
A Skillchain is the result of performing a sequence of abilities such as Weapon Skills, Blood Pacts, and Blue Magic in a certain order with proper timing. When two attacks with the correct attributes successfully connect with a target in succession, a powerful surge of energy is released, inflicting additional magic damage to the target and opening a window for a Magic Burst.

Skillchain Basics[]

A Skillchain is created by successfully performing a sequence of abilities with Skillchain attributes. Most of these abilities are Weapon Skills and Blood Pacts, but adventurers have other ways to imbue their abilities with Skillchain attributes. The required order of abilities is determined by these attributes. When a Weapon Skill is performed and successfully connects with the target, the target resonates with the Skillchain attributes of the used Weapon Skill for approximately 5 to 6 seconds. If the target is then hit with a Skillchain attribute which chains with a resonating Skillchain attributes, a Skillchain is formed. The resulting Skillchain becomes the new resonating Skillchain attribute, allowing the chain to continue.

If a Weapon Skill is performed which does not chain with the Skillchain Attributes the target is resonating with, the resonating Skillchain Attributes are replaced by those of the performed Weapon Skill. If the subsequent Weapon Skill has no Skillchain Attributes (ex. Spirits Within, Spirit Taker, Energy Steal, Energy Drain, Starlight, Moonlight) or misses entirely, the target will continue to resonate with the previous Weapon Skill's Attributes until a Weapon Skill with Skillchain Attributes connects, or until time expires.

The damage performed by a Skillchain is determined by the level of the Skillchain and the damage dealt by the Weapon Skill which completes the Skillchain. Abilities and equipment that increase the closing Weapon Skill's damage will thus have a proportional effect on the Skillchain damage. Examples of this are Sneak Attack (when used by a THF) and Flame Holder (automatons). Resistance and other factors are taken into account. Higher level skillchains are less likely to be resisted. Monsters whose level greatly exceeds the player(s) typically have a high level of resistance to Skillchain damage, regardless of the level of Skillchain being performed.

Level 1 Skillchains[]

A Level 1 Skillchain can do up to 50% of the damage of the closing Weapon Skill, depending on the target's Resistance to the Skillchain element.

Level 1 Skillchains comprise a single element and correspond to Level 1 Attributes. Each Skillchain is the same as the closing Attribute that is used to form the Skillchain.

For example, hitting a target resonating with the Dark-square Compression attribute, with a Weapon Skill possessing the Light-square Transfixion attribute, will produce a Light-square Transfixion skillchain, which is aligned to the element Light.

Lv.1 Skillchains
Lightning-square Impaction Fire-square Liquefaction = Fire-square Liquefaction
Earth-square Scission Fire-square Liquefaction = Fire-square Liquefaction
Water-square Reverberation Lightning-square Impaction = Lightning-square Impaction
Ice-square Induration Lightning-square Impaction = Lightning-square Impaction
Lightning-square Impaction Wind-square Detonation = Wind-square Detonation
Dark-square Compression Wind-square Detonation = Wind-square Detonation
Earth-square Scission Wind-square Detonation = Wind-square Detonation
Fire-square Liquefaction Earth-square Scission = Earth-square Scission
Wind-square Detonation Earth-square Scission = Earth-square Scission
Light-square Transfixion Water-square Reverberation = Water-square Reverberation
Earth-square Scission Water-square Reverberation = Water-square Reverberation
Water-square Reverberation Ice-square Induration = Ice-square Induration
Ice-square Induration Dark-square Compression = Dark-square Compression
Light-square Transfixion Dark-square Compression = Dark-square Compression
Dark-square Compression Light-square Transfixion = Light-square Transfixion

Level 2 Skill Chains[]

A Level 2 Skillchain can do up to 60% of the damage of the closing Weapon Skill, depending on the target's Resistance to the Skillchain elements.

Level 2 Skillchains comprise two elements and correspond to Level 2 Attributes. The Skillchain is not necessarily the same as the closing Attribute that is used to form the Skillchain.

Level 2 Skillchains can be formed either by a combination of Level 1 Weapon Skill Attributes or a combination of Level 2 Weapon Skill Attributes. Primarily they are formed using the Lv.1 attributes since these are available at much lower levels than the Lv.2 attributes.

For example, hitting a target resonating with the Light-square Transfixion attribute, with a Weapon Skill possessing the Earth-square Scission attribute, produces a Water-squareIce-square Distortion Skillchain, which is aligned to the elements Water and Ice.

Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-squareFire-square Liquefaction Invisible-squareLightning-square Impaction = Light-squareFire-square Fusion
Water-squareIce-square Distortion Light-squareFire-square Fusion = Light-squareFire-square Fusion
Invisible-squareIce-square Induration Invisible-squareWater-square Reverberation = Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation
Dark-squareEarth-square Gravitation Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation = Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation
Invisible-squareWind-square Detonation Invisible-squareDark-square Compression = Dark-squareEarth-square Gravitation
Light-squareFire-square Fusion Dark-squareEarth-square Gravitation = Dark-squareEarth-square Gravitation
Invisible-squareLight-square Transfixion Invisible-squareEarth-square Scission = Water-squareIce-square Distortion
Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation Water-squareIce-square Distortion = Water-squareIce-square Distortion

Level 3 Skill Chains[]

A Level 3 Skillchain can do up to 100% of the damage of the closing Weapon Skill, depending on the target's Resistance to the Skillchain elements.

Level 3 Skillchains comprise four elements and correspond to Level 3 Weapon Skill Attributes.

Level 3 Skillchains are formed from Level 2 and Level 3 Weapon Skill Attributes. Because of these requirements, they can only be performed by high-level characters. Lv.3 attributes are exclusive to Weapon Skills found only on Relic Weapons and Empyrean Weapons. This rarity means that Lv.3 Skillchains are typically produced using Lv.2 attributes.

Unlike Level 2 and Level 1 Skillchains, Level 3 Skillchains do not require the Weapon Skill Attributes to be combined in a specific order. This leads to greater flexibility when creating Lv.3 Skillchains and makes it easier to ensure a hard-hitting job closes the chain for maximum damage potential.

For example, hitting a target resonating with the Light-squareFire-square Fusion attribute, with a Weapon Skill possessing theLightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation attribute, produces a Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light Skillchain, which is aligned to the elements Light, Fire, Lightning and Wind.

Hitting the target with two Level 3 Skillchains, produces another Skillchain of the same type which cannot be continued any further. For example, hitting a target resonating with the Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness attribute with a a Weapon Skill possessing the Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness attribute as well, produces a Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness II Skillchain, provided Aeonic Aftermath is not active (for more information, see down below).

Level 3 Skillchains
Light-squareFire-squareFusion ←→ Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation = Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light
Dark-squareEarth-squareGravitation ←→ Water-squareIce-square Distortion = Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness
Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light ←→ Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light = Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light II
Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness ←→ Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness = Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness II

Ultimate Skillchains[]

Ultimate Skillchains are special Skillchains enabled by equipping an Aeonic Weapon in the main hand, and can only be performed with Aeonic Aftermath active. The level of Aftermath determines how many Weaponskills must be performed to close Radiance/Umbra; 4 with level 1, 3 with level 2, and just 2 with level 3.[1]

Ultimate Skillchains require both Aeonic Aftermath to be present and for the closing Weapon Skill to possess Level 3 Skillchain properties. Once the Ultimate Skillchain is closed, Aeonic Aftermath wears immediately.[2]

Ultimate Skillchains
Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light = Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Radiance
Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Darkness = Dark-squareEarth-squareWater-squareIce-square Umbra

Linked Skillchains[]

A Skillchain in its simplest form comprises two Weapon Skills performed one after the other to generate the required Skillchain. The first Weapon Skill causes the target to resonate with the attributes of the Weapon Skill. The second Weapon Skill's attributes interact with the ones resonating on the target to produce the Skillchain.

Beyond this basic concept, the idea of Weapon Skill attributes can be applied to the Skillchain itself. Each Skillchain causes the target to resonate with the same attributes as the Skillchain. This means that a third Weapon Skill can follow the initial two, acting on the Skillchain they produced.

For example, a Monk can use Spinning Attack to make the target resonate with Fire-square Liquefaction and Lightning-square Impaction. A second Monk follows this attack with Howling Fist, creating a Light-squareFire-square Fusion Skillchain. A Dark Knight then continues this by using Spinning Slash to create a Light-squareFire-squareLightning-squareWind-square Light Skillchain.

Linking Skillchains increases their potential damage. The damage potential is based on the closing Weapon Skill. Damage increases with the number of Skillchains performed in succession as follows:

Skillchain Level Maximum Damage Potential
2 Skills 3 Skills 4 Skills 5 Skills 6 Skills
Level 1 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Level 2 60% 75% 100% 125% 150%
Level 3 100% 150% 175% 200% 225%

List of Weapon Skills and Abilities With Weapon Skill Attributes[]

You can find this same information in a different layout on the Weapon Skill Elemental Attributes page.
See Skillchain Chart for a visual depiction of possible skillchains.


Skillchain Chart showing how the various types of skillchains connect and what can create them

Notice that many weapon skills have 2 or more attributes associated with them. The attributes are listed by priority using "A," "B," or "C" notation, where "A" is the highest and "C" is the lowest. When a situation arises where a Skillchain can be formed using both "A" and "B" attributes, a Skillchain is formed using the "A" attribute. The attribute with highest priority is always chosen when multiple Skillchain possibilities are presented. If "C" is not listed on the table that means there is no "C" attribute.

Blood Pacts
The level listed for the Blood Pacts is not the same as the levels for Weapon Skills. It is the level that the Summoner job needs to be in order to use the Blood Pact. So if the level listed is 21, that means the summoner needs to be level 21 in order to use that ability.
Blue Magic
In order to make a Skillchain using Blue Magic, the Chain Affinity ability or the Azure Lore ability must be used.
The Weapon Skills an automaton can use are dependent on its frame. An automaton equipped with the Harlequin Frame or the Stormwaker Frame can use Slapstick, Knockout, and Magic Mortar. An automaton equipped with the Valoredge Frame can use Chimera Ripper, String Clipper, Cannibal Blade and Bone Crusher. An automaton equipped with the Sharpshot Frame can use Arcuballista, Daze and Armor Piercer.
The Dancer ability Wild Flourish and the Samurai ability Konzen-ittai inflict a status effect that readies the target for a skillchain. This effect acts as the opening weapon skill, allowing a skillchain with a single weapon skill.


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Flaming Arrow Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
40 Piercing Arrow Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
80 Dulling Arrow Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
175 Sidewinder Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Detonation-Icon Detonation
200 Blast Arrow Induration-Icon Induration Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
225 Arching Arrow Fusion-Icon Fusion - -
250 Empyreal Arrow Fusion-Icon Fusion Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
290 Refulgent Arrow Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
357 Apex Arrow Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
Relic Namas Arrow Light-Icon Light Distortion-Icon Distortion -
Empyrean Jishnu's Radiance Light-IconLight Fusion-IconFusion -


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Raging Axe Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction -
40 Smash Axe Induration-Icon Induration Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
70 Gale Axe Detonation-Icon Detonation - -
100 Avalanche Axe Scission-Icon Scission Impaction-Icon Impaction -
150 Spinning Axe Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Scission-Icon Scission Impaction-Icon Impaction
175 Rampage Scission-Icon Scission - -
200 Calamity Scission-Icon Scission Impaction-Icon Impaction -
225 Mistral Axe Fusion-Icon Fusion - -
240 Decimation Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
290 Bora Axe Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation -
357 Ruinator Distortion-Icon Distortion Detonation-Icon Detonation -
Relic Onslaught Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
BST Mythic Primal Rend Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
Empyrean Cloudsplitter Dark-IconDarkness Fragmentation-IconFragmentation -


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Shining Strike Impaction-Icon Impaction -
40 Seraph Strike Impaction-Icon Impaction -
70 Brainshaker Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
100 Starlight - -
125 Moonlight - -
150 Skullbreaker Induration-Icon Induration Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
175 True Strike Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction
200 Judgment Impaction-Icon Impaction -
220 Hexa Strike Fusion-Icon Fusion -
230 Black Halo Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Compression-Icon Compression
290 Flash Nova Induration-Icon Induration Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
357 Realmrazer Fusion-Icon Fusion Impaction-Icon Impaction
Relic Randgrith Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation
WHM Mythic Mystic Boon - -
Empyrean Dagan - -
Ergon Exudation Darkness



Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Wasp Sting Scission-Icon Scission - -
40 Gust Slash Detonation-Icon Detonation - -
70 Shadowstitch Reverberation-Icon Reverberation - -
100 Viper Bite Scission-Icon Scission - -
125 Cyclone Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction -
150 Energy Steal - - -
175 Energy Drain - - -
200 Dancing Edge Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation -
225 Shark Bite Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation - -
230 Evisceration Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
290 Aeolian Edge Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction
357 Exenterator Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission -
Relic Mercy Stroke Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
THF Mythic Mandalic Stab Fusion-Icon Fusion Compression-Icon Compression -
BRD Mythic Mordant Rime Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Distortion-Icon Distortion -
DNC Mythic Pyrrhic Kleos Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission -
Empyrean Rudra's Storm Dark-IconDarkness Distortion-IconDistortion -


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Shield Break Impaction-Icon Impaction - -
40 Iron Tempest Scission-Icon Scission - -
70 Sturmwind Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Scission-Icon Scission -
100 Armor Break Impaction-Icon Impaction - -
150 Keen Edge Compression-Icon Compression - -
175 Weapon Break Impaction-Icon Impaction - -
200 Raging Rush Induration-Icon Induration Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
225 Full Break Distortion-Icon Distortion - -
240 Steel Cyclone Distortion-Icon Distortion Detonation-Icon Detonation -
300 Fell Cleave Impaction-Icon Impaction Detonation-Icon Detonation Scission-Icon Scission
357 Upheaval Fusion-Icon Fusion Compression-Icon Compression -
Relic Metatron Torment Light-Icon Light Fusion-Icon Fusion -
WAR Mythic King's Justice Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission -
Empyrean Ukko's Fury Light-IconLight Fragmentation-IconFragmentation -


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Tachi: Enpi Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Scission-Icon Scission
30 Tachi: Hobaku Induration-Icon Induration -
70 Tachi: Goten Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
100 Tachi: Kagero Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
150 Tachi: Jinpu Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation
175 Tachi: Koki Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Impaction-Icon Impaction
200 Tachi: Yukikaze Induration-Icon Induration Detonation-Icon Detonation
225 Tachi: Gekko Distortion-Icon Distortion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
250 Tachi: Kasha Fusion-Icon Fusion Compression-Icon Compression
300 Tachi: Ageha Compression-Icon Compression Scission-Icon Scission
357 Tachi: Shoha Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Compression-Icon Compression
Relic Tachi: Kaiten Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation
SAM Mythic Tachi: Rana Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Induration-Icon Induration
Empyrean Tachi: Fudo Light-Icon Light Distortion-Icon Distortion


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Hard Slash Scission-Icon Scission - -
40 Power Slash Transfixion-Icon Transfixion - -
70 Frostbite Induration-Icon Induration - -
100 Freezebite Induration-Icon Induration Detonation-Icon Detonation -
150 Shockwave Reverberation-Icon Reverberation - -
175 Crescent Moon Scission-Icon Scission - -
200 Sickle Moon Scission-Icon Scission Impaction-Icon Impaction -
225 Spinning Slash Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation - -
250 Ground Strike Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Distortion-Icon Distortion -
290 Herculean Slash Induration-Icon Induration Impaction-Icon Impaction Detonation-Icon Detonation
357 Resolution Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission -
Relic Scourge Light-Icon Light Fusion-Icon Fusion -
Run Mythic Dimidiation Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -
Empyrean Torcleaver Light-Icon Light Distortion-Icon Distortion -
Ergon Dimidiation Light Fragmentation


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Combo Impaction-Icon Impaction - -
40 Shoulder Tackle Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Impaction-Icon Impaction -
75 One Inch Punch Compression-Icon Compression - -
100 Backhand Blow Detonation-Icon Detonation - -
125 Raging Fists Impaction-Icon Impaction - -
150 Spinning Attack Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Impaction-Icon Impaction -
200 Howling Fist Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction -
225 Dragon Kick Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation - -
250 Asuran Fists Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
300 Tornado Kick Induration-Icon Induration Impaction-Icon Impaction Detonation-Icon Detonation
357 Shijin Spiral Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
Relic Final Heaven Light-Icon Light Fusion-Icon Fusion -
MNK Mythic Ascetic's Fury Fusion-Icon Fusion Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
PUP Mythic Stringing Pummel Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
Empyrean Victory Smite Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Blade: Rin Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
30 Blade: Retsu Scission-Icon Scission -
70 Blade: Teki Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
100 Blade: To Induration-Icon Induration Detonation-Icon Detonation
150 Blade: Chi Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
175 Blade: Ei Compression-Icon Compression -
200 Blade: Jin Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction
225 Blade: Ten Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
250 Blade: Ku Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
290 Blade: Yu Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Scission-Icon Scission
357 Blade: Shun Fusion-Icon Fusion Impaction-Icon Impaction
Relic Blade: Metsu Dark-Icon Darkness Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation
NIN Mythic Blade: Kamu Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Compression-Icon Compression
Empyrean Blade: Hi Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation


Skill Weaponskill A B C
5 Hot Shot Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
40 Split Shot Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
80 Sniper Shot Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
175 Slug Shot Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Detonation-Icon Detonation
200 Blast Shot Induration-Icon Induration Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
225 Heavy Shot Fusion-Icon Fusion - -
250 Detonator Fusion-Icon Fusion Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
300 Numbing Shot Induration-Icon Induration Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction
357 Last Stand Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
Relic Coronach Dark-Icon Darkness Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -
RNG Mythic Trueflight Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission -
COR Mythic Leaden Salute Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
Empyrean Wildfire Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Double Thrust Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
30 Thunder Thrust Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
70 Raiden Thrust Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
100 Leg Sweep Impaction-Icon Impaction -
150 Penta Thrust Compression-Icon Compression -
175 Vorpal Thrust Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
200 Skewer Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
225 Wheeling Thrust Fusion-Icon Fusion -
240 Impulse Drive Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Induration-Icon Induration
300 Sonic Thrust Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Scission-Icon Scission
357 Stardiver Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Relic Geirskogul Light-Icon Light Distortion-Icon Distortion
DRG Mythic Drakesbane Fusion-Icon Fusion Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Empyrean Camlann's Torment Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Slice Scission-Icon Scission -
30 Dark Harvest Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
70 Shadow of Death Induration-Icon Induration Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
100 Nightmare Scythe Compression-Icon Compression Scission-Icon Scission
125 Spinning Scythe Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Scission-Icon Scission
150 Vorpal Scythe Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Scission-Icon Scission
200 Guillotine Induration-Icon Induration -
225 Cross Reaper Distortion-Icon Distortion -
240 Spiral Hell Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission
300 Infernal Scythe Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
357 Entropy Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
Relic Catastrophe Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation
DRK Mythic Insurgency Fusion-Icon Fusion Compression-Icon Compression
Empyrean Quietus Dark-Icon Darkness Verification Needed Distortion-Icon Distortion


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Heavy Swing Impaction-Icon Impaction -
40 Rock Crusher Impaction-Icon Impaction -
70 Earth Crusher Detonation-Icon Detonation Impaction-Icon Impaction
100 Starburst Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
150 Sunburst Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
175 Shell Crusher Detonation-Icon Detonation -
200 Full Swing Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Impaction-Icon Impaction
215 Spirit Taker - -
230 Retribution Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
290 Cataclysm Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
357 Shattersoul Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Induration-Icon Induration
Campaign Tartarus Torpor - -
Relic Gate of Tartarus Dark-Icon Darkness Distortion-Icon Distortion
BLM Mythic Vidohunir Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Distortion-Icon Distortion
SMN Mythic Garland of Bliss Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
SCH Mythic Omniscience Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Empyrean Myrkr - -


Skill Weaponskill A B
5 Fast Blade Scission-Icon Scission -
30 Burning Blade Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
50 Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Detonation-Icon Detonation
75 Flat Blade Impaction-Icon Impaction -
100 Shining Blade Scission-Icon Scission -
125 Seraph Blade Scission-Icon Scission -
150 Circle Blade Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Impaction-Icon Impaction
175 Spirits Within - -
200 Vorpal Blade Scission-Icon Scission Impaction-Icon Impaction
225 Swift Blade Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
240 Savage Blade Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission
300 Sanguine Blade - -
357 Requiescat Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Scission-Icon Scission
Campaign Glory Slash Light-Icon Light Fusion-Icon Fusion
Campaign Uriel Blade Light-Icon Light Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation
Relic Knights of Round Light-Icon Light Fusion-Icon Fusion
RDM Mythic Death Blossom Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Distortion-Icon Distortion
PLD Mythic Atonement Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
BLU Mythic Expiacion Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission
Empyrean Chant du Cygne Light-Icon Light Distortion-Icon Distortion


Frame: Skill Weaponskill A B
Harlequin/Stormwaker: 0 Slapstick Reverberation-Icon Reverberation Impaction-Icon Impaction
Harlequin/Stormwaker: 145 Knockout Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation
Harlequin/Stormwaker: 225 Magic Mortar Fusion-Icon Fusion Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction
Sharpshot: 0 Arcuballista Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Sharpshot: 150 Daze Impaction-Icon Impaction Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Sharpshot: 245 Armor Piercer Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
Sharpshot: 324 Armor Shatterer Fusion-Icon Fusion Impaction-Icon Impaction
Valoredge: 0 Chimera Ripper Detonation-Icon Detonation Induration-Icon Induration
Valoredge: 0 String Clipper Scission-Icon Scission -
Valoredge: 150 Cannibal Blade Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
Valoredge: 245 Bone Crusher Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -
Valoredge: 324 String Shredder Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission


Level Avatar: Bloodpact A B
1 Ifrit: Punch Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
1 Shiva: Axe Kick Induration-Icon Induration -
1 Garuda: Claw Detonation-Icon Detonation -
1 Titan: Rock Throw Scission-Icon Scission -
1 Ramuh: Shock Strike Impaction-Icon Impaction -
1 Leviathan: Barracuda Dive Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
1 Diabolos: Camisado Compression-Icon Compression -
1 Cait Sith: Regal Scratch Scission-Icon Scission -
5 Carbuncle: Poison Nails Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
5 Fenrir: Moonlit Charge Compression-Icon Compression -
10 Fenrir: Crescent Fang Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
21 Titan: Rock Buster Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
23 Ifrit: Burning Strike Impaction-Icon Impaction -
26 Leviathan: Tail Whip Detonation-Icon Detonation -
30 Ifrit: Double Punch Compression-Icon Compression -
35 Titan: Megalith Throw Induration-Icon Induration -
50 Shiva: Double Slap Scission-Icon Scission -
65 Fenrir: Eclipse Bite Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Scission-Icon Scission
70 Ifrit: Flaming Crush Fusion-Icon Fusion Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
70 Titan: Mountain Buster Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Induration-Icon Induration
70 Leviathan: Spinning Dive Distortion-Icon Distortion Detonation-Icon Detonation
70 Garuda: Predator Claws Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission
70 Shiva: Rush Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission
70 Ramuh: Chaotic Strike Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
99 Ramuh: Volt Strike Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Scission-Icon Scission
99 Siren: Hysteric Assault Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
99 Titan: Crag Throw Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Scission-Icon Scission
99 Diabolos: Blindside Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
99 Cait Sith: Regal Gash Distortion-Icon Distortion Detonation-Icon Detonation


Level Blue Magic A B
1 Foot Kick Detonation-Icon Detonation -
4 Power Attack Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
4 Sprout Smack Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
4 Wild Oats Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
8 Queasyshroom Compression-Icon Compression -
12 Battle Dance Impaction-Icon Impaction -
12 Feather Storm Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
12 Head Butt Impaction-Icon Impaction -
16 Helldive Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
18 Bludgeon Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
22 Claw Cyclone Scission-Icon Scission -
26 Screwdriver Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Scission-Icon Scission
30 Grand Slam Induration-Icon Induration -
34 Smite of Rage Detonation-Icon Detonation -
36 Pinecone Bomb Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction -
38 Jet Stream Impaction-Icon Impaction -
38 Uppercut Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Impaction-Icon Impaction
40 Terror Touch Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
44 Mandibular Bite Induration-Icon Induration -
48 Sickle Slash Compression-Icon Compression -
60 Death Scissors Compression-Icon Compression Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
60 Dimensional Death Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Impaction-Icon Impaction
60 Spiral Spin Transfixion-Icon Transfixion -
61 Seedspray Induration-Icon Induration Detonation-Icon Detonation
62 Body Slam Impaction-Icon Impaction -
63 Frenetic Rip Induration-Icon Induration -
63 Frypan Impaction-Icon Impaction -
63 Hydro Shot Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
63 Spinal Cleave Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation
69 Hysteric Barrage Detonation-Icon Detonation -
69 Tail Slap Reverberation-Icon Reverberation -
70 Asuran Claws Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Impaction-Icon Impaction
70 Cannonball Fusion-Icon Fusion -
72 Disseverment Distortion-Icon Distortion -
72 Sub-zero Smash Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -
73 Ram Charge Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation -
75 Vertical Cleave Gravitation-Icon Gravitation -
81 Final Sting Fusion-Icon Fusion -
81 Goblin Rush Fusion-Icon Fusion Impaction-Icon Impaction
82 Vanity Dive Transfixion-Icon Transfixion Scission-Icon Scission
83 Whirl of Rage Scission-Icon Scission Detonation-Icon Detonation
83 Benthic Typhoon Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
85 Quadratic Continuum Distortion-Icon Distortion Scission-Icon Scission
87 Empty Thrash Compression-Icon Compression Scission-Icon Scission
89 Delta Thrust Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Detonation-Icon Detonation
92 Heavy Strike Fragmentation-Icon Fragmentation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
95 Sudden Lunge Scission-Icon Scission -
96 Quadrastrike Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction Scission-Icon Scission
98 Amorphic Spikes Gravitation-Icon Gravitation Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
99 Barbed Crescent Distortion-Icon Distortion Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction
99 Bloodrake Dark-Icon Darkness Gravitation-Icon Gravitation


Element of spell A
Resist Vs Fire Liquefaction-Icon Liquefaction
Resist Vs Ice Induration-Icon Induration
Resist Vs Wind Detonation-Icon Detonation
Resist Vs Earth Scission-Icon Scission
Resist Vs Lightning Impaction-Icon Impaction
Resist Vs Water Reverberation-Icon Reverberation
Resist Vs Light Transfixion-Icon Transfixion
Resist Vs Dark Compression-Icon Compression

Using a Skillchain Chart[]


Skillchain chart

Beginning players may struggle to memorize Skillchain attribute ecompatibility of their available weapons and abilities, so they may find it convenient to use a Skillchain Chart, which organizes Skillchain potential based on the innate attributes of abilities. This allows them to plan ahead simply by tracing a route on the graph based on what their party (or Alter Egos) can bring to bear during combat.

Say there are two, one-handed sword wielders, and they both have Fast Blade and Burning Blade. Now find the Weapon Skill on the Skillchain Chart. Burning Blade is in the Fire section; and Fast Blade is in the Earth section. There is one arrow connecting them. Notice that the arrow is double ended. This means that you can start in the Earth section and go to the Fire section, or you may start in the Fire section and go to the Earth section. Both ways will result in a Skillchain. If you start in Fire section and go to Earth you get an Earth Scission Skillchain. Going the other way (Earth first followed by Fire) you get a Fire Liquefaction Skillchain.

You will notice that many weapon skills have 2 or more attributes associated with them. The attributes are listed by priority using "A," "B," or "C" notation, where "A" is the highest and "C" is the lowest. If a situation arises where a Skillchain can be formed using both "A" and "B" attributes, a Skillchain will be formed using the "A" attribute. The attribute with highest priority is always chosen when multiple Skillchain possibilities are presented.

Skillchain charts are limited by their author's willingness to keep them up to date, and in recent times Square Enix has begun to include Skillchain attributes on weapon skills so these charts tend to fall out of favor once a player gains enough mastery of the underlying systems. Calculator tools still exist that don't rely on a large graphic to plan skillchains for a given encounter.

Wse correlation

Skillchain Element Correlation Diagram


NEW 3-4step Skillchain Guide All weapons*

See Also[]


Outdated Resources[]

All items (31)
