
Recommended Level Effect[]

I now believe it is the case that a party will always get an ??? Item if they run an assault at or above the recommended level, but never get an ??? Item if they run the assault at lower than the recommended level. Can anyone help me corroborate/confirm this? I'd like to add this info to the main page if it is true!

--Pakushaku 19:12, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

I don't know where to post this. But please change the assault page back to what it was even just a week ago. I don't why you took a good, useful page and made it as it is now. I much prefer having a list like it was, with ONE link to click to read an assault. Now you have to read the "See also" mess, and click 2-3 links just to read something. -Carolyne 04:21, 4 January 2009 (UTC)....

I.D. Tags[]

I've updated both the Main page here and the Imperial Army I.D. Tag page to reflect correct information on exactly how/when tags refresh/restore each day.

--Pakushaku 19:12, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

I was reading through the description here and was wondering, when it says "When you start out with Assault you will be given 3 Imperial Army I.D. Tags to use for Assault Missions. 1 Imperial Army ID Tag is restored 24 hours after you take it until you have all 3 Imperial Army ID Tags back." Does that mean that if I use all 3 of my tags today, is the timer sequential? (only one timer for all 3, i.e. 24 hours for 1, 48 for 2...) Or are their individual timers for each? (24 hours from finishing the third one off all 3 will be ready) Or some other weird interpretation I haven't thought of? --Syeria 09:23, 24 April 2006 (PDT)

I believe (someone should confirm) that you will get one back at 24hrs, a second back at 48 and the third back at 72 hrs - more or less. What is unknown I think is whether (a) you get one back exactly 24 hrs after you take it or (b) whether you get one back after JP midnight. I would imagine from a coding perspective that at JP midnight the system gives everyone 1 tag unless they have three. That would seem to make the most sense and would allow you to do four runs in a row if you time it. --Gahoo 10:00, 24 April 2006 (PDT)

You get 1 back every 24 hours after the exact moment you redeem your 1st of 3 tags from the npc, until you have 3 tags again. For example, I picked my very first tag up at 8:04PM. Since I've never let the NPC accumulate 3 tags for me since, every day at 8:04PM the amount of available tags he has for me increments by 1. In the case where I let 3 accumulate, he will stop replenishing 1 tag at 8:04PM and instead replenish every 24 hours after the instant that I go pick up another tag from him.

Do tags start to replenish depending only on when you took the first of the three, or does the 24hr timer reset every time you pick up one? The latter would mean that waiting until you have all three tags again before picking up new ones would be your safest bet for doing Assault as often as you possibly can. - Hiachi 21:51, 17 July 2006 (EDT)

Just when you take first of the 3 tags.--Nobodyreal 07:00, 19 July 2006 (EDT)

Yea I figured it out after a few days of taking tags as soon as I could and then some days taking them a few hours -- either way the time that I got a new one back each day stayed the same, so that 24hr time doesn't reset until you have all three waiting on you and you take the first one. - Hiachi 22:11, 25 July 2006 (EDT)

Assault Points[]

Also, a suggestion: let's list the net amount of Assault Points gained from each mission on this page. For people who want to maximize their Assault points, this seems to be the best place to look for a comprehensive overview of which missions give how many points.

Finally, a question: does anyone know if the amount of Assault Points vary if you impose different level caps? I've only ever done uncapped. Perhaps you get a point bonus if you go at the recommended level cap? Does anyone know?

Aurikasura 15:51, 5 May 2006 (PDT)

Points decrease as you cap yourself higher than suggested cap. The points listed are only for the suggested cap (divided amongst however many members), and the points awarded go down with raised caps. Noname1122 14:54, 7 May 2006 (PDT)

Well, I can confirm getting 500 points in a pt of 6 doing Leujoam Cleansing @75. The cap is 50. So I'm confused. Does it not change? Is that one mislabelled? Aurikasura 21:46, 8 May 2006 (PDT)

Re: Valyana's most recent change. I think it's more accurate to list the points as the total amount split for repeat-winners, and then realise that you get a 150% point modifier the first time you win, rather than the amount for a first-time win and then a 66% point modifier for a repeat. In the long run I think most people are going to be doing repeats far more often; this will simplify the point calculation in a vast majority of cases. --Aurikasura 13:56, 15 May 2006 (PDT)

There is a certain logic to that. Up top can say that you get a 150% bonus for first completion and 10% bonus for leader. And that they stack. --Gahoo 14:25, 15 May 2006 (PDT)

I wouldn't mind that change, as long as it's consistent. However, a 150% bonus is not correct; correct would be either "150% modifier" or "50% bonus". I would prefer the latter, to match the leader bonus text. --Valyana 23:38, 15 May 2006 (PDT)

Not sure why someone deleted my post when I said this before, so I'll say it again: I got 1,000 Assault Points from Ilrusi Atoll when I did it at the suggested level cap (lv60), as well as with it uncapped - I don't think the level cap affects the points gained - Hiachi 21:42, 17 July 2006 (EDT)

so far, for uncapped assault. Those who hold the band will get an extra 100 Assault Points. as for the assault point adjustment from last update, I think someone posted in studio gobli BBS this points distribution for Lamia No.13 Assault

3 People 4 People 5 People 6 People
1200 1080 960 (unconfirmed) ...

It seems the pattern is:

3 People 4 People 5 People 6 People
100% * Base AP Reward 90% * Base AP Reward 80% * Base AP Reward 70% * Base AP Reward

so for Lamia #13, the base value is 1200 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by VZX (talkcontribs).

Details on Assault Points after the July 2006 patch, as posted by Hige on BG (source):

FF11 Wiki has info on the new point totals and shows how points are calculated, though it may need some ironing out as more info is discovered. Instead of the assaults being split into 2/3/4k point tiers, they are now 3/3.3/3.6k points.

Trios still get the standard amount of points (such as 1.2k points per person in a 3.6k assault), but fortunately the penalty for larger groups was heavily decreased. This makes it much more viable for assault groups with more than 3 people to still obtain a reasonable amount of points and, in some cases, get points at double the rate before the patch.

--Ichthyos 18:15, 2 August 2006 (EDT)

Max Assault Points?[]

I see it no where in the page, but since I heard it from someone I wanted to confirm it before I go on believing it: You can only get so many points from any given Assault zone (I was told 20,000). Is this true or not? - Hiachi 21:01, 9 July 2006 (PDT)

Can anyone de/confirm this? - Hiachi 22:17, 11 July 2006 (EDT)

I have over 20k saved up in one zone. --Ichthyos 22:21, 11 July 2006 (EDT)

"minimum" level[]

In the game, there isn't a minimum level for any of the assaults. Ingame the mission descriptions say "recommended level" and you can attempt/cap the missions below that level. For example, even the missions listed as level 70 will allow you to set the level cap at 50. This is the cause of a fair amount of confusion on boards and ingame where people think that a level 69 character can't participate in an assault listed at level 70.--Nobodyreal 07:05, 19 July 2006 (EDT)

So, for the current being, we can conclude that first timer got 50% bonus,
and leader got 10% bonus (not additive with previous mentioned bonus). and member coefficient is (100% - (number of members - 3)*10%)

Take out the new assaults until they are added.[]

There is no reason to have the new assaults on 8/12/07, when the update is like 2 weeks away, and we just have the line from the update on POL. Just wait until they are added and we can have the definitive information. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by ringthree (talkcontribs).

As long as it's not a wrong info, I don't see why we'd have to delete it. Even with the items that are believed unobtainable in game (but available from auto-collection), we have some pages of that.--VZX 13:00, 12 August 2007 (CDT)

What's up with the main Assault page? Formatting is a mess.--Meara 03:18, 20 September 2007 (EDT)

The Gathering Storm[]

Hmmm. Now that I've read more about The Gathering Storm, I'm not really convinced it belongs on the this Assault page. --Alephnot 21:30, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

"Party Size"[]

Just out of curiosity, why is there a "Party Size" column on every single one? It appears to be that every single one is "3-6" members large. Couldn't we just write that every one can have between 3-6 members in it and take the whole column out of every section?
--Stammer 15:16, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

Category changes[]

Was there a reason why the "Category: Assault" was split into 2 pages? Not only that, there isn't a quick way to get to the mission lists. Before the change, you could do either "Assaults" or "Assault missions" in the search box and get directly to the mission list. Now you can longer do that and have to go through at least 2 pages to get to it. Also, do we need 2 different categories? Doesn't this information all belong to the same category?

What happened to this page?[]

Why was it broke up into half a dozen pages? I liked it better when everything was all in one place. Tahngarthortalk-contribs 01:47, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

i vote to put it back the way it was any objections? -Rezeak 20:31, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

i also hate how its been broken up into so many little pages. --Razorcat 12:49, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

Why?--Anthoron T/ C 12:59, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

Why not? First, the previous layout is quicker. Having a single page load vs multiple pages, navigating back and forth, on an already slow site, is annoying as hell. You could leave the previous page open in your browser, and quickly get information on multiple assaults. Second, in the game, the missions are listed by name, not by rank. Typically, when people are searching for the mission, they are looking for a specific NAME in an area, not the respective rank. Is there any reason to require users to navigate multiple pages to get even the most basic information on each of the assaults, such as the name?

There are also 5 seperate requests to revert back to the previous layout. There is a single formatting complaint prior to that, posted in 2007. There is even a section on the discussion page "What happened to this page?"

--Milamber 21:27, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

If you want information on Assault Missions, they are all indexed on a single page (by rank and by area): Assault Missions.--Anthoron T/ C 05:58, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
Yet they were all indexed on this page previously. Is there something incorrect with providing associated and necessary information on the same page , rather than forcing people to find another page, only linked by "See Also" at the bottom of the page? What is the reasoning behind forcing more click-throughs/page loads? --Milamber 18:32, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Why would you be coming to this page at all if you were looking for Assault Missions? Surely once you know they're not here, you shouldn't come back expecting to find them? I didn't make the split, but it makes sense to me that they be divided: why make people trawl through the basic information about assault mechanics when they're looking for mission info (and vice versa)?--Anthoron T/ C 08:29, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

yes it definitely sux this way.