


Icon background
A single red carnation.

Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: ~15 gil

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Price: 60 gil
Name Location Type
Areebah Upper Jeuno (H-6) Standard Merchant
Dabih Jajalioh Ru'Lude Gardens (F-9) Standard Merchant


Herb Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot None 11-12
00217 Brass Flowerpot None 1-10
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 3-5
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot None 8-9
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 3-7
00218 Earthen Flowerpot None 7-9
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 7
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None 6-9
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 5-6
00220 Wooden Flowerpot None 10
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 8-10

Dropped From[]

Name Level Zone
Goblin Archaeologist 30-75 Konschtat Highlands
30-75 La Theine Plateau
30-75 Tahrongi Canyon

Mog Garden[]

Monster Rearing[]

  • Jumbotender - Possible reward from choosing to Collect items from monster.
  • Baby Rabbit - Possible reward from choosing to Collect items from monster.
  • Rabbit - Possible reward from choosing to Collect items from monster.