Discovered by Professor Clavauert and named after the eccentric frog princess from fairy tales, these beastmen were born in the Age of Magic. Feeling sorry for the toads that were trampled on the paths of Windurst Waters, Samariri cast a spell that made the toads grow and allowed them to walk on two feet. The Poroggos eventually learned the Tarutaru language and the arts of magic and saw themselves as brothers and sisters to the people of Vana'diel, but the Windurstian military quickly disposed of what they saw as a threat. They were originally believed to be a myth or extinct but have recently resurfaced and joined the Mamool Ja Savages, presumably seeking revenge on the Tarutaru race.

Family Information
Type: Beastman
Common Behavior: A, L, H, S
True Sight and True Hearing in Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas
Weak against: Resist Vs Resist Vs
Strong against: Resist Vs +50%
Immune to: Resist Vs
Common Job(s): Black Mage
Charmable: Eks
Pankration: Eks
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
Notes: Link with toads and vice versa.

Special Attacks[]

Special Abilities Aht Urhgan Areas Wings of the Goddess Areas Abyssea
Frog Cheer - AoE Magic Attack Boost and Elemental Seal effect CheckCheck Unknown CheckCheck
Frog Song - Single-target Charm and Poroggo Costume CheckCheck CheckCheck CheckCheck
Water Bomb - 10' AoE water damage (centered on the primary target) with Silence CheckCheck Unknown CheckCheck
Providence - Haste; Breakga, Bindga, Blindga, Graviga, Slowga, Death, only used when Providence is in effect; can be dispelled. Lasts one spellcast, even if interrupted. CheckCheck Unknown CheckCheck
Magic Hammer - Single-target light based magic damage and MP drain effect equal to damage dealt. Ignores shadows. CheckCheck CheckCheck CheckCheck
Frog Chorus - Charmga and Poroggo Costume. Only used by Notorious Monsters. CheckCheck Unknown Unknown
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family[]

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Heqet Unknown Unknown Abyssea - Misareaux Ravager's Seal: Legs
Bale Seal: Legs
Lancer's Seal: Legs
Unkai Seal: Legs
Iriri Samariri Forced spawn by trading a Samariri Corpsehair to the ??? at (F-7) Unknown Mamook Paddock Trousers
Toad Mittens
Poroggo Dom Juan Spawned by trading Bug-eaten Hat to ??? @ (J-11) Unknown Abyssea - La Theine

Barcarolle Medal
Dried Squid

Quest NMs: Poroggo Casanova, Poroggo Gourmand

Mission NMs: None

Battlefield NMs: None

Besieged NMs: Poroggo Charmer

Einherjar NMs: Ariri Samariri (Wing II), Experimental Poroggo (Wing III)

Salvage NMs: Don Poroggo, Poroggo Gent, Poroggo Madame

Nyzul Isle NMs: Eriri Samariri, Oriri Samariri, Uriri Samariri

Monsters in Family[]

Name Level Zone
Poroggo Gent 56-58 West Sarutabaruta (S)
Poroggo 75-77 Mamook
Poroggo Seducteur Unknown Abyssea - La Theine
Poroggo Excavator 94-99 Toraimarai Canal

See Also[]

All items (24)
