As of the July 2023 Version Update, adventurers are given a choice whether or not to begin A Shantotto Ascension. This will record the mission To Begin ASA... in their log. To advance, interact with the Tales' Beginning at Windurst Walls (C-6) to progress this mission line.
No. | Title | Type* | Reward |
01 | A Shantotto Ascension (Mission) | Cutscene | None |
02 | Burgeoning Dread | Cutscene | None |
03 | That Which Curdles Blood | Quest | Moogle key |
04 | Sugar-coated Directive | Battlefield | 3,000 - 50,000 gil, Bird key |
05 | Enemy of the Empire (I) | Quest | Black book |
06 | Enemy of the Empire (II) | Fight | Cactuar key |
07 | Sugar-coated Subterfuge | Cutscene | None |
08 | Shantotto in Chains | Fight | Bomb key |
09 | Fountain of Trouble | Quest | None |
10 | Battaru Royale | Battlefield | Chocobo key |
11 | Romancing the Clone | Cutscene | None |
12 | Sisters in Arms | Quest | None |
13 | Project: Shantottofication | Battlefield | Tonberry key |
14 | An Uneasy Peace | Cutscene | Behemoth key |
15 | A Shantotto Ascension (Fin) | N/A | Blitzer Poleyn, Desultor Tassets or Tatsumaki Sitagoromo, ability to purchase Atma of Ambition |
- Cutscene is a single cutscene or multiple cutscenes in town.
- Quest is an assignment to go somewhere (possibly dangerous) for a cutscene or to retrieve/deliver an item, but no Notorious Monsters are involved.
- Fight requires you to fight a single or multiple Notorious Monsters.
- Battlefield requires you to fight a single or multiple Notorious Monsters within a Battlefield.
Level Requirement[]
Players must be level 10 or above to participate in A Shantotto Ascension Missions.
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