Being a mollusc of mischievous bearing and ghostly aspect, much given to rollicking in a dance at once graceful and deadly. Alongside the Limule they have grown to prominence in the wake of the great cataclysm, spreading as a plague across Abyssea. Of the little that is known about these invertebrates, their proclivity for aggression towards mankind is well-documented.

Family Information
Type: Vorageans
Common Behavior: A, HP (night only)
Weak against: Light Light
Strong against: Dark Dark -50%
Healed by: Ice IceWater Water
Common Job(s): Black Mage
Charmable: X
Pankration: X
Aspir: Check
Drain: Check
Notes: Appears as either ice-element or water-element, with appropriate visual effect.

Special Attacks[]

Special Abilities
Vision of Abyssea Areas
Acrid Stream: Deals water damage and inflicts Magic Defense Down. Check
Rime Spray: Deals ice damage and inflicts a strong Frost status as well as -? To all Stats. (Only used by ice-element Ephemeral Clionidae.) Check

Notorious Monsters in Family[]

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Halimede Forced Spawn by trading a High-Quality Clionid Wing to the ??? located at the north-west corner of G-12. Abyssea - Tahrongi Shriveled Wing
Tiresias' Cape

Quest NMs: None

Mission NMs: None

Battlefield NMs: None

Monsters in Family[]

Name Level Zone
Ephemeral Clionid Abyssea - La Theine
Abyssea - Tahrongi
Abyssea - Konschtat
Gully Clionid 74 - 76 Abyssea - Tahrongi
Ley Clionid 74 - 80 ❔ Abyssea - Konschtat
Veld Clionid 74 - 76 Abyssea - La Theine
Desert Clionid Abyssea - Altepa
Knoll Clionid Abyssea - Grauberg
Range Clionid Abyssea - Uleguerand
Eschan Clionid 115 - 119 Escha - Ru'Aun

Historical Background[]

The clionidae in Final Fantasy XI are based on the animal known as a clione, but they are named (likely accidentally) after a family of sponges.

Clionidae (singular form: clione; plural/scientific name: Clionidae) are a family of mollusks known as sea angels, which are floating sea slugs. They have transparent, gelatinous bodies and propel themselves through the waters of the ocean with "wings" (actually flaps). Small creatures, they rarely get over 2" (5cm) in length. They tend to be found in the cold waters of the Arctic and Southern Oceans, as well as the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Another type of animal known as Clionidae (singular form: clionid; plural form: clionids; scientific name: Clionaidae or Clionidae) are a family of massive sponges.

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