
Abyssite are strange stones originating from the alternate reality of Abyssea. Most abyssite offer various benefits to those adventurers who would dare venture into the harsh landscape of Abyssea. Certain other abyssite allow adventurers to track and "contact" Voidwalkers, strange creatures invisible to the naked eye that traverse the boundaries between dimensions.

Abyssea VNM Abyssite[]

VNM- specific abyssite is a tiered system similar to ZNM that starts by purchasing Clear Abyssite from Assai Nybaem in Ru'Lude Gardens
You can find more information on these abyssites on the VNM page.

A similar system exists in abyssea areas, requiring a Clear Demilune Abyssite purchased from Cruor Prospector for 300 cruor within any Abyssea zone.
You can find more information on demilune abyssites on the AVNM page.

Visitant Abyssite[]

These abyssite grant various Abyssea-related enhancements, such as faster recharge on Traverser Stones or less experience loss when defeated in Abyssea. They are never lost once obtained, and offer their benefits automatically once obtained.

  • The names of most of these abyssite consist of a prefix indicating where/how the abyssite is obtained, and a suffix indicating what it does. For instance, with the Viridian Abyssite of Avarice, "Viridian" is a shade of green, indicating that it is located in an area associated most closely to Windurst (in this case, Abyssea - Tahrongi), and "of Avarice" refers to its ability to enable you to carry one more Traverser Stone than normal ("avarice" refers to greed and a desire to hoard things). Ivory abyssite can be obtained from more than one location.
  • Abyssite with the same suffix will bestow cumulative effects. For example, having all three Abyssites of Avarice will allow you to carry 6 Traverser Stones instead of the usual 3.
  • Each Abyssea expansion appears to have a replica set of abyssite, same in type and number as the other expansions, yet stacks with all others due to the color difference. Most abyssite types, such as Avarice, Celerity, Lunar, etc, have only one copy per expansion; whereas some others have multiple copies per expansion, such as Sojourn, Merit, and Lenity.
  • 'Defeat' abyssites from Notorious Monsters in all Abyssea areas drop to the entire alliance. Ones from regular mobs drop to the player that establishes the initial claim.
    • 'Defeat' abyssite have a particular drop rate like any other item; however, the probability of drop can be made 100% by triggering a red weakness once upon the monster (provided it is an NM capable of having weaknesses triggered).
    • You will not receive the abyssite if you are KO'd when the monster dies.

Abyssite By Type[]

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand
Abyssite Effect How to obtain Area
Lunar Abyssite Allows a player to be infused with Atma (Status Effect) at an Atma Infusionist.
Obtaining two Lunar Abyssites allows the infusion of two Atma and obtaining three Lunar Abyssites allows the infusion of three Atma.
Complete one of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 100,000 cruor Abyssea - Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl
Complete seven of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Abyssite of Discernment When fighting an Abyssean Notorious Monster, this abyssite will occasionally give the player a message corresponding to a particular weakness trigger when using a weapon skill or a spell. Complete the quest Emissaries of God by defeating all 6 Caturae NM's

Heroes of Abyssea

Abyssite of the Cosmos Reduces the cruor cost of the Primeval Brew to 200,000. Complete the quest Meanwhile, Back on Abyssea

Heroes of Abyssea

Ivory Abyssite of Acumen Lowers the required amount of correct guesses for blue pyxides by 1 Complete three of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Crimson Defeat Armillaria Abyssea - Vunkerl
Emerald Defeat Koios Abyssea - Altepa
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice Increase Traverser Stone capacity by 1 Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 8000 cruor Abyssea - Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl
Viridian Defeat Ephemeral Clionid/Manananggal/Quetzalli Abyssea - Tahrongi
Vermilion Obtained by completing the quest Imperial Espionage II Abyssea - Uleguerand
Azure Abyssite of Celerity Traverser stones replenish 4 hours sooner.
Existing stock is increased retroactively
Defeat Tonberry Bedeviler/Cryptonberry Occultist Abyssea - Konschtat
Crimson Complete quest Whither the Whisker Abyssea - Vunkerl
Ivory Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 9000 cruor Heroes of Abyssea
Ivory Abyssite of Confluence Reduces cruor cost of using Veridical Conflux by 20% Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 4800 cruor Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi
Crimson Defeat Pascerpot Abyssea - Vunkerl
Indigo Complete the Quest Chocobo Panic Abyssea - Grauberg
Viridian Abyssite of Destiny The bearer will experience greater fortune with golden pyxides in Abyssea. Defeat Ephemeral Limule, Cuelebre, or Manananggal Abyssea - Tahrongi
Crimson Defeat Iktomi Abyssea - Vunkerl
Ivory Complete all nine of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Ivory Abyssite of Expertise Reduces the cooldown time on Martello use by 5 min Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 4800 cruor Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi
Jade Defeat Wherwetrice Abyssea - Attohwa
Emerald Complete quest Look to the Sky Abyssea - Altepa
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune The bearer will come upon treasure caskets more frequently in Abyssea. Complete two of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Sapphire Defeat Npfundlwa Abyssea - Misareaux
Emerald Defeat Long-Barreled Chariot Abyssea - Altepa
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance Attribute bonuses and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency.
Attribute bonuses from Cruor Prospector give an additional +10.
Defeat Flame Skimmer Abyssea - Misareaux
Scarlet Complete quest An Eye for Revenge Abyssea - La Theine
Ivory Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 7500 cruor Heroes of Abyssea
Viridian Abyssite of Guerdon The bearer will be granted temporary items upon receiving visitant status.
Viridian grants a Lucid Potion I and a Lucid Ether I.
Ivory grants a Catholicon and a Dusty Elixir.
Vermillion grants a Stalwart's Tonic and a Ascetic's Tonic.
Complete quest When Good Cardians Go Bad Abyssea - Tahrongi.
Ivory Complete six of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Vermillion Drops from Veri Selen. Abyssea - Uleguerand.
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet The bearer will experience greater fortune with blue pyxides in Abyssea. Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 5000 cruor Abyssea - Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl
Scarlet Complete quest Out of Touch Abyssea - La Theine
Vermillion Drops from Impervious Chariot. Abyssea - Uleguerand
Azure Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer
when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes by 10%
Defeat Ephemeral Clionid/Ephemeral Limule/Sods Limule/Pavan Abyssea - Konschtat
Crimson Complete quest His Bridge, His Beloved Abyssea - Vunkerl
Jade Complete quest Hazy Prospects Abyssea - Attohwa
Sapphire Defeat Tuskertrap Abyssea - Misareaux
Scarlet Defeat Mangy-tailed Marvin Abyssea - La Theine
Viridian Complete quest For Love of a Daughter 5 times Abyssea - Tahrongi
Vermillion Complete quest Brothers in Arms Abyssea - Uleguerand
Emerald Complete quest The Unmarked Tomb Abyssea - Altepa
Indigo Complete quest Voices from Beyond Abyssea - Grauberg
Azure Abyssite of Merit Increases the effect of HP and MP bonus enhancement granted by Cruor Prospectors by 10% and 5% respectively Complete quest Playing Paparazzi Abyssea - Konschtat
Jade Defeat Warbler Abyssea - Attohwa
Sapphire Complete quest Wanted: Medical Supplies Abyssea - Misareaux
Viridian Defeat Bhumi/Mictlantecuhtli Abyssea - Tahrongi
Ivory Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 6000 cruor Heroes of Abyssea
Indigo Defeat Xibalba Abyssea - Grauberg
Scarlet Abyssite of Perspicacity The bearer will gain experience more readily in Abyssea. Defeat Chasmic Hornet Abyssea - La Theine
Ivory Complete five of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Vermillion Defeat Chione Abyssea - Uleguerand
Azure Abyssite of Prosperity The bearer will experience greater fortune with red pyxides in Abyssea. Complete quest Addled Mind, Undying Dreams Abyssea - Konschtat
Jade Complete quest Flown the Coop Abyssea - Attohwa
Ivory Complete eight of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Azure Abyssite of the Reaper The bearer will earn higher amounts of Cruor in Abyssea.
Enemies yield +10% more cruor.
Defeat Fear Gorta Abyssea - Konschtat
Ivory Complete four of the following quests:

A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi, Attohwa, Misareaux, Vunkerl, Altepa, Grauberg, Uleguerand

Indigo Defeat Gamayun. Abyssea - Grauberg
Ivory Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations.
Extends amount of Visitant time provided by Traverser Stones by 10% (+3 minutes per stone).
Purchased from Cruor Prospector for 6000 cruor Abyssea - La Theine, Konschtat, Tahrongi
Jade Defeat Mielikki Abyssea - Attohwa
Sapphire Complete quest Destiny Odyssey Abyssea - Misareaux
Scarlet Defeat Ovni Abyssea - La Theine
Emerald Defeat Waugyl Abyssea - Altepa
Indigo Defeat Assailer Chariot Abyssea - Grauberg

Abyssite By Area Found[]

Abyssites purchased from Cruor Prospector
Abyssite Name Effect Purchased for
Ivory Abyssite of Confluence Reduces the cruor cost of using veridical confluxes in Abyssea. (Reduces cruor cost of using Veridical Conflux by 20%.) 4800 Cruor in Vision of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Expertise The bearer will be able to activate martellos more frequently. (Reduces the cool-down time on Martello use by 5 minutes.) 4800 Cruor in Vision of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) 6000 Cruor in Vision of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice Increases the quantity of traverser stones the bearer may possess by one. (Will increase the amount of stones you may hold by 1.) 8000 Cruor in Scars of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet The bearer will experience greater fortune with blue treasure caskets in Abyssea. 5000 Cruor in Scars of Abyssea areas.
Lunar Abyssite Allows the bearer to be infused with the power of a single atma. 100,000 Cruor in Scars of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants and increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) 6000 Cruor in Heroes of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Furtherance Attribute bonuses and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Adds an additional +10 to attribute bonuses.) 7500 Cruor in Heroes of Abyssea areas.
Ivory Abyssite of Celerity Renders the bearer's traverser stone more rapidly replenished. (Will decrease the time between each stone by 4 hours.) 9000 Cruor in Heroes of Abyssea areas.

Abyssites obtained from Abyssea mission quests*
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Lunar Abyssite Allows the bearer to be infused with the power of a single atma. Obtained by completing the 1st different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune The bearer will come upon treasure caskets more frequently in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the 2nd different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen Bestows the bearer with knowledge of Abyssean treasure casket locks. (Reduces successful attempts required to open a chest by 1.) Obtained by completing the 3rd different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper Enemies in Abyssea will yield cruor in greater quantities. (Increases an enemy's cruor yield by 10% for those with the key item.) Obtained by completing the 4th different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity The bearer will gain experience more readily in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the 5th different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon The bearer will be granted temporary items upon receiving visitant status. (Grants a Catholicon and a Dusty Elixir upon obtaining Visitant Status). Obtained by completing the 6th different Abyssea mission quest.
Lunar Abyssite Allows the bearer to be infused with the power of a single atma. Obtained by completing the 7th different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity The bearer will experience greater fortune with red pyxides in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the 8th different Abyssea mission quest.
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny The bearer will experience greater fortune with golden treasure caskets in Abyssea. Obtained by completing all 9 Abyssea mission quests.
Abyssite of Discernment When fighting an Abyssean Notorious Monster, this abyssite will occasionally give the player a message corresponding to a particular weakness trigger when using a weapon skill or a spell. Obtained after completing all 9 Abyssea mission quests and defeating all 6 Caturae NMs.

* Abyssea mission quests include: A Goldstruck Gigas, To Paste a Peiste, Megadrile Menace, The Beast of Bastore, A Delectable Demon, and A Fluttery Fiend, A Beaked Blusterer, A Man-eating Mite, An Ulcerous Uragnite.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Konschtat
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Azure Abyssite of Celerity Renders the bearer's traverser stone more rapidly replenished. (Will decrease the time between each stone by 4 hours.) Drops from Tonberry Bedevilers and Cryptonberry Occultists in Abyssea - Konschtat. Only initial attacker may obtain.
Azure Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Drops from Pavan, Ephemeral Limule and Sods Limule in Abyssea - Konschtat. Only initial attacker may obtain.
Azure Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants and increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Konschtat quest Playing Paparazzi.
Azure Abyssite of Prosperity The bearer will experience greater fortune with red treasure caskets in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Konschtat quest Addled Mind, Undying Dreams.
Azure Abyssite of the Reaper Enemies in Abyssea will yield cruor in greater quantities. (Increases an enemy's cruor yield by 10% for those with the key item.) Drops from Fear Gorta in Abyssea - Konschtat. Drops to entire alliance.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - La Theine
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Scarlet Abyssite of Furtherance Attribute bonuses and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Adds an additional +10 to attribute bonuses.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - La Theine quest An Eye for Revenge.
Scarlet Abyssite of Kismet The bearer will experience greater fortune with blue treasure caskets in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the Abyssea - La Theine quest Out of Touch.
Scarlet Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Drops from Mangy-tailed Marvin in Abyssea - La Theine. full alliance may obtain.
Scarlet Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) Drops from Ovni in Abyssea - La Theine. Drops to entire alliance.
Scarlet Abyssite of Perspicacity The bearer will gain experience more readily in Abyssea. Drops from Chasmic Hornet in Abyssea - La Theine. Drops to entire alliance.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Tahrongi
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Viridian Abyssite of Avarice Increases the quantity of traverser stones the bearer may possess by one. (Will increase the amount of stones you may hold by 1.) Drops from Ephemeral Clionid, Manananggal and Quetzalli in Abyssea - Tahrongi. Only initial attacker may obtain.
Viridian Abyssite of Destiny The bearer will experience greater fortune with golden treasure caskets in Abyssea. Drops from Ephemeral Limule, Cuelebre, and Manananggal in Abyssea - Tahrongi. Only initial attacker may obtain.
Viridian Abyssite of Guerdon The bearer will be granted temporary items upon receiving visitant status. (Grants a Lucid Potion I and a Lucid Ether I upon obtaining Visitant Status.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Tahrongi quest When Good Cardians Go Bad.
Viridian Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction)

Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Tahrongi quest For Love of a Daughter 5 times.

Viridian Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants an increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) Drops from Manananggal, Bhumi and Mictlantecuhtli in Abyssea - Tahrongi. Only initial attacker may obtain.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Vunkerl
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Crimson Abyssite of Acumen Bestows the bearer with knowledge of Abyssean treasure casket locks. (Reduces successful attempts required to open a chest by 1.) Drops from Armillaria in Abyssea - Vunkerl. Drops to entire alliance.
Crimson Abyssite of Celerity Renders the bearer's traverser stone more rapidly replenished. (Will decrease the time between each stone by 4 hours.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Vunkerl quest Whither the Whisker.
Crimson Abyssite of Confluence Reduces the cruor cost of using veridical confluxes in Abyssea. (Reduces cruor cost of using Veridical Conflux by 20%.) Drops from Pascerpot in Abyssea - Vunkerl. Drops to entire alliance.
Crimson Abyssite of Destiny The bearer will experience greater fortune with golden treasure caskets in Abyssea. Drops from Iktomi in Abyssea - Vunkerl. Drops to entire alliance.
Crimson Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Vunkerl quest His Bridge, His Beloved.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Attohwa
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Jade Abyssite of Expertise The bearer will be able to activate martellos more frequently. (Reduces the cool-down time on Martello use by 5 minutes.) Drops from Wherwetrice in Abyssea - Attohwa. Drops to entire alliance.
Jade Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Attohwa quest Hazy Prospects.
Jade Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants and increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) Drops from Warbler in Abyssea - Attohwa. Drops to entire alliance.
Jade Abyssite of Prosperity The bearer will experience greater fortune with red treasure caskets in Abyssea. Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Attohwa quest Flown the Coop.
Jade Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) Drops from Mielikki in Abyssea - Attohwa. Drops to entire alliance.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Misareaux
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Sapphire Abyssite of Fortune The bearer will come upon treasure caskets more frequently in Abyssea. Drops from Npfundlwa in Abyssea - Misareaux. Drops to entire alliance.
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance Attribute bonuses and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Adds an additional +10 to attribute bonuses.) Drops from Flame Skimmer in Abyssea - Misareaux. Drops to entire alliance.
Sapphire Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction). Drops from Tuskertrap in Abyssea - Misareaux. Drops to entire alliance.
Sapphire Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants and increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Misareaux quest Wanted: Medical Supplies.
Sapphire Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Misareaux quest Destiny Odyssey.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Uleguerand
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Vermillion Abyssite of Avarice Increases the quantity of traverser stones the bearer may possess by one. (Will increase the amount of stones you may hold by 1.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Uleguerand quest Imperial Espionage II.
Vermillion Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Complete quest Brothers in Arms.
Vermillion Abyssite of Kismet The bearer will experience greater fortune with blue treasure caskets in Abyssea. Drops from Impervious Chariot in Abyssea - Uleguerand.
Vermillion Abyssite of Guerdon The bearer will be granted temporary items upon receiving visitant status. Drops from Veri Selen in Abyssea - Uleguerand.
Vermillion Abyssite of Perspicacity The bearer will gain experience more readily in Abyssea. Drops from Chione in Abyssea - Uleguerand.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Altepa
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Emerald Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) Drops from Waugyl in Abyssea - Altepa.
Emerald Abyssite of Fortune The bearer will come upon treasure caskets more frequently in Abyssea. Drops from Long-Barreled Chariot in Abyssea - Altepa.
Emerald Abyssite of Acumen Bestows the bearer with knowledge of Abyssean treasure casket locks. (Reduces successful attempts required to open a chest by 1.) Drops from Koios in Abyssea - Altepa.
Emerald Abyssite of Expertise The bearer will be able to activate martellos more frequently. (Reduces the cool-down time on Martello use by 5 minutes.) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Altepa quest Look to the Sky.
Emerald Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Altepa quest The Unmarked Tomb.

Abyssites found in Abyssea - Grauberg
Abyssite Name Effect Obtained from
Indigo Abyssite of Sojourn Enhances the potency of a traverser stone, allowing the bearer to abide in Abyssea for extended durations. (Will add 3 additional minutes for each stone you turn in.) Drops from Assailer Chariot in Abyssea - Grauberg.
Indigo Abyssite of the Reaper Enemies in Abyssea will yield cruor in greater quantities. (Increases an enemy's cruor yield by 10% for those with the key item.) Drops from Gamayun in Abyssea - Grauberg.
Indigo Abyssite of Merit Increases in maximum HP and MP and other beneficial effects will gain greater potency. (Grants and increase of 10% HP and 5% MP respectively.) Drops from Xibalba in Abyssea - Grauberg.
Indigo Abyssite of Confluence Reduces the cruor cost of using veridical confluxes in Abyssea. (Reduces cruor cost of using Veridical Conflux by 20%.) Obtained by trading 10 Woozyshroom to the Chocobo in Chocobo Panic.
Indigo Abyssite of Lenity Reduces the experience penalty suffered by the bearer when incapacitated by the Abyssean hordes. (10% EXP loss reduction) Obtained by completing the Abyssea - Grauberg quest Voices from Beyond.

All items (83)
