
Instruments used by a Bard to add effects to fellow party members or a party's enemy. Most of the instruments give boosts to certain songs that can be sung by a bard, which is why it's always great to have the +1 versions of the instruments.

Buff songs played with Wind Instruments have an area of effect of 10'.

Debuff songs played with Wind Instruments have higher Magic Accuracy than songs played with String Instruments. Mary's Horn and Piccolo +1 don't boost the songs' effects as much as Nursemaid's Harp and Sorrowful Harp, but the songs land more consistently.

Each +1 to a song on an instrument increases its duration by 10%, and also increases its effect. All buff songs have a base duration of 120 seconds, or 2 minutes.

The maximum equipment bonus to Wind Instrument Skill is +52, from Gjallarhorn, Nereid Ring x2, Wind Torque, Wind Earring, Musical Earring, Minstrel's Coat, Bard's Cuffs +1, Choral Cannions +1, and Oracle's Pigaches.

The maximum combined bonus to Wind Instrument Skill and Singing Skill is +86, from Gjallarhorn, Chanter's Staff, Marduk's Tiara, Wind Torque, Wind Earring, Musical Earring, Nereid Ring x2, Minstrel's Coat, Choral Cuffs +1, Astute Cape, Marching Belt, Choral Cannions +1, and Oracle's Pigaches.

Wind Instruments by Level[]

Name Lvl Effects Jobs
Flute 1 BRD
Flute +1 1 Requiem +1 BRD
Flute +2 1 HP +5, Requiem +1 BRD
Cornette 4 Minuet +1 BRD
Cornette +1 4 Minuet +2 BRD
Cornette +2 4 AGI +1, Minuet +2 BRD
Piccolo 9 Threnody +1 BRD
Piccolo +1 9 Threnody +2 BRD
Mary's Horn Rare 14 Lullaby +1 BRD
Gemshorn 19 Mambo +1 BRD
Gemshorn +1 19 Mambo +2 BRD
Royal Spearman's Horn 20 CHR +3, March +1 BRD
Siren Flute 23 Requiem +2 BRD
Kingdom Horn 25 HP +4, MP +4, CHR +3, March +1 BRD
San d'Orian Horn 25 HP +3, MP +3, CHR +3, March +1 BRD
Traversiere 32 Madrigal +1 BRD
Traversiere +1 32 Madrigal +2 BRD
Traversiere +2 32 MP +10, Madrigal +2 BRD
Faerie Piccolo 36 March +2 BRD
Horn 40 Elegy +1 BRD
Horn +1 40 Elegy +2 BRD
Oliphant Rare 40 Accuracy +3, Attack +3, Outside of Nation Controlled Area: Wind Instrument Skill +3 BRD
Angel's Flute 48 Prelude +1 BRD
Angel Flute +1 48 Prelude +2 BRD
Storm Fife RareExclusive 50 Assault: Ballad +1 BRD
Crumhorn 56 Carol +1 BRD
Crumhorn +1 56 Carol +2 BRD
Crumhorn +2 56 Intelligence +1, Carol +2 BRD
Hamelin Flute Rare 58 CHR +2, Evasion +3, Requiem +2 BRD
Iron Ram Horn Rare 60 CHR +4, March +2 BRD
Frenzy Fife Rare 66 Strength +2, Intelligence -4, CHR -4, Latent Effect: Strength +4 BRD
Hellish Bugle 68 Attack +3, Evasion +3, Mambo +1 BRD
Hellish Bugle +1 68 Attack +4, Evasion +4, Mambo +2 BRD
Shofar 68 HP +15, Requiem +2 BRD
Shofar +1 68 HP +20, Requiem +3 BRD
Harlequin's Horn Rare 70 Mazurka +2 BRD
Cradle Horn RareExclusive 70 CHR +1, Lullaby +2 BRD
Requiem Flute 72 Requiem +4 BRD
Relic Horn RareExclusive 75 BRD
Pyrrhic Horn RareExclusive 75 Dynamis: CHR +1, Resist Vs +7 BRD
Dynamis Horn RareExclusive 75 Dynamis: CHR +2, Resist Vs +9 BRD
Millennium Horn RareExclusive 75 Dynamis: CHR +3, All Songs +2 BRD
Gjallarhorn RareExclusive 75 CHR +4, All Songs +2, Singing Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10 BRD
Ney Rare 82 Resist Vs +5,Finale +2 BRD
Cantabank's Horn RareExclusive 82 Madrigal +3, Prelude +3 BRD
Apollo's Flute RareExclusive 83 Minuet +3 BRD
Syrinx Rare 83 Elegy+3, Minne+3 BRD
Pan's Horn RareExclusive 86 CHR+3 Finale+3 Lullaby+3 BRD
Gjallarhorn RareExclusive 80 CHR +6, All Songs +2, Singing Skill +15, Wind Instrument Skill +15 BRD
Gjallarhorn RareExclusive 85 CHR +8, All Songs +2, Singing Skill +20, Wind Instrument Skill +20 BRD
Gjallarhorn RareExclusive 90 CHR +8, All Songs +3, Singing Skill +20, Wind Instrument Skill +20 BRD

All items (68)
