Suit of Centurio XX-I's armor
A magicked suit of armor procured
from the corpse of the Centurio XX-I.
Unable to be equipped by others.
from the corpse of the Centurio XX-I.
Unable to be equipped by others.
Stackable: 12
Other Uses[]
Unity Concord Upgrade:
Cohort Cloak
upgrades to
Cohort Cloak +1
with 50x Centurio's Armor at a Unity Concord NPC for 10,000 Unity Accolades.
Kentarch Belt
upgrades to
Kentarch Belt +1
with 30x Centurio's Armor at a Unity Concord NPC for 5,000 Unity Accolades.
Resale Price: 1,240~1,291 gil
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Materials > Beast-made
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Unity Concord Wanted Battle[]
- Obtained from Centurio's Coffer.
Repeat Login Campaign[]
1,000 Login Points