
Fireworks are items, usually created using alchemy or given out during special events, that create a visual image around ones character. Fireworks do not affect any player stats, but are instead used for visual effect, most notably during special occasions.

Name Description Effect Image Craftable
Airborne A firework created by a Goblin alchemist. A goblin with a rainbow colored parasail rides in a downward spiral.
Airborne in use
Angelwing A supernatural firework created by a Goblin alchemist. Adds angel wings to the user.
Angelwing Screenshot
Brilliant Snow Scientists from the gunpowder room in Bastok developed this snow-like firework. Creates a spiral of "snow" effects.
Brilliant snow
Cracker This firework is widely used at festivals around Vana'diel. Creates a simple puff of smoke with a "crack" noise.
Cracker firework
Crackler A celebratory firework developed by a Jeunoan scientist. Bursts of light appear in front of the user with a crackling sound, with the word "Congratulations!".
Datechochin A firework from a land far to the east. Turns the user into a floating yellow lantern.
Falling Star A magically enhanced firework developed by the Rhinostery of Windurst. A star falls down and hits user in the head then bursts into small stars.
Falling star effect

Falling Star

Festive Fan Use this large paper fan to cool off when it is hot outside. The Far Eastern character for "festival" is printed on it. A paper fan appears in the user's left hand. No
Goshikitenge A firework from a land far to the east. A launcher appears on the ground and fires 2 volleys of airbursts. No
Kongou Inaho A firework from a land far to the east. A sparkler-type firework appears in the user's hand. Yes
Konron Hassen A firework from a land far to the east. A fountain-type firework appears on the ground.
Konron Hassen
Little Comet This firework is widely used at festivals around Vana'diel. Several sparkles rise and fall, twinkling steadily. Yes
Marine Bliss A soothing firework conceived and crafted by the Chebukki siblings. A bubble surrounds the user and fish float around in the bubble.
Marine Bliss effect
Meifu Goma A firework from a land far to the east. A spinning firework appears on the ground and sprays sparks in a circle. Yes
Muteppo A firework from a land far to the east. A roman candle-like firework that hurls different colors.
Muteppo in Use
Ouka Ranman A firework from a land far to the east. Surrounds the user (and space in front of them) with falling cherry blossoms.
Ouka ranman in use
Papillion An organic firework created by a Goblin alchemist. Adds butterfly wings to the user.
Papillion in Use
Popper The invention of a mirthful young alchemist, this compact firework is ideally suited to casual celebrations with one's friends. Bursts of light appear in front of the user with a crackling sound, with the word "Congratulations!".
Cracker firework
Popstar This firework was invented by the Windurstian scholar Koru-Moru. A yellow star rises and bursts in the air.
Shisai Kaboku A firework from a land far to the east. Appears in users hand and colorful sparkles fizz out.
Shisai Kaboku Effect
Sparkling Hand The Royal Knights of San d'Oria use this firework as a signal flare. The user's right hand glows in a white light.
Sparkling hand
Spirit Masque Try one on and join the ranks of the undead. Perfect to scare your friends! A skeletal mask appears on the character's face.
Spirit Masque
Spriggan Spark A firework created with a certain otherworldly entity in mind. A shower of black smoke in the shape of Spriggan fur shoots from the player's hand, surrounded by colorful sparks.
Spriggan Spark Demo
Summer Fan Use this large paper fan to cool off when it is hot outside. The Far Eastern character for "summer" is printed on it. A paper fan appears in the user's right hand.
Summer fan in use
Twinkle Shower This firework is widely used at festivals around Vana'diel. Sparkle effects surround the user.
Twinkle shower

All items (30)
