Antican Job Distribution as of 5/2005
The Antica have transformed the former Galkan capital of Altepa into the central location of their empire, which spreads across the islands of Kuzotz. Their militaristic society is built upon advanced personnel management abilities. Upon birth, all individuals are given a number, and a job for which they spend the rest of their lives training. Apart from the information needed to perform their duties, the individual is not allowed any other knowledge. An Antica is only allowed to transfer positions to become a gladiator (used for population control).

The Antica have no concept of personal belongings. All equipment is provided by the Empire, and food rations are based solely on the duties performed by the individual. However, due to their lack of emotion, there is not a single Antica who feels discontent towards this system. This can also be seen on the battlefield. No matter the situation, the lack of fluctuation in morale is the Antica's greatest strength.

Another strength lies in the sheer number of Antica soldiers. In addition to their active legions, an enormous surplus of soldiers lies in stasis within the Antica's stronghold. When revived, the size of their army can increase a hundredfold. However, due to their lack of naval technology, only a few of their troops were able to participate in the Great War campaigns carried out on Quon; their presence had little effect on the outcome of the battles. It is widely believed that had the full Antican army participated in the battles on Quon, the allied forces surely would have been defeated.

While the Antica communicate by fricative sounds made within their necks, they are unable to release loud war cries like the other beastmen. This results in an eerie silence on the battlefield that can send chills down the spine of even the bravest warrior.

Family Information
Type: Beastmen
Common Behavior: A, H, Sc
Weak against: Resist Vs
Strong against: Resist Vs +50% Resist Vs +50%
Common Job(s): Paladin
Black Mage
Charmable: Eks
Pankration: Eks
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir (Mage jobs only)
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
Notes: Aggro range increases from from ~8' to ~12' during earth weather.

Special Attacks[]

Special Abilities Original and Zilart Areas Promathia Areas
Jamming Wave - Wind-Based AoE Silence CheckCheck CheckCheck
Sand Veil - Evasion Boost CheckCheck CheckCheck
Sand Shield - Defense Boost CheckCheck CheckCheck
Sandstorm - AoE Blind CheckCheck CheckCheck
Magnetite Cloud - Breath Type AoE damage and Weight that overwrites Flee CheckCheck CheckCheck
Shoulder Slam - Single target damage and knockback effect CheckCheck CheckCheck
Sand Trap - AoE Petrification and hate reset. (This move is Stunnable.) CheckCheck CheckCheck
Spikeball - Single target damage and Poison CheckCheck CheckCheck
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family[]

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Antican Consul Timed Spawn around (I-6) from the Western Altepa Desert (E-8) entrance approximately every 21-24 hours 75 Quicksand Caves Berserker's Axe
Antican Legatus Timed Spawn around (I-6) from the Western Altepa Desert (E-8) entrance approximately every 20 minutes 72-74 Quicksand Caves Company Sword
Antican Magister Lottery Spawn from the various Antica around (C-6) from the Western Altepa Desert (J-9) entrance 66 Quicksand Caves Arcanabane
Antican Praefectus Lottery Spawn from the various Antica around (J-12) from the Eastern Altepa Desert (K-7) entrance 65 Quicksand Caves Save the Queen
Antican Praetor Timed Spawn around (E-8) or (H-8) from the Western Altepa Desert (I-6) entrance approximately every 20 minutes 72-74 Quicksand Caves Scroll of Stone IV

Scroll of Stonega III

Antican Proconsul Lottery Spawn from the Antican Signifer around (G-10) to (H-11) from the Western Altepa Desert (J-9) entrance 65 Quicksand Caves Scroll of Stone IV

Scroll of Stonega III

Antican Tribunus Lottery Spawn from the various Antica around (H-6) to (J-8) from the Western Altepa Desert (D-12) entrance 72-74 Quicksand Caves Pharaoh's Bow
Centurio X-I Lottery Spawn from the Antican Signifer around (H-9) to (H-10) from the Eastern Altepa Desert (K-7) entrance 56-58 Quicksand Caves Shaman's Cloak
Centurio XII-I Timed Spawn around (not inside) the "L" tunnel at (G-9) - (H-10) approximately every 21 hours 56 Eastern Altepa Desert Intruder Earring
Hastatus XI-XII Lottery Spawn from various Anticans around (J-7) from the Western Altepa Desert (G-5) entrance approximately every 1-2 hours 65-68 Quicksand Caves Xhifhut Head
Proconsul XII Timed Spawn in one of the rooms at (H-6), (K-6), (I-10), or (L-10) from the Western Altepa Desert (G-5) entrance approximately every 2 hours 72 Quicksand Caves Dainslaif
Sagittarius X-XIII Lottery Spawn from the Antican Princeps around (H-9) to (I-10) from the Eastern Altepa Desert (H-10) entrance 57-58 Quicksand Caves Loxley Bow
Triarius X-XV Lottery Spawn from the Antican Triarius around (I-7) from the Western Altepa Desert D-12 entrance 72-74 Quicksand Caves Pendragon Axe
Tribunus VII-I Forced Spawn by trading an Antican Tag to the ??? at (D-9) from the Western Altepa Desert (J-9) entrance 60-62 Quicksand Caves Tungi

Quest NMs: Decurio I-III

Mission NMs: Centurio IV-VII, Centurio V-III, Princeps IV-XLV, Princeps V-XI, Triarius IV-XIV, Triarius V-VIII

Battlefield NMs: Centurio XI-I (BCNM), Hoplomachus XI-XXVI (BCNM), Retiarius XI-XIX (BCNM), Secutor XI-XXXII (BCNM)

Limbus NMs: Praetorian Guard CCCXI, Praetorian Guard CCXX, Praetorian Guard CXLVIII, Praetorian Guard LXXIII

Expeditionary Force NMs: Contantican Black Mage, Contantican Paladin, Contantican Ranger, Contantican Warrior

Garrison NMs: Centurio XIII-V, Decurio XIII-LV, Hastatus XIII-CXXVIII, Hastatus XIII-LXXV, Hastatus XIII-XCVI, Hastatus XIII-XXV, Princeps XIII-LXXXIX, Sagittarius XIII-XXVI, Triarius XIII-LIX

Monsters in Family[]

Name Level Zone
Antican Auxiliarius 35-39 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Faber 35-39 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Funditor 35-39 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Essedarius 41-45 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Decurio 44-49 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Speculator 44-49 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Eques 45-49 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Retiarius 45-49 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Sagittarius 45-49 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Centurio 50-52 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Veles 50-52 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Hastatus 52-59 Quicksand Caves
Antican Princeps 52-59 Quicksand Caves
Antican Signifer 52-59 Quicksand Caves
Antican Hoplomachus 54-58 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Lanista 54-58 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Secutor 54-58 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Aedilis 62-72 Quicksand Caves
Antican Antesignanus 62-72 Quicksand Caves
Antican Quaestor 62-72 Quicksand Caves
Antican Triarius 62-72 Quicksand Caves

All items (65)
