Gears are one type of Archaia that appears in the Ruins of Alzadaal. Sometimes found as part of a trio, they are reminiscent of naval, or contact, mines, but can be deadly even from afar. They would appear to fall within the Arcana class of monster, and perhaps could be considered a sub-class, however at this time they are separately classified, and it is not known whether they share other traits of those classes.

In the case of triple gears, a gear is removed at 50% and 25% health, while the gear ability "Restoral" will restore a gear.

Family Information
Type: Archaia
Subfamilies: Triple Gear
Common Behavior: A, L, M, T(H), T(S)
Weak against: Resist Vs
Strong against: Resist Vs
Charmable: Eks
Pankration: Able to be captured
Aspir: Eks
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
Notes: Links with other Archaia.

Special Attacks[]

Special Abilities Aht Urhgan Areas
Artificial Gravity - AoE dmg (150-200) + Gravity, strips Utsusemi Check
Antigravity - AoE dmg (150-200) + Knockback, strips Utsusemi Check
Restoral - self heal 1300~ HP Check
Rail Cannon - ~500 damage, ignores Utsusemi (see page regarding targeting behavior) Check
Heavy Armature - Gains Protect, Shell, Haste and Blink. (Certain NMs only) Check
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities. During wind weather agro radius is doubled, while during water weather the radius is halved.

Notorious Monsters in Family[]

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Armed Gears Forced spawn by trading Ferrite to the ??? at (G-11) Qmark Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Aurum Sabatons
Earth Grip
Oracle's Gloves
Thunder Grip

Quest NMs: None

Mission NMs: Archaic Gear, Archaic Gears, Imperial Gear, Imperial Gears

Battlefield NMs: None

Salvage NMs: Archaic Gear, Archaic Gears, Gyroscopic Gear (Silver Sea Remnants), Gyroscopic Gears (Silver Sea Remnants)

Bastion NMs: Vigilant Gear, Vigilant Gears

Other NMs: Pandemonium Lamp (assists: Pandemonium Warden)

Monsters in Family[]

Name Level Zone
Sub-zero Gear Abyssea - Uleguerand

All items (13)
