
SNM chapter by Spira (Ragnarok)

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Sealed Container Notorious Monster (SCNM) are a series of Campaign related battles taking place in the three Beastman strongholds located in La Vaule (S), Beadeaux (S), and Castle Oztroja (S).

Each strongholds comprises eight Notorious Monsters, who, when killed, will not only drop various rare and exclusive rewards to their victors, but will also drop a Sealed Container which, when turned in to one of three NPCs (Kevan: Bastok Markets (S), Lurouillat: Southern San d'Oria (S) or Pogigi: Windurst Waters (S)) will result in a marked decrease in the defensive capabilities of the strongholds under beastman control (see Maruna-Kurina for details on these Campaign-related factors).

In return for turning in these Sealed Container, the NPCs will reward the adventurer with a Key Item. Amassing a collection of eight Key Items by felling all of a stronghold's NMs will grant players the opportunity to enter the SCNM battlefield where additional enemies can be defeated for even more impressive rewards. Note that only one of the members entering the battlefield is required to be in possession of the eight Key Items.

Castle Oztroja (S): A Malicious Manifest[]

Castle Oztroja (S) SNM Sealed Container A Malicious Manifest SCNM Battle
SNM Mob Notable SNM Drops SCNM Mobs Notable SCNM Drops
Dee Zelko the Esoteric
Race:Yagudo / Job: Black Mage
Bamboo Grass Basket
Campaign: Increases Funds
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse I
Tzee Xicu the Manifest
Assisted by: Tzee Xicu's Elemental x4
Marquis Forneus
Race:Demon / Job: Dark Knight
Bamboo Medicine Basket
Campaign: Increases Resources
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse II
Loo Kutto the Pensive
Race:Yagudo / Job: Samurai
Bamboo Bugcage
Campaign: Increases Supplies
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse III
Race:Gnat / Job: Thief
Bamboo Flower Basket
Campaign: Increases Reconnaissance
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse IV
Vee Ladu the Titterer
Race:Yagudo / Job: Ninja
Bamboo Birdcage
Campaign: Increases Skill
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse V
Maa Illmu the Bestower
Race:Yagudo / Job: White Mage
Bamboo Charcoal Basket
Campaign: Increases Production
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse VI
Race:Tauri / Job: Monk
Bamboo Tea Basket
Campaign: Increases Morale
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse VII
Suu Xicu the Cantabile
Race:Yagudo / Job: Bard
Bamboo Snakecage
Campaign: Increases Prosperity
Key Item: Habalo's Eclogue - Verse VIII

Beadeaux (S): The Buried God[]

Beadeaux (S) SNM Sealed Container The Buried God SCNM Battle
SNM Mob Notable SNM Drops SCNM Mobs Notable SCNM Drops
Ga'Lhu Nevermolt
Race:Quadav / Job: Paladin
Bronze Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Funds
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu I
Za'Dha Adamantking
Assisted by: Za'Dha's Minister x2
Za'Dha's Biographer x2
Race:Fomor / Job: Monk
Brass Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Resources
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu II
Di'Zho Spongeshell
Race:Quadav / Job: Dark Knight
Shakudo Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Supplies
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu III
Observant Zekka
Race:Imp / Job: White Mage / Black Mage
Paktong Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Reconnaissance
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu IV
Mu'Nhi Thimbletail
Race:Quadav / Job: Thief
Pig Iron Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Skill
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu V
Blifnix Oilycheeks
Race:Goblin / Job: Ranger
Iron Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Production
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu VI
Va'Gho Bloodbasked
Race:Quadav / Job: Red Mage
Cast Iron Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Morale
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu VII
Ra'Dha Scarscute
Race:Quadav / Job: Warrior
Wrought Iron Letterbox
Campaign: Increases Prosperity
Key Item: The Words of Do'Nhu VIII

La Vaule (S): The Blood-bathed Crown[]

La Vaule (S) SNM Sealed Container The Blood-bathed Crown SCNM Battle
SNM Mob Notable SNM Drops SCNM Mobs Notable SCNM Drops
Coinbiter Cjaknokk
Race:Orc / Job: Dark Knight
Maple Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Funds
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter I
Bloodcrown Brradhod
Assisted by: Brradhod's Fletcher x2
Brradhod's Donzel x2
Draketrader Zlodgodd
Race:Orc / Job: Dragoon
Magnolia Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Resources
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter II
Feeblescheme Bhogbigg
Race:Orc / Job: Black Mage
Beech Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Supplies
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter III
All-Seeing Onyx Eye
Race:Ahriman / Job: Scholar
Evergreen Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Reconnaissance
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter IV
Cogtooth Skagnogg
Race:Orcish Warmachine / Job: Ranger
Holly Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Skill
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter V
Race:Gigas / Job: Ranger
Oak Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Production
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter VI
Falsespinner Bhudbrodd
Race:Orc / Job: Monk
Elm Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Morale
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter VII
Race:Gnole / Job: Monk
Willow Strongbox
Campaign: Increases Prosperity
Key Item: "Imperial Lineage" chapter VIII
  • All NMs from La Value [S] and Beadeaux [S] are killable by a rather simple party set-up with proper knowledge of NMs.
    • Medicine may be required for some NMs

All items (41)
