
Monipulators are the playable monster forms available to players in Monstrosity. Essentially, Monipulators are jobs in monster form.

  • If you log out or lose connection as a Monipulator, you will still be a Monipulator when you log back in.

Experience, Levels, and KO

  • The maximum level for Monipulators is 99.
  • Monipulators need fewer experience points per level than normal jobs.
  • Monipulators are extremely powerful for their levels.
  • If you are KO'd as a Monipulator, you lose a small amount of Experience Points and Infamy.
  • When KO'd, you are given the option to Retry or Quit Monstrosity.
    • Retrying respawns you in your current zone. You will appear at a random coordinate with a brief Gestation status.
    • Choosing to quit returns you to the Odyssean Passage that you most recently used to access the Feretory.

Merit Points

  • Merit Points in the HP/MP, Attributes, and Others categories are applied to monipulators.
    • If a monipulator is below level 75, these merits are applied in a reduced fashion, like with normal jobs.
    • For example, if a player has fully merited MP, their monipulators gain 10 MP from those merits at level 10.
  • Merited spells like Quake II and Paralyze II are unavailable to monipulators, even though monipulators usually have spells available to players on their respective jobs.Verification Needed

Monipulator Jobs

  • Each monipulator has two jobs. Unlike players, their second job is equal to the level of their first job, rather than halved.
    • If you use the <job> command, you will see that, although your jobs show up as ???, the levels of your main and subjob are equal.
  • Many monipulators have a job combination of WAR/WAR. Because identical job traits do not stack, the only significance to this is the stat bonus.
  • Monipulators acquire job traits at the same levels as their jobs.

Spell Selection

  • Monipulators with a job of White Mage, Black Mage, or Red Mage have the same spell lists as their player job counterparts.
  • Which spells are available to your monipulators depends on which spells you have learned outside of Monstrosity using spell scrolls.
    • For example, at level 16, black mage monipulators learn Shock, just like normal black mages. However, if you have not used a Shock scroll outside of Monstrosity to learn the spell, it will not be available to your monipulators.
  • Some spells, such as Warp, Escape, Tractor, Raise, Reraise, Teleport, and Recall appear in monipulators' spell lists if you have learned them, but they cannot be used.
  • Level 75 merit spells such as Quake II and Paralyze II do not appear in monipulators' spell lists and cannot be used.Verification Needed


Monster Correlation Effects


Monster Correlation Chart

  • Monipulators have innate Killer Effects depending on their type.
  • Additionally, monipulators do not aggro monster types that they intimidate.
    • For example, beasts like Rabbit (MON) do not aggro lizard-type monsters.
  • Refer to the chart on the right for monster strengths and weaknesses.


Unlocking Monipulator Species


Rabbit (MON): Monstrosity (Quest)
Lizard (MON): Monstrosity (Quest)
Mandragora (MON): Monstrosity (Quest)


Bee (MON): Quiz #1
Information Needed: 25 Beetle Spirits (Requires Beetle (MON) level 14Verification Needed)
Information Needed: 25Verification Needed Antlion Spirits (Requires Information Needed)
Information Needed: 25Verification Needed Pachypodium Spirits (Requires Information Needed)
White Tiger (MON): 5 Byakko Scraps (Requires Tiger (MON) level 50)

Purchased with Infamy

Sheep (MON): 3,000 Infamy
Raptor (MON): 3,000 Infamy
Treant (MON): 3,000 Infamy
Beetle (MON): 3,000 Infamy
Pygmy Lypcodium (MON): ?,??? Infamy + 45 Mandragora (MON)
Pygmy Mandragora (MON): 7,500 Infamy + 50 Mandragora (MON)
Pygmy Morbol (MON): 7,500 Infamy + 1 Morbol (MON)
Peiste (MON): 8,000 Infamy + 50 Tarichuk (MON)/Eft (MON) + 50 Raptor (MON)
Antlion (MON): 7500 Infamy + 60 Scorpion (MON)
Unusual Wivre (MON): 7500 Infamy + 60 Wivre (MON)Verification Needed

Acquired by Level

Rabbit Line
Tiger (MON): Level 30 Rabbit Species
Coeurl (MON): Level 75 Tiger Species
Opo-Opo (MON): Level 75 Coeurl Species
Manticore (MON): Level 99 Coeurl Species + Level 99 Tiger Species

Sheep Line
Dhalmel (MON): Level 30 Sheep Species
Ram (MON): Level 50 Sheep Species
Buffalo (MON): Level 50 Ram Species
Marid (MON): Level 50 Buffalo Species

Lizard Line
Bugard (MON): Level 30 Lizard Species
Wivre (MON): Level 50 Bugard Species
Adamantoise (MON): Level 60 Lizard + Bugard + Wivre Species

Raptor Line
Eft (MON): Level 30 Raptor Species

Mandragora Line
Sabotender (MON): Level 30 Mandragora Species
Flytrap (MON): Level 30 Sabotender Species
Rafflesia (MON): Level 30 Flytrap Species
Gobbue (MON): Level 50 Mandragora Species

Treant Line
Funguar (MON): Level 30 Treant Species
Morbol (MON): Level 30 Funguar Species
Panopt (MON): Level 50 Morbol Species

Bee Line
Fly (MON): Level 30 Bee Species
Wamouracampa (MON): Level 30 Fly Species
Ladybug (MON): Level 45 Fly
Gnat (MON): Level 60 Fly Species + 60 Bee SpeciesVerification Needed

Beetle Line
Crawler (MON): Level 30 Beetle Species
Scorpion (MON): Level 60 Beetle Species
Spider (MON): Level 30 Crawler Species
Diremite (MON): Level 30 Spider Species
Chigoe (MON): Level 30 Scorpion Species

Monipulators by Type





See Also

All items (154)
