Notorious Monsters are rare enemies that will read as "Impossible to Gauge" when checked. They are typically unique, with only one appearing in the area, and are often much tougher than other monsters in the area. There are a variety of useful items that are dropped exclusively by Notorious Monsters, but not all Notorious Monsters drop items - those generated by quests and missions will often not drop anything at all, but must be defeated to progress through the quest.
Many Notorious Monsters possess powerful or unique abilities, such as the two-hour ability of their job, and may have other unusual traits or behavior. Some especially powerful Notorious Monsters also have True Sight or True Hearing, allowing them to detect characters under the effects of invisible and sneak.
Notorious monsters may fall into one or more of the following categories:
By Battlefield Type
By Spawn Type
See Also[]
Contents: | Top 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
All items (3524)
- Aa Xalmo the Savage
- Aa'Nyu Dismantler
- Abas
- Abatwa
- Abhac
- Abject Obdella
- Absolute Virtue
- Abyss Sahagin
- Abyssdiver
- Abyssdweller Jhabdebb
- Ace of Batons
- Ace of Coins
- Ace of Cups
- Ace of Swords
- Ace of Wands
- Achamoth
- Achamothcampa
- Achuka
- Acolnahuacatl
- Acrolith
- Acuex
- Adaman Quadav
- Adamantking Image
- Adamantoise
- Adamantshell
- Adamastor
- Adventuring Fellow (NM)
- Adze
- Aello
- Aello's Handmaiden
- Aerial Torpedo
- Aern's Wynav
- Afrhaad
- Agar Agar
- Agas
- Agathos
- Aglaophotis
- Agonizer
- Agrios
- Ah Puch
- Ahtu
- Aiatar
- Aipaloovik
- Airi
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- Aitvaras
- Ajido-Marujido
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- Akvan
- Alastor Antlion
- Albumen
- Alectryon
- Alexander (NM)
- Alexander Image
- Alfard
- Alkonost
- Alkyoneus
- All-Seeing Onyx Eye
- Allocamelus
- Allotaur
- Alluring Orobon
- Almighty Apkallu
- Alpha Gnole Anders
- Alpine Rabbit
- Alsha
- Altedour I Tavnazia
- Amaltheia
- Amanita
- Amaranth
- Amaranth Barrier
- Amarok
- Ambusher Antlion
- Amemet
- Amhuluk
- Amikiri
- Aminon
- Amnaf
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- Amphitrite
- Anansi
- Anantaboga
- Anapos
- Ancestral Rage
- Ancient Goobbue
- Ancient Royal Knight
- Ancient Sorcerer
- Ancient Vessel
- Ancient Warrior
- Ancient Weapon
- Anders's Guard
- Andhrimnir
- Andras's Vouivre
- Angler Orobon
- Angra Mainyu
- Angrboda
- Anguis
- Anhanguera
- Animated Claymore
- Animated Dagger
- Animated Gun
- Animated Horn
- Animated Knuckles
- Animated Longsword
- Animated Scythe
- Animated Shield
- Animated Spear
- Animated Staff
- Animated Tabar
- Animated Tachi
- Ankabut
- Ankou
- Annihilated Anthony
- Annihilative Adenium
- Ansherekh
- Antaeus
- Antican Consul
- Antican Legatus
- Antican Magister
- Antican Praefectus
- Antican Praetor
- Antican Proconsul
- Antican Tribunus
- Anvilix Sootwrists
- Apademak
- Aphotic Crab
- Apkallu
- Apocalyptic Beast
- Apollyon Cleaner
- Apollyon Scavenger
- Apollyon Sweeper
- Aqrabuamelu
- Aquarius
- Arachne
- Arboreal Bastion
- Arboricole Beetle
- Arboricole Crawler
- Arboricole Hornet
- Arboricole Opo-opo
- Arboricole Raven
- Arboricole Spider
- Arcane Phantasm
- Arch Ahriman
- Arch Dynamis Lord
- Arch Gu'Dha Effigy
- Arch-Omega
- Archaic Chariot
- Archaic Gear
- Archaic Mirror
- Archaic Rampart
- Archlich Taber'quoan
- Arcus Blades
- Argus
- Arimaspi
- Arioch
- Ariri Samariri
- Ark Angel EV
- Ark Angel GK
- Ark Angel HM
- Ark Angel MR
- Ark Angel TT
- Ark Angel's Mandragora
- Ark Angel's Wyvern
- Arke
- Armed Gears
- Armillaria
- Armored Chariot
- Armoury Crate