
Monipulator Overview[]

Type: Amorphs
Family: Slimes
Weak against: Fire Fire, Aquans
Strong against: Water WaterSlashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge FramePiercing Weapons: Dagger, Polearm, Archery, Marksmanship, Shuriken, Sharpshot FrameBlunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame
Killer Trait: Bird Killer
Size: Large
Movement Speed: 100%

Composed of a gelatinous substance with an indeterminate viscosity, slimes frequent moist or dark areas of Vana'diel. They are damaging enemies, as they are able to use their jelly-like bodies in an almost whip-like motion to inflict significant damage. Even more, they can spew a water-based liquid at their enemies, which causes damage and can, at times, render an adversary partially or totally immobile.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsMonster AbilitiesTraitsSpellsInstincts

Monster Skills[]

Level Name TP Description
1 Fluid Toss 80 Deals physical damage.
10 Fluid Spread 100 Deals physical damage to enemies around the caster.
20 Mucus Spread 75 Slows enemies around the caster.
30 Epoxy Spread 75 Binds enemies around the caster.
50 Cytokinesis 150 Deals physical damage to enemies around the caster.
50 Dissolve 300 Drains HP from enemies in a fan-shaped area in front of the caster.

Monster Abilities[]

Level  Name
01  Invincible
05  Holy Circle
30  Sentinel
62  Rampart
75 (Merit)  FealtyVerification Needed
75 (Merit)  ChivalryVerification Needed
78  Divine EmblemVerification Needed

Monster Traits[]

Paladin Traits[]

Level  Name
05  Undead Killer
10  Defense Bonus
20  Resist Sleep
25  Shield Mastery (No effect)
30  Defense Bonus II
35  Auto Refresh
40  Resist Sleep II
50  Defense Bonus III
50  Shield Mastery II (No effect)
60  Resist Sleep III
Level  Name
70  Defense Bonus IV
75  Shield Mastery III (No effect)
75 (Merit)  Guardian (No effect)
75 (Merit)  Iron Will
76  Defense Bonus V
77  Shield Defense Bonus (No effect)
79  Critical Defense Bonus
91  Defense Bonus VI
96  Shield Mastery IV (No effect)

Dark Knight Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Attack Bonus
15  Desperate Blows (No effectVerification Needed)
20  Resist Paralyze
25  Arcana Killer
30  Attack Bonus II
40  Resist Paralyze II
45  Occult Acumen
45  Stalwart Soul
50  Attack Bonus III
58  Occult Acumen II
60  Resist Paralyze III
60  Stalwart Soul II
70  Attack Bonus IV
Level  Name
71  Occult Acumen III
75  Resist Paralyze IV
75 (Merit)  Muted Soul
75  Stalwart Soul III
76  Attack Bonus V
84  Occult Acumen IV
85  Critical Attack Bonus
88  Tactical Parry (No effect)
90  Stalwart Soul IV
91  Attack Bonus VI
95  Critical Attack Bonus II
97  Occult Acumen V
98  Tactical Parry II (No effect)

Spell List[]

Paladin Spells[]

Level  Spell
05  Cure
07  Banish
10  Protect
17  Cure II
20  Shell
30  Cure III
Level  Spell
30  Protect II
34  Banish II
37  Flash
40  Shell II
50  Protect III
55  Cure IV
Level  Spell
55  Holy
60  Shell III
61  Reprisal
70  Protect IV
77  Phalanx
80  Shell IV
Level  Spell
85  Enlight
90  Protect V
99  Holy II

Dark Knight Spells[]

Level  Spell
05  Stone
06  Poison
10  Drain
11  Water
15  Bio
17  Aero
20  Aspir
20  Bind
23  Fire
26  Poisonga
29  Blizzard
Level  Spell
30  Sleep
31  Absorb-MND
33  Absorb-CHR
35  Thunder
35  Absorb-VIT
37  Stun
37  Absorb-AGI
39  Absorb-INT
40  Bio II
41  Absorb-DEX
Level  Spell
42  Stone II
43  Absorb-STR
45  Absorb-TP
46  Poison II
48  Water II
54  Aero II
56  Sleep II
60  Fire II
61  Absorb-ACC
62  Drain II
66  Blizzard II
Level  Spell
71  Dread Spikes
72  Thunder II
76  Stone III
78  Aspir II
80  Water III
84  Aero III
85  Endark
88  Fire III
91  Absorb-Attri
92  Blizzard III
95  Break
96  Thunder III

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Slime Instinct I DEF+20 Resist Bind+20 Physical Damage Taken-2% 4 30
Slime Instinct II Resist Vs+70 Attack+15 Physical Damage Taken-2% 6 60
Slime Instinct III HP+5% Resist Stun+20 Physical Damage Taken-5% 8 90

See Also[]
