

Quick Fame[]

Quests of Note[]

Other Areas
Quest Type Fame Reward
Records of Eminence RoE Records of Eminence unlocked
Unity Concord UC Unity Concord unlocked
In the Name of Science General See Quest Page
Elder Memories SJ Support Job unlocked
The Old Lady SJ Support Job unlocked
Give a Moogle a Break Inventory Mog Safe capacity 60
The Moogle's Picnic! Inventory Mog Safe capacity 70
Moogles in the Wild Inventory Mog Safe capacity 80
An Explorer's Footsteps Map 1 Map of the Crawlers' Nest
His Name is Valgeir Map 3 Map of the Toraimarai Canal
The Sand Charm Map 4 Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
The Rescue Map Map of the Ranguemont Pass
Unforgiven Map Map of Tavnazia
Go! Go! Gobmuffin! Map Map of Cape Riverne
Paradise, Salvation, and Maps Map Map of the Sacrarium
Trial Size Trial by Lightning Avatar 3 Ramuh unlocked
Trial by Lightning Avatar 6 Ramuh unlocked
VW Op. #026: Tavnazian Terrors Voidwatch Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite II
Picture Perfect Fellow Fellow level cap 55
Full Fields General GPS crystal
Cry Not, Caretaker General Monster Rearing unlocked
Chacharoon's Cheer General Monster Rearing "Cheer" bonuses unlocked
Monstrosity General Monstrosity unlocked

Quests List[]

  • Table below is sorted by how quests appear in the completed quest log section.
  • Quests marked w/ an * are out of order and will be adjusted as I complete them.
  • Quests marked w/ bold text have the potential to be Locked.
  • Table is formatted for quick copy and paste to a spreadsheet.

Other Areas: Completed Quests
Quest Complete
Rycharde the Chef
Way of the Cook
Unending Chase
His Name is Valgeir
The Clue
The Basics
Orlando's Antiques
The Sand Charm
A Potter's Preference
Fisherman's Heart
Trial Size Trial by Lightning
Trial by Lightning
Donate to Recycling
Under the Sea
Only the Best
An Explorer's Footsteps
The Gift
The Real Gift
The Rescue
Elder Memories
The Old Lady
Test My Mettle
Inside the Belly
It's Raining Mannequins
Recycling Rods
Picture Perfect
Waking the Beast
Survival of the Wisest
Kupofried's H2H Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Dagger Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Sword Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Great Sword Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Axe Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Great Axe Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Scythe Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Polearm Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Katana Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Great Katana Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Club Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Staff Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Archery Moogle Magic
Kupofried's Marksmanship Moogle Magic
A Hard Day's Knight
X Marks the Spot
A Bitter Past
The Call of the Sea
Paradise, Salvation, and Maps
Go! Go! Gobmuffin!
The Big One
Fly High
Secrets of Ovens Lost
Petals for Parelbriaux
Elderly Pursuits
In the Name of Science
Behind the Smile
Knocking on Forbidden Doors
Confessions of a Bellmaker
In Search of the Truth
Uninvited Guests
Tango With a Tracker
Requiem of Sin
VW Op. #026: Tavnazian Terrors
VW Op. #004: Bibiki Bombardment
Bombs Away!
Mithran Delicacies
Missionary Moblin
For the Birds
Better the Demon You Know
Give a Moogle a Break
The Moogle's Picnic!
Moogles in the Wild
An Understanding Overlord?
An Affable Adamantking?
A Moral Manifest?
A Generous General?
Records of Eminence
Unity Concord
Full Fields
Green Groves
Mining Missive
Pond Probing
Coastal Chaos
Seed Sowing
Flotsam Finding
Courtesy Crustacean
Trinket for the Tyrant
Hypnotic Hospitality
Titillating Tomes
Release the Fleece
Feeding Frenzy
Cry Not, Caretaker
Chacharoon's Cheer
Trial of the Chacharoon
Doctor Chacharoon
Rowing Together
Glittering Gals
Sally Forth!



Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
An Explorer's Footsteps Map Abelard G-9 1 Map of the Crawlers' Nest
Cargo General Vuntar H-9 1 800-3000 gil
Donate to Recycling General Romeo G-9 1 Wastebasket
Only the Best General Melyon I-9 1 100-600 gil
Test My Mettle General Devean I-9 1 Power Sandals
The Rescue Map Thunder Hawk G-9 Map of the Ranguemont Pass
Elder Memories SJ Isacio G-10 Support Job unlocked
Picture Perfect Fellow Diederik G-10 Fellow level cap 55
Under the Sea General Yaya H-9 Amber Earring
The Gift General Oswald I-9 Sleep Dagger
The Real Gift General Oswald I-9 Glass Fiber Fishing Rod
Inside the Belly General Zaldon H-9 See Quest Page



Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
It's Raining Mannequins General Fyi Chalmwoh G-8 1 Mannequin
Recycling Rods General Keshab-Menjab H-9 1 1500 gil
Way of the Cook General Rycharde I-8 2 1500 gil
His Name is Valgeir Map Rycharde I-8 3 Map of the Toraimarai Canal
Trial Size Trial by Lightning Avatar Lacia I-9 3 Ramuh unlocked
Expertise General Take I-8 3 Tableware Set
Orlando's Antiques General Orlando G-9 3 100-900 gil
Unending Chase General Rycharde I-8 3 2100 gil
The Sand Charm Map Blandine I-9 4 Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
The Clue General Rycharde I-8 5 3000 gil
Trial by Lightning Avatar Ripapa I-9 6 Ramuh unlocked
The Old Lady SJ Vera G-10 Support Job unlocked
A Potter's Preference General Nereus I-8 2160 gil
Fisherman's Heart General Katsunaga H-9 See Quest Page
Rycharde the Chef General Rycharde I-8 1500 gil
The Basics General Rycharde I-8 Tea Set

Tavnazian Safehold Main Level[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Unforgiven Map Elysia G-10 Map of Tavnazia
Go! Go! Gobmuffin! Map Epinolle F-8 Map of Cape Riverne
Paradise, Salvation, and Maps Map Nivorajean I-9 Map of the Sacrarium
The Big One Escort Travonce F-9 Dragon Chronicles
VW Op. #026: Tavnazian Terrors Voidwatch Owain H-6 Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite II
VW Op. #004: Bibiki Bombardment Voidwatch Owain H-6 Varies
A Hard Day's Knight General Quelveuiat I-10 2100 gil
Fly High General Ferchinne G-9 Mistmelt

Tavnazian Safehold Upper Level[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Behind the Smile General Enaremand J-7 Mannequin Pumps
Knocking on Forbidden Doors General Enaremand J-7 Mannequin pose unlocked
Secrets of Ovens Lost General Jonette G-9 Page from Miratete's Memoirs
Elderly Pursuits General Despachiaire K-10 Elegant Ribbon
Tango with a Tracker General Despachiaire K-10 10000 gil
Requiem of Sin General Despachiaire K-10 Varies
A Bitter Past General Frescheque H-8 Yinyang Lorgnette
In Search of the Truth General Tressia J-6 Gramary Cape
In the Name of Science General' Yurim J-8 See Quest Page
Petals for Parelbriaux General Chemioue J-6 Powerful Rope
The Call of the Sea General Equette I-9 Memento Muffler
Uninvited Guests General Justinius J-6 Varies
X Marks the Spot General Despachiaire K-10 4000 gil

Mog House[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Give a Moogle a Break Inventory Moogle 3 Mog Safe capacity 60
The Moogle's Picnic! Inventory Moogle 5 Mog Safe capacity 70
Moogles in the Wild Inventory Moogle 7 Mog Safe capacity 80

Mog Garden[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Full Fields General Green Thumb Moogle 1 GPS crystal
Green Groves General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Varies
Mining Missive General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Varies
Pond Probing General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Varies
Coastal Chaos General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Herb Seeds
Seed Sowing General Green Thumb Moogle 1
Flotsam Finding General Green Thumb Moogle 1 See Quest Page
Courtesy Crustacean General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Grow-M-Good
Trinket for the Tyrant General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Grow-M-Good
Hypnotic Hospitality General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Hoe
Titillating Tomes General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Straw Hat (♂) or Straw Hat (♀)
Release the Fleece General Green Thumb Moogle 1
Feeding Frenzy General Green Thumb Moogle 1
Cry Not, Caretaker General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Monster Rearing unlocked
Chacharoon's Cheer General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Cheer Bonus unlocked
Trial of the Chacharoon General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Trust: Chacharoon unlocked
Doctor Chacharoon General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Monster Rearing Rank 5 unlocked
Rowing Together General Green Thumb Moogle 1 Monster Rearing Rank 7 unlocked
Glittering Gals General Green Thumb Moogle 1 ♪Sheep companion
Sally Forth! General Green Thumb Moogle 1 ♪Morbol companion

La Theine Plateau[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Waking the Beast General ??? G-6 See Quest Page

Pashhow Marshlands[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Monstrosity General Suspicious Hume E-12 Monstrosity unlocked



Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Survival of the Wisest LB Professor Schultz G-8 SCH Limit Break

Altar Room[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
A Moral Manifest? General Hooknox Tsoo's Headgear

Monastic Cavern[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
An Understanding Overlord? General Loo Kohor G-7 Gadzradd's Helm

Qulun Dome[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
An Affable Adamantking? General Raptorlegs Gedwad F-7 Da'Vhu's Barbut

Oldton Movalpolos[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
A Generous General? General Gu'Zho Thunderblade E-13 Choplix's Coif
Missionary Moblin General Koblakiq H-11 4000 gil
For the Birds General Koblakiq H-11 Jaguar Mantle
Better the Demon You Know General Koblakiq H-11 Goblin Grenade

Riverne - Site #A01[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
style="text-align:left;" Confessions of a Bellmaker General Stone Monument C-7 Minstrel's Dagger

Carpenters' Landing[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Mithran Delicacies General Anguenet J-10 Blackened Muddy Siredon

Uleguerand Range[]


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Bombs Away! General Buffalostalker Dodzbraz F-9 Shu'Meyo Salt

Walk of Echoes[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Kupofried's Archery Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Jishnu's Radiance unlocked
Kupofried's Axe Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Cloudsplitter unlocked
Kupofried's Club Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Dagan unlocked
Kupofried's Dagger Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Rudra's Storm unlocked
Kupofried's Great Axe Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Ukko's Fury unlocked
Kupofried's Great Katana Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Tachi: Fudo unlocked
Kupofried's Great Sword Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Torcleaver unlocked
Kupofried's H2H Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Victory Smite unlocked
Kupofried's Katana Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Blade: Hi unlocked
Kupofried's Marksmanship Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Wildfire unlocked
Kupofried's Polearm Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Camlann's Torment unlocked
Kupofried's Scythe Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Quietus unlocked
Kupofried's Staff Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Myrkr unlocked
Kupofried's Sword Moogle Magic WS Kupofried Chant du Cygne unlocked

Records of Eminence[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Records of Eminence RoE Records of Eminence unlocked

Unity Concord[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Unity Concord UC Unity Concord unlocked

QUESTS: 101 (100/1)

All items (101)
