
Monipulator Overview[]

Collared Lynx
Type: Beasts
Family: Coeurls
Weak against: Earth Earth, Plantoids
Strong against: Resist Vs
Killer Trait: Lizard Killer
Size: Medium
Movement Speed: 150%

This large carnivorous cat has two large whiskers protruding from its face. Able to survive in a wide array of different habitats, coeurls can be found in deserts, jungles, caves, and dungeons all over Vana'diel. Adventures should be cautioned against trying to run away from these creatures as they are able to move at speeds that exceed that of most monsters (and adventurers) in Vana'diel.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

  • Coeurl (MON) (Available levels 1-99)
  • Lynx (MON) (Available levels 30-99)
  • Collared Lynx (MON) (Available levels 60-99)

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraits

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
1  Frenzied Rage 80 Enhances attacks.
10  Pounce 120 Deals 200% physical damage.
20  Chaotic Eye 80 Silences an enemy.
30  Blaster 100 Paralyzes an enemy.
40  Petrifactive Breath 80 Petrifies an enemy.
50  Charged Whisker 150 Deals 300% lightning damage to enemies around the caster.
80  Preternatural Gleam 180 Deals light damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional effects: Paralysis, Mute.

Monster Traits[]

Black Mage Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Magic Attack Bonus
15  Clear Mind (No effect)
20  Conserve MP
30  Clear Mind II (No effect)
30  Magic Attack Bonus II
45  Clear Mind III (No effect)
45  Magic Burst Bonus
50  Magic Attack Bonus III
50  Elemental Celerity
58  Magic Burst Bonus II
Level  Name
60  Clear Mind IV (No effect)
70  Magic Attack Bonus IV
71  Magic Burst Bonus III
75  Clear Mind V (No effect)
81  Magic Burst Bonus IV
84  Magic Attack Bonus V
85  Occult Acumen
90  Elemental Celerity II
91  Magic Attack Bonus VI
97  Magic Burst Bonus V

Red Mage Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Resist Petrify
15  Fast Cast
20  Magic Attack Bonus
25  Magic Defense Bonus
26  Tranquil Heart
30  Resist Petrify II
31  Clear Mind (No effect)
35  Fast Cast II
40  Magic Attack Bonus II
45  Magic Defense Bonus II
50  Resist Petrify III
53  Clear Mind II (No effect)
Level  Name
55  Fast Cast III
70  Resist Petrify IV
75  Clear Mind III
76  Fast Cast IV
81  Resist Petrify V
85  Magic Burst Bonus (No effect)
86  Magic Attack Bonus III
87  Shield Mastery (No effect)
89  Fast Cast V
95  Magic Burst Bonus II
96  Magic Defense Bonus III
97  Shield Mastery II (No effect)

Spell List[]

Black Mage Spells[]

Level  Spell
01  Stone
03  Poison
04  Blind
05  Water
07  Bind
09  Aero
10  Bio
10  Blaze Spikes
12  Drain
13  Fire
15  Stonega
16  Shock
17  Blizzard
18  Rasp
19  Waterga
20  Choke
20  Ice Spikes
20  Sleep
21  Thunder
22  Frost
23  Aeroga
24  Burn
24  Poisonga
25  Aspir
Level  Spell
26  Stone II
27  Drown
28  Firaga
30  Shock Spikes
30  Water II
31  Sleepga
32  Blizzaga
34  Aero II
35  Bio II
36  Thundaga
38  Fire II
40  Stonega II
41  Sleep II
42  Blizzard II
43  Poison II
44  Waterga II
45  Stun
46  Thunder II
48  Aeroga II
50  Freeze
51  Stone III
52  Tornado
53  Firaga II
54  Quake
Level  Spell
55  Water III
56  Burst
56  Sleepga II
57  Blizzaga II
58  Flood
59  Aero III
60  Flare
61  Thundaga II
62  Fire III
63  Stonega III
64  Blizzard III
65  Waterga III
66  Thunder III
67  Aeroga III
68  Stone IV
69  Firaga III
70  Water IV
71  Blizzaga III
72  Aero IV
73  Fire IV
73  Thundaga III
74  Blizzard IV
75  Thunder IV
75 (Merit)  Burst II
Level  Spell
75 (Merit)  Flare II
75 (Merit)  Flood II
75 (Merit)  Freeze II
75 (Merit)  Quake II
75 (Merit)  Tornado II
77  Stone V
80  Water V
81  Stoneja
83  Aero V
83  Aspir II
84  Waterja
85  Break
86  Fire V
87  Aeroja
89  Blizzard V
90  Firaja
92  Thunder V
93  Blizzaja
94  Comet
95  Breakga
96  Thundaja
99  Meteor

Red Mage Spells[]

Level  Spell
01  Dia
03  Cure
04  Stone
05  Barstone
05  Poison
06  Paralyze
07  Barsleep
07  Protect
08  Blind
09  Barwater
09  Water
10  Barpoison
10  Bio
11  Bind
12  Aquaveil
12  Barparalyze
13  Baraero
13  Slow
14  Aero
14  Cure II
15  Deodorize
15  Diaga
16  Enthunder
17  Barfire
17  Shell
18  Barblind
18  Enstone
18  Silence
19  Fire
Level  Spell
20  Blaze Spikes
20  Enaero
20  Sneak
21  Barblizzard
21  Gravity
21  Regen
22  Enblizzard
23  Barsilence
23  Blink
24  Blizzard
24  Enfire
25  Barthunder
25  Invisible
25  Sleep
26  Cure III
27  Enwater
27  Protect II
29  Thunder
31  Dia II
32  Dispel
33  Phalanx
34  Stoneskin
35  Stone II
36  Bio II
37  Shell II
39  Barvirus
40  Ice Spikes
40  Water II
Level  Spell
41  Refresh
43  Barpetrify
45  Aero II
46  Poison II
46  Sleep II
47  Protect III
48  Cure IV
48  Haste
50  Fire II
50  Enthunder II
52  Enstone II
54  Enaero II
55  Blizzard II
56  Enblizzard II
57  Shell III
58  Enfire II
60  Shock Spikes
60  Thunder II
60  Enwater II
63  Protect IV
65  Stone III
67  Water III
68  Shell IV
69  Aero III
71  Fire III
73  Blizzard III
75  Thunder III
75 (Merit)  Bio III
Level  Spell
75 (Merit)  Blind II
75 (Merit)  Dia III
75 (Merit)  Paralyze II
75 (Merit)  Phalanx II
75 (Merit)  Slow II
76  Regen II
77  Stone IV
77  Protect V
78  Baramnesia
80  Water IV
81  Gain-VIT
82  Refresh II
83  Addle
83  Aero IV
84  Gain-MND
86  Fire IV
87  Gain-CHR
87  Shell V
87  Break
89  Blizzard IV
90  Gain-AGI
92  Thunder IV
93  Gain-STR
95  Temper
96  Gain-INT
98  Gravity II
99  Gain-DEX

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Cost Level
Coeurl Instinct I "Resist Stun" +25 Lightning Elem. "Magic Atk. Bonus" +5 Spell Interruption Rate Down 15% 6 30
Coeurl Instinct II "Magic Atk. Bonus" +7 "Resist Petrify" +25 "Double Attack" +3% 8 60
Coeurl Instinct III MP +100 INT +13 "Fast Cast" +7 10 90

See Also[]
