
Start NPC Traiffeaux - Kamihr Drifts (K-10)
Items Needed Rabbit Hide x3
Raaz Tusk
Title Granted None
Repeatable No
Reward Key ItemPair of fuzzy earmuffs
Key Item"Fragmenting"
500 bayld
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I'm on a Boat None


Windower Notice![]

Currently, as of September 2024, if you are using Windower 3 or 4 it is HIGHLY likely that the cutscene will freeze as soon it fades to black.

If this occurs, you can simply exit the client, restart the game, and talk to Traiffeaux again to reactivate the cutscene without using Windower. Keep Windower inactive until after you've completed the quest.

Game Description[]

Traiffeaux (Frontier Station, Kamihr Drifts)
Walls of sheer ice are impeding colonization in Kamihr Drifts. You need to find the weak spot in these walls--but your ears will freeze without a pair of earmuffs. Collect three rabbit hides and one raaz tusk and bring them to Traiffeaux.