Monipulators are the playable monster forms available to players in Monstrosity. Essentially, Monipulators are jobs in monster form.
- If you log out or lose connection as a Monipulator, you will still be a Monipulator when you log back in.
Experience, Levels, and KO[]
- The maximum level for Monipulators is equivalent to your current maximum level according to your Limit Break quest progess.
- Monipulators need fewer experience points per level than normal jobs.
- Monipulators are extremely powerful for their levels.
- When changing to a different species, experience points earned on the current level are lost.
- When changing between different forms in the same species, such as between Fly (MON) and Vermilion Fly (MON) or Wamouracampa (MON) and Wamoura (MON), experience points are not lost.
- If you are KO'd as a Monipulator, you do not lose Experience Points.
- When KO'd, you are given the option to Retry or Quit Monstrosity.
- Retrying respawns you in your current zone. You will appear at a random coordinate with Gestation status.
- Choosing to quit returns you to the Odyssean Passage that you most recently used to access the Feretory.
Merit Points[]
- Merit Points in the HP/MP, Attributes, and Others categories are applied to monipulators.
- If a monipulator is below level 75, these merits are applied in a reduced fashion, like with normal jobs.
- For example, if a player has fully merited MP, their monipulators gain 10 MP from those merits at level 10.
- All merited spells such as Quake II and Paralyze II are available to monipulators if learned, even if their main job is not the merited spell's job.
- For example, the RDM/BLM monster Collared Lynx can cast Flare II; the WAR/RDM monster Vermilion and Onyx Bee can cast Paralyze II.
- Applicable group I merits, such as Berserk Recast and Double Attack Rate, apply to monipulators of the corresponding jobs at level 75+.
- Certain merited Job Abilities are available, while others are not.
- Examples of available merited Job Abilities: Mantra, Formless Strikes, Warrior's Charge
- Examples of unavailable merited Job Abilities: Tomahawk, Martyr, Devotion
- Monipulators cannot earn or spend Limit Points; these must be done on the standard jobs outside of Monstrosity.
Monipulator Jobs[]
- Each monipulator has two main jobs. Unlike players, their second job is equal to the level of their first job, rather than halved.
- If you use the <job> command, you will see that, although your jobs show up as ???, the levels of your main and subjob are equal.
- Many monipulators have a job combination of WAR/WAR. Because identical job traits do not stack, the only significance to this is a slight stat bonus.
- Monipulators receive job traits from both jobs as if it is their main job.
- Many job traits that appear in their trait lists, such as Gilfinder, Treasure Hunter, Clear Mind, and Assassin, do not actually have any effect for monipulators, but still appear in their traits.
- Monipulators also gain access to a select few job abilities from one of their two jobs.
Spell Selection[]
- Monipulators with a job of White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Bard, Dark Knight, Paladin, Ninja or Corsair have the same spell lists as their player job counterparts.
- Which spells are available to your monipulators depends on which spells you have learned outside of Monstrosity using spell scrolls.
- For example, at level 16, black mage monipulators learn Shock, just like normal black mages. However, if you have not used a Shock scroll outside of Monstrosity to learn the spell, it will not be available to your monipulators.
- Additionally, group 2 merit spells, such as Quake II, Paralyze II, and Protectra V, are available to monipulators of the relevant jobs if the player has placed at least 1 merit in those spells outside of Monstrosity.
- Because monipulators have same-level main and subjobs, they have full access to both their subjob's and main job's spell lists.
- For example, a level 75 RDM/BLM monster has access to both Phalanx II and Flare II if the player has learned them outside of Monstrosity.
- Transportation and revival spells, such as Warp, Retrace, Escape, Tractor, Raise, Reraise, Teleport, and Recall, cannot be cast as Monipulators. These spells do not appear in their spell list.
- Sacrifice appears on monipulators' spell lists, but cannot be cast.
- Meteor appears in level 99 Black Mage monipulators' spell lists if you have learned it. It does not require Elemental Seal and appears to be the dark-elemental version of Meteor cast by monsters, not the version cast by players.
- Monipulators can cure and buff each other.
- Monipulators cannot cure or buff non-Monipulators.
- Healing Waltz can be used by players to heal Monipulators, but not Healing Magic. Note that this doesn't apply for players who entered a zone as a Gladiator.
- Pixies heal monipulators with yellow HP or lower.
- Monipulators cannot Call for Help or join or form parties or alliances. However, they can assist in killing monsters that another player has Call for Help on.
Monster Correlation Effects[]
- Monipulators have innate Killer Effects depending on their type.
- Additionally, monipulators do not aggro monster types that they intimidate.
- For example, beasts like Rabbit (MON) do not aggro lizard-type monsters.
- Refer to the chart on the right for monster strengths and weaknesses.
- See Monipulator Size for zone restrictions based on Monipulator size.
- Cannot change areas, other than using the Relinquish command to return to the most recently used Odyssean Passage outside of the Feretory.
- Cannot use or equip items.
- Cannot Call for Help.
- Cannot join parties or form alliances.
- Cannot view or arrange spells from normal spell inventory.
- Cannot access Combat Skills or Magic Skills menus.
- Cannot talk to NPCs or interact with most objects outside of the Feretory.
- Cannot open most doors in dungeons.
- Restricted to areas accessible from the Odyssean Passage in the Feretory.
- Warp, Escape, Tractor, Raise, Reraise, Arise, Teleport, Recall, and Trust Magic cannot be cast and do not appear in spell lists.
- Sacrifice cannot be cast, but does appear in the spell list.
- Many job traits have no effect, such as Dual Wield and Shield Mastery.
- Many job abilities cannot be used and do not appear on ability lists, such as Provoke, Trick Attack, Beast Roll, and many others.
- Cannot access or modify own bazaar.
- Cannot access or purchase from others' bazaars during Belligerency.
- Cannot obtain loot or Treasure Caskets from enemies.
- Cannot earn or spend Limit Points or Job Points.
- Cannot participate in Fields of Valor or Grounds of Valor.
- Geodes, Beastmen's Seals, and Kindred's Seals can drop while you are participating in Belligerency as a monipulator. Crystal Clusters, however, do not drop from enemies unless the Kupower Crystal Caboodle is in effect.
- Monipulators can acquire the key items for the mission Gatherer of Light (I):
Bowl of bland Goblin salad, Jug of greasy Goblin juice, and Chunk of smoked Goblin grub. - Monipulators can acquire Bell-themed gift tokens from Astral Boxes.
- Monipulators can complete the quest Shifty Shades of Prey.
- It is possible to progress the quest The Miraculous Dale as a monipulator.
- Monipulators can obtain Limbus entry cards such as the White Card or Black Card by defeating Aw'euvhi in Al'Taieu.
- Monipulators can complete applicable Records of Eminence.
- Monipulators can open doors in Castle Zvahl Keep.
- Monipulators can open the Banishing gates in Garlaige Citadel using the Pouch of weighted stones.
- Monipulators can operate switches in Castle Oztroja and Gusgen Mines.
- Monipulators can open the Gates of Halvung on Mount Zhayolm using the Cast Metal Plate.
- All monipulators can use Wide Scan.
Unlocking Monipulator Species[]
Monsters obtained from Special Events have a red background, denoting their limited availability. Be sure to obtain the items to unlock these monipulators any time that the opportunity presents itself.
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Slime (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Slime | Teyrnon: 3,000 infamy |
Clot (MON) | RDM/WAR | Small | 100% | Slime | Slime level 30 |
Gold Slime (MON) | THF/WAR | Small | 100% | Slime | Slime level 50 |
Boil (MON) | PLD/DRK | Large | 100% | Slime | Teyrnon: 25,000 infamy (requires Slime level 50) |
Hecteyes (MON) | BLM/WAR | Small | 100% | Hecteyes | Slime level 40 |
Flan (MON) | BLM/WAR | Small | 80% | Flan | Hecteyes level 30 |
Gold Flan (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 80% | Flan | Flan level 30 |
Blancmange (MON) | WHM/PLD | Small | 80% | Flan | Flan level 60 |
Leech (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Leech | Teyrnon: 2,000 infamy |
Azure Leech (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Leech | Leech level 15 |
Obdella (MON) | DRK/WAR | Small | 100% | Leech | Leech level 50 |
Slug (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Slug | Leech level 40 |
Sandworm (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Sandworm | Leech + Slug level 70 |
Pygmy Sandworm (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Sandworm | Teyrnon: 10,000 infamy (requires Sandworm level 1) |
Gigaworm (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 100% | Sandworm | Teyrnon: 25,000 infamy (requires Sandworm level 60) |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Crab (MON) | PLD/PLD | Small | 150% | Crab | Teyrnon: 2,000 infamy |
Vermilion Crab (MON) | PLD/RDM | Small | 150% | Crab | Crab level 15 |
Basket-burdened Crab (MON) | BLM/PLD | Small | 150% | Crab | Teyrnon: 20,000 infamy (requires Crab level 1; listed as Hermitage Crab) |
Vermilion Basket-burdened Crab (MON) | RDM/PLD | Small | 150% | Crab | Teyrnon: 20,000 infamy (requires Crab level 15; listed as Vermilion Hermitage Crab) |
Porter Crab (MON) | DRK/PLD | Small | 150% | Crab | Teyrnon: 15,000 infamy (requires Crab level 60) |
Toad (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Toad | Crab level 30 |
Azure Toad (MON) | BRD/BLM | Small | 100% | Toad | Toad level 30 |
Vermilion Toad (MON) | RDM/BRD | Small | 100% | Toad | Toad level 60 |
Uragnite (MON) | PLD/PLD | Medium | 125% | Uragnite | Crab level 70 + Toad level 70 |
Limascabra (MON) | PLD/BLM | Medium | 125% | Uragnite | Teyrnon: 15,000 infamy (requires Uragnite level 50) |
Pugil (MON) | SAM/BLM | Small | 100% | Pugil | Teyrnon: 3,000 infamy |
Jagil (MON) | COR/COR | Small | 100% | Pugil | Pugil level 30 |
Sea Monk (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Sea Monk | Pugil level 40 |
Azure Sea Monk (MON) | SAM/WHM | Medium | 100% | Sea Monk | Sea Monk level 30 |
Orobon (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 80% | Orobon | Pugil level 70 + Sea Monk level 70 |
Pygmy Orobon (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 80% | Orobon | Teyrnon: 10,000 infamy (requires Orobon level 1) |
Ogrebon (MON) | DRK/WAR | Large | 80% | Orobon | Teyrnon: 18,000 infamy (requires Orobon level 50) |
Ruszor (MON) | DRK/BLM | Large | 100% | Ruszor | Teyrnon: 10,000 infamy (requires Orobon level 75 + Uragnite level 75) |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Bat (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Bat | Teyrnon: 2,000 Infamy |
Bat Trio (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Bat | Bat level 15 |
Vermilion Bat (MON) | RDM/WAR | Small | 100% | Bat | Bat level 30 |
Vermilion Bat Trio (MON) | RDM/WAR | Small | 100% | Bat | Bat level 45 |
Bird (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Bird | Bat level 30 |
Onyx Bird (MON) | THF/BLM | Small | 100% | Bird | Bird level 30 |
Colibri (MON) | RDM/RDM | Small | Colibri | Bat Lv. 50 + Bird Lv. 45, Teyrnon 5,000 Infamy | |
Tukalibri (MON) | BRD/THF | Small | Colibri | Colibri Lv.50, Teyrnon 15,000 Infamy | |
Apkallu (MON) | MNK/MNK | Small | 60% | Apkallu | Colibri Lv.30 |
Inguza (MON) | NIN/MNK | Small | 60% | Apkallu | Apkallu Lv.50 Teyrnon 15,000 Infamy |
Cockatrice (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Cockatrice | Teyrnon: 3,000 Infamy |
Ziz (MON) | BLM/WAR | Medium | 100% | Cockatrice | Cockatrice level 30 |
Roc (MON) | WHM/BRD | Medium | 150% | Roc | Cockatrice level 30 |
Legendary Roc (MON) | WAR/RDM | Medium | 150% | Roc | Roc level 50 + 5 Suzaku Scraps |
Gagana (MON) | BLM/BRD | Large | 150% | Roc | Roc 75 Teyrnon 15,000 Infamy |
Hippogryph (MON) | THF/BLM | Medium | 170% | Hippogryph | Roc level 50 |
Amphiptere (MON) | WAR\BLM | Large | Amphiptere | Cockatrice + Roc + Hippogryph 75 Teyrnon: 10,000 Infamy | |
Sanguiptere (MON) | BLM\WAR | Large | Amphiptere | Amphiptere Lv.50 Teyrnon: 20,000 Infamy |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Bee (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Bee | Suibhne's Quiz |
Vermilion and Onyx Bee (MON) | WAR/RDM | Small | 100% | Bee | Bee Level 15 |
Zaffre Bee (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Bee | Bee Level 50 |
Fly (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Fly | Bee Level 30 |
Vermilion Fly (MON) | WAR/RDM | Medium | 100% | Fly | Fly Level 30 |
Wamouracampa (MON) | PLD/PLD | Medium | 50% | Wamoura | Fly Level 30 |
Wamoura (MON) | WAR/PLD | Large | 100% | Wamoura | Wamouracampa Level 50 |
Coral Wamoura (MON) | BLM/PLD | Large | 100% | Wamoura | Wamoura Level 60 +15,000 Infamy |
Ladybug (MON) | THF/THF | Small | 100% | Ladybug | Fly Level 45 |
Gold Ladybug (MON) | THF/RDM | Small | 100% | Ladybug | Ladybug Level 50 + 7,500 Infamy |
Beetle (MON) | PLD/PLD | Small | 100% | Beetle | Teyrnon: 3,000 Infamy |
Onyx Beetle (MON) | PLD/BLM | Small | 100% | Beetle | Beetle Level 1 + 25 Beetle Spirits |
Gamboge Beetle (MON) | PLD/RDM | Small | 100% | Beetle | Beetle Level 50 |
Crawler (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Crawler | Beetle Level 30 |
Eruca (MON) | WAR/RDM | Medium | 100% | Crawler | Crawler Level 30 |
Emerald Crawler (MON) | WHM/BLM | Medium | 100% | Crawler | Crawler Level 60 |
Pygmy Emerald Crawler (MON) | WHM/BLM | Small | 100% | Crawler | Crawler Level 60 |
Scorpion (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Scorpion | Beetle Level 60 |
Scolopendrid (MON) | WAR/BLM | Medium | 100% | Scorpion | Scorpion Level 30 |
Unusual Scolopendrid (MON) | BLM/DRK | Medium | 100% | Scorpion | Scorpion Level 60 + 10,000 Infamy |
Chigoe (MON) | THF/THF | Small | 100% | Chigoe | Scorpion Level 30 |
Azure Chigoe (MON) | THF/BLM | Small | 100% | Chigoe | Chigoe Level 45 |
Antlion (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Antlion | Scorpion Level 60 + 7,500 infamy |
Onyx Antlion (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 100% | Antlion | Antlion Level 30 + 25 Antlion Spirits |
Formiceros (MON) | DRK/BLM | Large | 100% | Antlion | Antlion Level 60 + 15,000 infamy |
Spider (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Spider | Crawler Level 30 |
Reticulated Spider (MON) | WAR/DRK | Small | 100% | Spider | Spider Level 30 |
Vermilion and Onyx Spider (MON) | WAR/RDM | Small | 100% | Spider | Spider Level 60 |
Diremite (MON) | DRK/DRK | Medium | 125% | Diremite | Spider level 30 |
Arundimite (MON) | DRK/DRK | Large | 100% | Diremite | Diremite level 70 |
Gnat (MON) | WAR/THF | Small | 100% | Gnat | Ladybug level 50 + Wamoura level 50 + 5000 infamy |
Midge (MON) | BLM/THF | Small | 100% | Gnat | Gnat level 60 |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Rabbit (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Rabbit | Monstrosity (Quest) |
Onyx Rabbit (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Rabbit | Rabbit Level 15 |
Alabaster Rabbit (MON) | WAR/WHM | Small | 100% | Rabbit | Rabbit Level 50 |
Lapinion (MON) | BLM/WHM | Small | 100% | Rabbit | Rabbit Level 90 + 7,500 Infamy |
Tiger (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 170% | Tiger | Rabbit Level 30 |
Smilodon (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 170% | Tiger | Tiger Level 50 |
Legendary Tiger (MON) | THF/WHM | Medium | 170% | Tiger | Tiger Level 50 + 5 Byakko Scraps |
Coeurl (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 150% | Coeurl | Tiger Level 75 |
Lynx (MON) | WAR/BLM | Medium | 150% | Coeurl | Coeurl Level 30 |
Collared Lynx (MON) | BLM/RDM | Medium | 150% | Coeurl | Coeurl Level 60 |
Opo-opo (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Opo-opo | Coeurl Level 75 |
Gnole (MON) | MNK/MNK | Medium | 100% | Gnole | Coeurl Level 90 |
Behemoth (MON) | WAR/THF | Large | 100% | Behemoth | Rabbit Lv.75 + Opo-opo Lv.75 + Gnole Lv.75 + 10,000 Infamy |
Elasmoth (MON) | DRK/THF | Large | 100% | Behemoth | Behemoth level 50 + 25,000 Infamy |
Manticore (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 150% | Manticore | Ram Level 70 |
Legendary Manticore (MON) | RDM/BLM | Medium | 150% | Manticore | Manticore Lv.50 + 20 Genbu Scraps, Suzaku Scraps, Seiryu Scraps, or Byakko Scraps |
Sheep (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Sheep | Teyrnon: 3,000 Infamy |
Karakul (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Sheep | Sheep Level 75 |
Dhalmel (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Dhalmel | Sheep Level 30 |
Ram (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Ram | Sheep Level 50 |
Buffalo (MON) | PLD/PLD | Large | 100% | Buffalo | Ram Level 50 |
Marid (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 60% | Marid | Buffalo Level 50 |
Cerberus (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 150% | Cerberus | Sheep/Dhalmel/Buffalo/Marid/Manticore Level 60 + 10,000 Infamy |
Orthrus (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 150% | Cerberus | Cerberus level 50 + 25,000 Infamy |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Mandragora (MON) | MNK/MNK | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Monstrosity (Quest) |
New Year Mandragora (MON) | MNK/NIN | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 1 + 1 Ake-Ome Spirit |
Korrigan (MON) | MNK/BLM | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 15 |
Lycopodium (MON) | MNK/WHM | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 45 |
Pygmy Mandragora (MON) | MNK/MNK | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 45 + 7,500 Infamy |
Pachypodium (MON) | MNK/MNK | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 60 + 25 Pachypodium Spirits |
Adenium (MON) | MNK/RDM | Small | 100% | Mandragora | Mandragora Level 90 |
Enlightened Mandragora (MON) | Mandragora | Unknown. Possibly not obtainable yet. | |||
Sabotender (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Sabotender | Mandragora Lv. 30 |
Sabotender Florido (MON) | WAR/RDM | Small | 100% | Sabotender | Sabotender Lv. 50 |
Flytrap (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Flytrap | Sabotender Level 30 |
Treant Sapling (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Treant | Teyrnon: 3,000 Infamy |
Treant (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 100% | Treant | Treant Sapling Level 30 |
Barren Treant (MON) | Treant | Unknown. Possibly not obtainable yet. | |||
Scarlet-tinged Treant (MON) | Treant | Unknown. Possibly not obtainable yet. | |||
Necklaced Treant (MON) | Treant | Unknown. Possibly not obtainable yet. | |||
Flowering Treant (MON) | Treant | Unknown. Possibly not obtainable yet. | |||
Funguar (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Funguar | Treant Sapling Level 30 |
Coppercap (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Funguar | Funguar Level 50 |
Morbol (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Morbol | Funguar Level 30 |
Pygmy Morbol (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Morbol | Morbol Level 1 + 7,500 Infamy |
Scarce Morbol (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Morbol | Morbol Level 50 |
Ameretat (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Morbol | Morbol Level 75 |
Purbol (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 100% | Morbol | Teyrnon: 15,000 infamy (requires Morbol level 75) |
Rafflesia (MON) | DRK/WAR | Medium | 100% | Rafflesia | Flytrap Level 30 |
Mitrastema (MON) | DRK/BLM | Medium | 100% | Rafflesia | Rafflesia Level 50 |
Goobbue (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Goobbue | Mandragora Level 50 |
Panopt (MON) | BLM/BLM | Small | 100% | Panopt | Morbol Level 50 |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Lizard (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Lizard | Monstrosity (Quest) |
Ashen Lizard (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Lizard | Lizard Level 15 |
Bugard (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 150% | Bugard | Lizard Level 30 |
Abyssobugard (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 150% | Bugard | Bugard Level 50 |
Wivre (MON) | WAR/WAR | Large | 100% | Wivre | Bugard Level 50 |
Unusual Wivre (MON) | WAR/BLM | Large | 100% | Wivre | Wivre Level 60 + 7,500 Infamy |
Adamantoise (MON) | PLD/PLD | Large | 50% | Adamantoise | Lizard Lv. 60 + Bugard Lv. 60 + Wivre Lv. 60 + 10,000 Infamy |
Pygmy Adamantoise (MON) | PLD/PLD | Medium | 50% | Adamantoise | Adamantoise Level 1 + Adamantoise Egg |
Legendary Adamantoise (MON) | RDM/PLD | Large | 50% | Adamantoise | Adamantoise Level 50 + 5 Genbu Scraps |
Ferromantoise (MON) | PLD/BLM | Large | 50% | Adamantoise | Adamantoise level 70 + 20,000 Infamy |
Raptor (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 175% | Raptor | Teyrnon: 3,000 Infamy |
Emerald Raptor (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 175% | Raptor | Raptor Level 30 |
Vermilion Raptor (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 175% | Raptor | Raptor Level 60 |
Eft (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Eft | Raptor Level 30 |
Tarichuk (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Eft | Eft Level 30 |
Peiste (MON) | WAR/WAR | Medium | 100% | Peiste | Raptor Level 50 + Eft Level 50 + 8,000 Infamy |
Sibilus (MON) | WAR/BLM | Medium | 100% | Peiste | Peiste level 50 + 15,000 Infamy |
Monster | Jobs | Size | Movement Speed | Species | How to Unlock |
Astoltian Slime (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Astoltian Slime | Trade Slime Fetish to Suibhne |
She-Slime (MON) | WAR/WAR | Small | 100% | Astoltian Slime | Trade She-Slime Spirit to Suibhne |
Metal Slime (MON) | BLM/WAR | Small | 100% | Astoltian Slime | Trade Metal Slime Spirit to Suibhne |
Spriggan (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Spriggan | Trade Spriggan Fetish to Suibhne |
Spriggan.C (MON) | WAR/BLM | Small | 100% | Spriggan | Trade Red Spriggan Spirit to Suibhne |
Spriggan.G (MON) | BLM/WAR | Small | 100% | Spriggan | Trade Purple Spriggan Spirit to Suibhne |
See Also[]
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