
For when the enemy named "Apkallu" is added:

Historical Background

In Mesopotamian mythology, the Apkallu (Akkadian) or Abgallu (Babylonian) were wise men or sages who existed before the Flood in the early period of the world. They were sent by the god Ea to bring wisdom to the world. They acted as ministers or advisors to Ea or to Mesopotamian kings. There were 7 or 8 Apkallu (usually 7). They were frequently depicted as men wearing robes with the head of a bird and 4 wings or as humans dressed in fishskins. They usually carried a pail (banduddu) and a sprinkler (mullilu) from which they dispensed purifying waters. Apkallu/Abgallu means "great water man" (ap/ab- "water" + kal/gal- "great" + lu "man")

Apkallu Hate

Doesn't the 2nd half of the Notes section offer a possible answer to the 1st half? --zoogelio-forgot-his-password 00:22, 30 October 2006 (EST)

Hate Findings, Moogle Trials & You

I've been trying to kill these for the Moogle Trial 303. After scouring the internet for other forums for information I did seem to find a few things which I have started to believe in.

Things I've noticed that create hate/resistance

1. Using Cure's / Stoneskin / Protect / Shell 2. Killing infront of an Apk NPC. (Still not thoroughly verified) 3. Killing infront of another Apk. (Still not thorougly verified) 4. Straight Melee'ing does generate hate/physical resistance but doesn't seem to be much. So far in my findings and another BST who has completed Trial 303 is that this is the ideal way to get the most out of your time, other people's time in zone, and will also help you get more kills in per firesday. IE. still killing until 20:00-23:59 (My first time out I did get 24 kills easy, 2nd time I got 14 even though I arrived in zone at 14:00) 5. Using JA's *may* generate hate second to casing Cures.

Possible hate theories:

A. Each zone is like a fishing zone. As with fishing, there are a certian number of fish in each body of water. After the fish are all fished out you will get the "nothing to catch" message or w/e the equalivalent is. Only difference is that this number of mobs are more of a virtual tally over a given time. (more apk's will be added after a set time period which is still unknown). After you get to a certian percent of the virtual available mobs the Apk's in that zone advance to the next hate level where they become a bit more resistant and may unlock more TP moves. I favor this theory since I have noticed that physical damage is reduced based on the number killed w/in a zone. This was observed during Firesday and I was speaking to another BST killing and watching a NIN and RDM duo an Apk.

Extra Note: One thing I noticed while killing on Mount Zhaylom is that during Earth weather Apkallu's seem to gain Regain like ToAU crawlers with Fire weather.

Again, this is a theory and is being shared to help brainstorm this hate system. Also, I would like to point out that this is evil for SE to have made this mob be the requirement for alot of end branches on Moogle Trials. I almost see this as being as bad as having to kill fomars in Ph.Aquaducts for Moogle trials and having to either wait the time out or kill a bunch of Gigas to reset hate. Only thing is we still do not know how to reset hate since this mob family is never worth the time and effort to xp off of before and still it is disapointing when I can only get 2 kills per Firesday b/c people are not trying to figure this hate system out and just do w/e they can to kill them fast before they cannot damage these birds any longer.

B. Hate is still based on a personal kill count kinda like Tonnberries although everyone in the zone suffers from the person that has the higest Apk hate in the zone. Again other than time there is no other alternative on how to reset this.

C. Hate is based on who the Apk sees as the attacker. AS BST: If you never let the Apk see you swing your weapon and you release and recharm your pet, hate is shed slightly where you can extend your killing time and get more kills in per game day. This is from what I've heard from two seperate people but I have not seen this myself nor tried it yet.

D. Completely revising this theory, after having finished the trial, and had plenty of time killing the Apkallu. This much I've found to be fact:

  • Killing Apkallu solo without witnesses, will not result in more difficult Apkallu kills even after hours of killing.
  • Killing Apkallu solo with multiple witnesses, will result in more difficult Apkallu kills after a period of time.
  • Two players killing Apkallu without witnesses will result in a very very slow increase in difficulty.
  • Two players killing Apkallu with multiple witnesses will result in rapid rise of kill difficulty.
  • Six players killing Apkallu with only one witness, resulted in a noticeable but not substantial kill difficulty after an hout of killing.
  • The Beastmaster Pet ability "1000 Needles" is directly affected by Apkallu hate. The Damage number is inconsistent, and is only suitable as a rough gauge of current Apkallu damage resistance.

I define "witness", as the number of Apkallu that are attacking a player/pet as a result of an Apkallu running away at low HP and linking, I have not specifically tested if aggros not related to a harmed Apkallu are considered witnesses and affect hate as mentioned. I theorize that my killing the Apkallu solo without witnesses caused hate to rise slower than it diminished, resulting in no increase of kill difficulty. Frequent links of one Apkallu onto a dying Apkallu, resulted in a slow but noticeable increase in Apkallu difficulty. If I killed Apkallu that had linked to two or more Apkallu when they ran away, the difficulty rose exponentially quicker.

I also noticed that if I was killing an Apkallu and his whole pack linked, I could kite the pack off easilly. As long as there were no other Apkallu attacking at the time of death, hate did not rise.

Killing with a partner with absolutely no links, resulted in an incredibly slow and barely noticeable decrease in Apkallu damage, as soon as we started getting witnesses(even just a few) the damage decrease became noticeable. If I got a couple witnesses solo, I would notice an increase in difficulty, that would gradually drop as I continued clean kills without witnesses. Therefore, the hate acquisition is cumulative as people have guessed. I noticed this as well when I had killed for 3 hours with no hate increase, another Beastmaster showed up and began killing Apkallu with the whole pack watching, after only 20min the Apkallu were impossible to kill. I had another experience where me and a JP group(6 of us total) were killing Apkallu for firesday. We had one link the entire time killing, and after firesday I did notice a drop in damage, but it wasnt enough to make them too difficult.

Case and point, kill without other Apkallu seeing the death and you will maximize your killing time. If you get links, kite off the extras. Apkallu run slow enough to make this fairly easy. --Instantmusic 03:25, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

I think you're on the right track here but I stumbled on something that made me wonder a little differently about Apkallu hate. After a server reset the other day, I was the first one to kill Apkallu in the zone. One of the birds in the group of 8 was a green NPC. When I killed the first Apkallu, it did NOT run off to its friends at low HP. I was a little surprised. I made sure to pull each one away from the group after that and each time it did not run off. In other words, there were no 'witnesses' to any of my kills. However, after about 10 kills, the green NPC Apkallu turned yellow. This tells me two things 1) The front page is wrong when it says the NPC turns yellow after a 'large' amount of hate. 2) Hate is accumulated even solo killing with no witnesses. --Quesse 23:56, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

--PeeledHavanahs 06:52, May 19, 2010 (UTC) My current findings/observations while doing Trial 235 and partied with various other jobs during my last Apkallu session is that:

(During this last session no normal melee attacks were used, or at least minimized. Dark Magic such as drain was not used. Primary source of damage by all other party members that were not MNK, were Ranged Attack. Jobs consisted of NIN/WHM MNK/DNC DRK/RNG WAR/RNG NIN/DNC SMN/WHM WAR/DNC.)

  • Footwork (or foot based attacks) is most probably exempt from being a form of melee dmg, as it does not seem to increase the physical and magical resistance. Tornado performed by a Taru MNK using Footwork, executed consistent 600~800 damage Tornados.
  • Garuda's Predator Claws, seems to follow suit as well. All hits are made by the feet, but the damage type is slashing. Consistent damage ranged from 1200~1600.

Perhaps, it is the matter of foot-based attacks rather than attack damage type is the exemption?

  • Ranged Attack, seems to build resistance against ranged attacked ONLY. Bloody Bolt damage started off closer to 80 at the start, then decreased down to 14 near the end of the session. However, the HP drain effect remained a consistent 70~79. Though the same could not be said for Holy Bolt's holy dmg, which started off at 30 then deminished to less than 5.
  • A prior session, I observed that HP drain effect deminished to under 20, when melee attacks were used as the primary source of damage dealt. Hence which increased target's (general?) physical and magical resistance.

Regarding ranged attacks, perhaps Apkallu can increase resistance against specific damages and effects? OR is it that it that it generates resistance according to the performed source against it? (Physical melee damage, Physical ranged damage, Dark Magic, Elemental Magic, Enfeebling Magic, etc.) Which would make sense why the Bloody Bolt's HP drain remained at max, since Dark Magic was not used during the session. This would seem like the most conclusive detail regarding their resistance. However more analysis is needed.

I still have 70~78 more Apkallu left on my trial, I will attempt to make more observations on this target.

Rih 10:52, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

Beastmaster Solo Method

Revising this, having completed the trial. This method banks on Theory D mentioned above.

Camp is in Arrapago Reef where you enter for PUP quest. You cross the boat(with the Skeleton and Merrow), and onto the shore into the Apkallu pack. Continuing down the curving shoreline, you notice a cave with another skeleton and a Lamia Graverobber. Continue past the cave, and to the upper-left hand corner of I-10. This little niche is camp.

Your First Apkallu, and potential problems:
Notice the path from camp to the aforementioned cave. The goal is to keep that path clear so that any Apkallu that run away from you will run into the cave instead, as opposed to following the shoreline into the rest of the path and linking. At first, you will notice 2-3 Apkallu in this spot that will link should you try to kill one. Save yours and your pet's TP. At 35% or below, the bird will freak out and run away. Probably linking to the other two. When the bird runs, there are a number of possibilities and solutions:

1. The bird will link to one or both of the other birds and continue to run up the cave.

  • If this happens, you need to wait close to the cave for the bird to come back you. The adds will probably be wailing on your pet, anticipate kiting them off to keep hate balanced. Once your prey comes back out of the cave, there are yet two more possibilities:
    • A. The bird will engage you and your pet with the linked Apkallu.
      • This is good. Just kite off the extras and finish the bird off. DONT hit your pret until you kite off the adds. Otherwise you might scare it into running and getting more friends, further complicating your situation.
    • B. The bird will run towards the other birds along the shoreline.
      • This is bad, you can either eat the hate increase and Feral Howl -> Rampage it to death, or allow it to link the whole pack and kite the whole pack off. Either way its annoying to handle and you will probably loose a perfectly good jug.

2. The bird will link the one or both of the other birds and continue attacking.

  • This is good, just kite the adds off. Don't hit your prey until you've kited the others off because it may run again, and get more Apkallu.

3. The bird ignores the cave and runs into the rest of the Apkallu.

  • See 1B.

4. The bird does not get any links, and continues up the cave.

  • Best case scenario. If the bird has low enough HP, your pet will probably follow it up the cave and finish it. If it comes back down, you should hastily finish it off before it goes for more Apkallu. In which case you're in a situation 1B again.

Fighting one Apkallu:
Easy as hell, you melee, pet melees, save your TP though, if you take damage and have more than 100% TP(assuming /DNC) then feel free to heal yourself as necessary. Try to keep TP above 100% though. When bird gets to about 38%, unlock, have your pet use its most damaging TP move, then prepare for him to run. Don't have your pet use its TP move too late though, because if you do, he'll still be finishing his animation when the Apkallu runs away and wont get as many hits in. Run a ways in front of the bird on its path of travel and you will be able to strike it mid-stride. Your pet will continue to wail on it as well. If there are no Apkallu respawns to link, then chase the bird up to the cave and disengage, be careful not to get too close if you have low HP, as the skeleton will blood aggro. Sit tight, your pet will follow the bird up the cave, and gruesomely kill it without you having to watch. If the bird decides to run for its pack however(or any other Apkallu at any time for that matter), then you should either Feral Howl -> Rampage, or Mistral Axe(This is why you saved your TP, to prevent links). Depending on which option is most readilly available. If you get one link solo, you can occasionally kill the bird and take the hate increase(it'll come back down in 10min or so). If you're in a group, you want to avoid killing with linked apkallu at all costs.

Fighting two Apkallu:
First, try to kite the second one off because you DONT wanna kill an Apkallu with another watching. But if you must...

Focus on one Apkallu. Your pet will be stupid and indecisive about which it wants to attack, so spam Fight on the appropriate bird. Use Snarl as necessary. When the bird drops below 40% HP, you should try to have your pet use a TP move on it, and Rampage at the same time. With luck, you'll actually kill it before it can run, or whittle it down enough such that you can strike it down while running. Be sure to have your pet Fight when the apkallu runs so it'll chase it. At this point, you'll encounter a scenario similiar to if not exactly the same as one already mentioned above, so use the appropriate course of action.

Fighting three or more Apkallu:

Whatever your course of action while killing these birds, always always always avoid killing an Apkallu if there is another around to see it.

Pet Options:

Discreet Louise: Good jug, high melee damage. Frogkick and Silence Gas are hit-and-miss though.
Lucky Lulush: Another good jug, seems to have lower attack than the others though. Wild Carrot is useful, though you'll probably save that TP for Foot Kick.
Lifedrinker Lars: Excellent jug. With no hate at LV80, his normal melee hits get upwards of 250 against Apkallu, crits upward of 370. His TP moves arent anything to be proud of, but his overall damage well makes up for it. He was also able to finish Apkallu off before they got too far away at low HP. I also have Max Beast Affinity, though, so your results may vary.
Nursery Nazuna: Another excellent option. Cheap, effective, Sheep Charge seemed to do decent damage, but I loved Rage more than anything. With no hate at LV80, her typical melee damage rose from 140-170~ to 190-220~ with Rage up, crits rising from 200~ to 300~. It also allowed her to finish running Apkallu off a lot quicker than Louise and Lulush.

Looking at this guide, I realize its slightly messy. But if you read it in its entirety it will make your Apkallu soloing a lot easier. Best of luck! --Instantmusic 17:00, August 9, 2010 (UTC)


Its clear that these guys are Monk, but while working on trial 597 my Desperate flourish missed alot, not just missed but "Sanjuro uses desperate flourish. No effect on the Zhayolm Apkallu." which represents a "Resist!" meaning these little green penguins are possibly /THF or posses "Resist Gravity" trait, most likely the latter, since I did not see any triple attacks. 16:47, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

1000 Needles and the defense bonus

Amigo Sabodender's 1000 needles is reduced by the Apkallu's hate-based defense in direct proportion to how strong the hate(and bonu) is.

Starting kills 1000 Needles did 620 Damage. By the time I quit a couple hours later, 1000 Needles did only 410 damage.

  • EDIT, half retracting this. While 1000 Needles is directly affected by the Apkallu DEF Boost, its not a consistent number.

Just found it interesting. --Instantmusic 04:56, August 3, 2010 (UTC)
