


Tonberry Job Distribution as of 5/2005

These tiny beastmen live solely in the Yhoator Jungle on the eastern half of Elshimo. The Tonberries possess a great deal of anger, or "rancor," in their hearts. It is this anger that binds them as a tribe while driving them to commit terrible acts against all other beings.

During the Great War, the majority of the Tonberries remained in their stronghold, the Temple of Uggalepih and Pso'Xja. However, a few elite members of the tribe were sent to the Shadow Lord to act as his secret agents. These Tonberries would often sneak into the castles of the allied forces and assassinate important generals or political figures. Feared around Vana'diel, these beastmen were often referred to as the "invisible killers."

According to the Tonberries' religion, their creator, the Goddess Uggalepih, had beauty that was envied by the Goddess Altana. A furious Altana transformed Uggalepih into a hideous beast and exiled her to the Outlands. Revenge for Altana's actions is said to be one of the origins of their rancor.

Finally, the reason why they are never found without their lanterns or knives is explained in the following verses, often chanted by the Tonberries before battle:

"O brothersss of rancor, take up thy lanternsss,
The truth we shall illuminate.
O sistersss of rancor, take up thy knives,

To cleave our foesss with barren hate.
Through this we ssseek our just reward;
Our goddess's glory be ressstored."

Tonberries are most like small lizard-men in appearance, having green-colored skin, long tails, yellow eyes and a hunched appearance. In either hand each tonberry carries a weapon (club or knife) and a lantern.

General Information

Special Attacks

  • Everyone's Grudge: Damage based on Tonberry Hate (see below)
  • Everyone's Rancor: Used only by NM Tonberry, a lot like Everyone's Grudge, but much more powerful.
  • Throat Stab: Reduces target HP to 2% health. (can be offset with Stoneskin, but not by much)
  • Vertical Slash: Single target damage and accuracy down.
  • Lateral Slash:

Tonberry Hate

With each Tonberry defeated, Tonberry Hate for all players involved in its defeat will also increase. Tonberry Hate determines the overall damage output of the Tonberry special attack "Everyone's Grudge" (+10 damage for every Tonberry defeated) and the Tonberry NM special attack "Everyone's Rancor" (unknown modifier).

Tonberry Hate for a given player can be reset to zero through gaining access to the trapped Tonberry priest in the Norg quest Everyone's Grudge and making a donation to him in gil. (You must have defeated at least one Tonberry to obtain this quest.)

There is also a "Cryptonberry" sub-family of Tonberry found in Pso'Xja and Apollyon. Defeat of Cryptonberries does not appear to increase Tonberry Hate.

Notorious Monsters in Family

All items (65)
