOT Count)
Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward
(first time only)
West Sarutabaruta (S) 10 11 550 Darksteel Gorget Check
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) 10 12 600 Wivre Gorget Check
Meriphataud Mountains (S) 10 13 650 Darksteel Buckler Check
Sauromugue Champaign (S) 10 13 650 Wivre Shield Check
Castle Oztroja (S) 10 70 850 Crimson Ring Check
Garlaige Citadel (S) 10 16 800 Orichalcum Ring Check
Beaucedine Glacier (S) 10 70 850 Star Ring Check
Xarcabard (S) 10 80 900 Acheron Shield Check
Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) 10 80 900 Orochi Nodowa Check
Castle Zvahl Keep (S) 10 80 900 Cerberus Ring Check


Kill thirty monsters in these areas:
Objective Count Sparks Exp Reward
(first time only)
Abyssea - La Theine 30 80 900 Muzzling Collar Check
Abyssea - Konschtat 30 80 900 Al Zahbi Sash Check
Abyssea - Tahrongi 30 80 900 Sanctuary Obi Check
Abyssea - Attohwa 30 80 900 Beir Belt Check
Abyssea - Misareaux 30 80 900 Aisance Mantle Check
Abyssea - Vunkerl 30 80 900 Eloquence Cape Check
Abyssea - Altepa 30 80 900 Vigilance Mantle Check
Abyssea - Uleguerand 30 80 900 Phrygian Ring Check
Abyssea - Grauberg 30 80 900 Arewe Ring Check

Escha 1[]

Objective Count Spa. EXP CAP Acc. Reward
(each completion)
Escha - Zi'Tah I
Eschan Yztarg
10 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch Check
Escha - Zi'Tah II
Eschan Bugard
10 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch Check
Escha - Zi'Tah III
Eschan Tarichuk
10 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch Check
Escha - Zi'Tah IV
Eschan Shadow Dragon
10 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch Check
Escha - Zi'Tah V
Eschan Mosquito
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Zi'Tah VI
Eschan Puk
10 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch Check
Escha - Zi'Tah VII
Eschan Opo-opo
10 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch Check
Escha - Ru'Aun I
Eschan Il'aern
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun II
Eschan Phuabo
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun III
Eschan Euvhi
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun IV
Eschan Clionid
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun V
Eschan Hpemde
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun VI
Eschan Amoeban
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun VII
Eschan Xzomt
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun VIII
Eschan Murex
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun IX
Eschan Ghrah
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Escha - Ru'Aun X
Eschan Limule
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check

Escha 2[]

Objective Count Spa. EXP CAP Acc. Reward
(each completion)
Reisenjima I
Obstreperous Panopt
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima II
Snaggletoothed Tiger
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima III
Agitated Chapuli
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima IV
Indomitable Faaz
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima V
Territorial Mantis
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima VI
Devouring Mosquito
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima VII
Lentic Toad
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima VIII
Quarrelsome Hippogryph
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima IX
Rampaging Beetle
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima X
Glowering Ladybug
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
Reisenjima XI
10 300 900 150 30 Information Needed Check
