
Start NPC Aurix - Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8)
Requirements Have entered a Dynamis-Divergence on the job for the slot to reforge.
Items Needed Equipment shards
Delve Megaboss materials
high level Guild crafting materials
Repeatable Yes
Reward Item level 119 Reforged Relic Armor +2
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Reforged Relic Armor +1 Reforged Relic Armor +3

Aurix will offer to reforge armor in exchange for requested materials, not unlike Monisette. The key difference is that players may only reforge armor after having entered Dynamis - Divergence zones while on the job for the equipment, and each zone unlocks specific armor slots to reforge.

  • Dynamis San d'Oria (D) - Feet
  • Dynamis Bastok (D) - Hands
  • Dynamis Windurst (D) - Head
  • Dynamis Jeuno (D) - Legs
  • All four zones - Body

Similar to Monisette, Aurix will require slot-specific materials for the job, and one Job-Specific ingredient per piece of armor. The Slot-specific materials are listed below:

Job-specific materials are listed with their associated armor sets below.

Each reforged piece will require two Job and Slot specific Shards (e.g. 09544 Headshard: WAR ), which drop from regular and notorious monsters in the Wave 1 spawn of Dynamis - Divergence, or exchanged for 3 09539 Beastmen's Medal each. These items can all be sold and traded at the Auction House.

Once the requirements are met and the materials are traded, Aurix will return your reforged +2 piece to you the next Vana'diel day.

Warrior: Agoge Lorica +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09257 Azure Leaf

Monk: Hesychast's Cyclas +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09245 Cypress Log

White Mage: Piety Briault +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09251 Khoma Thread

Black Mage: Archmage's Coat +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09257 Azure Leaf

Red Mage: Vitiation Tabard +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09255 Cyan Coral

Thief: Plunderer's Vest +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09245 Cypress Log

Paladin: Caballarius Surcoat +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09249 Ruthenium Ore

Dark Knight: Fallen's Cuirass +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09247 Niobium Ore

Beastmaster: Ankusa Jackcoat +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09253 Synthetic Faulpie Leather

Bard: Bihu Justaucorps +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09251 Khoma Thread

Ranger: Arcadian Jerkin +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09253 Synthetic Faulpie Leather

Samurai: Sakonji Domaru +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09247 Niobium Ore

Ninja: Mochizuki Chainmail +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09247 Niobium Ore

Dragoon: Pteroslaver Mail +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09249 Ruthenium Ore

Summoner: Glyphic Doublet +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09255 Cyan Coral

Blue Mage: Luhlaza Jubbah +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09251 Khoma Thread

Corsair: Lanun Frac +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09257 Azure Leaf

Puppetmaster: Pitre Tobe +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09257 Azure Leaf

Dancer: Horos Casaque +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09245 Cypress Log

Scholar: Pedagogy Gown +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09255 Cyan Coral

Rune Fencer: Futhark Coat +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09247 Niobium Ore

Geomancer: Bagua Tunic +2 Set[]

Job-specific material: 09251 Khoma Thread

All items (112)
