Event NPC
East Sarutabaruta, West Sarutabaruta, East Ronfaure, West Ronfaure, North Gustaberg, South Gustaberg, Tahrongi Canyon, La Theine Plateau, Konschtat Highlands, Valkurm Dunes, Qufim Island, Meriphataud Mountains, Jugner Forest, Pashhow Marshlands, Sauromugue Champaign, Batallia Downs, Rolanberry Fields, Yuhtunga Jungle, Yhoator Jungle, Beaucedine Glacier, Xarcabard, The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, Western Altepa Desert, Eastern Altepa Desert, Buburimu Peninsula
- (Hippity-hoppity-hop!)
Happy New Year, from me and my bouncy-wouncy little companion here! - (Hippity, hippity! Hop, hop, hippity!)
He says, "You'll be posi-wositively bouncing off the wall with joy this year!" - (Hippity-hippity hop! Hop!)
He says, "This year will be hop-wopping with happiness for you!" - (Hippity hoppity!)
He says, "You'll have a springy-wing in your step from time to time." - (Hippity hop!)
He says, "You'll bouncy-wounce along at the same pace as last year." - (Hop...hoppity?)
He says, "Don't get your hopes hoppy-wopping too high." - (Hop...)
Er, ah... There's always next year, so promise me you won't go jump-wumping off any bridges, okay?
A rabbit found roaming in many areas which is followed by four other Rabbits NPCs.