
A form of transportation which allows you to be transported from one location to another by talking to an NPC. This list does not include NPCs involved in Outpost Teleporting, and seasonal teleporting to assist with special events.


NPC Position Starting Location Destination(s) Cost Availability
Kaduru-Haiduru (G-10) Aht Urhgan Whitegate
After you use his services more than three times, you may choose:
Imperial Silver Piece Will refuse service for one real-life day after being teleported by Shihu-Danhu.
Shihu-Danhu (J-10) Al Zahbi

Randomly, one of:

If the Astral Candescence is lost, it will instead be one of:

Free Can be kidnapped during Besieged.
Komulili (J-11) Windurst Walls (J-11) Port Windurst (E-7) Free  
Machu-Kuchu (E-7) Port Windurst (E-7) Windurst Walls (J-11) Free  
Pattsu-Yabittsu (K-12) Windurst Woods (K-12) Windurst Waters, North (G-8) Free  
Tonana North (G-8) Windurst Waters, North (G-8) Windurst Woods (K-12) Free  
Tarnotik (K-10) Oldton Movalpolos Mine Shaft #2716 Ahriman Tears Must have completed, or be flagged for the BCNM for Return to the Depths.
Twinkbrix (F-13) Oldton Movalpolos Mine Shaft #2716 Choose one of:  
Sleakachiq (J-7) Newton Movalpolos 800 gil Only accessible out of the exit from Mine Shaft #2716.
Alib-Mufalib (K-7) Port Bastok Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-12) 300 gil Must have completed Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)

Must have completed Immortal Sentries.

Ibwam (G-11) Windurst Woods Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-12) 300 gil Must have completed Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst)

Must have completed Immortal Sentries.

Amutiyaal (L-6) Southern San d'Oria Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-12) 300 gil Must have completed Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria)

Must have completed Immortal Sentries.

Ajithaam (F-5) Upper Jeuno Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-12) 300 gil Must have completed Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno)

Must have completed Immortal Sentries.

Saphiriance, T.K. (L-9) Southern San d'Oria (S) Your Nation of Allegiance in the past. 30 Allied Notes
Waldemar, I.M. (G-4) Bastok Markets (S) Your Nation of Allegiance in the past. 30 Allied Notes
Soimin-Oimin, C.C. North (F-5) Windurst Waters (S) Your Nation of Allegiance in the past. 30 Allied Notes

All items (21)
