Also Blue Mage Solo Skillchain Guide


Skillchain Spells
Fire: Liquefaction Bludgeon
Pinecone Bomb
Uppercut A
Earth: Scission Claw Cyclone
Screwdriver B
Spinal Cleave A
Water: Reverberation Power Attack
Sprout Smack
Terror Touch B
Death Scissors B
Hydro Shot
Tail Slap
Wind: Detonation Foot Kick
Smite of Rage
Spinal Cleave B
Hysteric Barrage
Ice: Induration Grand Slam
Mandibular Bite
Frenetic Rip
Lightning: Impaction Battle Dance
Head Butt
Jet Stream
Uppercut B
Dimensional Death B
Body Slam
Light: Transfixion Wild Oats
Feather Storm
Screwdriver A
Dimensional Death A
Dark: Compression Queasyshroom
Terror Touch A
Sickle Slash
Death Scissors A
Fragmentation: Light Ram Charge
Fusion: Light Cannonball
Gravitation: Darkness Vertical Cleave
Distortion: Darkness Disseverment
Quadratic Continuum

Magic Burst[]

Skillchain Spells
Earth: Scission Sandspin (1)
Magnetite Cloud (46)
Filamented Hold (52)
Bad Breath (61)
Water: Reverberation Cursed Sphere (18)
Poison Breath (22)
Venom Shell (42)
Awful Eye (46)
Maelstrom (61)
Fire: Liquefaction Blastbomb (18)
Bomb Toss (28)
Sound Blast (32)
Self-Destruct (50)
Firespit (68)
Heat Breath (71)
Wind: Detonation Chaotic Eye (32)
Mysterious Light (40)
Stinking Gas (44)
Frightful Roar (50)
Hecatomb Wave (54)
Ice: Induration Ice Break (50)
Cold Wave (52)
Infrasonics (65)
Frost Breath (66)
Thunder: Impaction Blitzstrahl (44)
Temporal Shift (73)
Dark: Compression Blood Drain (20)
Soporific (24)
Death Ray (34)
Digest (36)
MP Drainkiss (42)
Geist Wall (46)
Blood Saber (48)
Jettatura (48)
Eyes On Me (61)
Sandspray (66)
Light: Transfixion Sheep Song (18)
Radiant Breath (54)
Light of Penance (58)
1000 Needles (62)
Yawn (64)
Actinic Burst (74)
Water/Ice: Distortion Cursed Sphere (18)
Poison Breath (22)
Venom Shell (42)
Awful Eye (46)
Ice Break (50)
Cold Wave (52)
Maelstrom (61)
Infrasonics (65)
Frost Breath (66)
Thunder/Wind: Fragmentation Chaotic Eye (32)
Mysterious Light (40)
Stinking Gas (44)
Blitzstrahl (44)
Frightful Roar (50)
Hecatomb Wave (54)
Temporal Shift (73)
Earth/Dark: Gravitation Sandspin (1)
Blood Drain (20)
Soporific (24)
Death Ray (34)
Digest (36)
MP Drainkiss (42)
Geist Wall (46)
Magnetite Cloud (46)
Blood Saber (48)
Jettatura (48)
Filamented Hold (52)
Bad Breath (61)
Eyes On Me (61)
Sandspray (66)
Fire/Light: Fusion Blastbomb (18)
Sheep Song (18)
Bomb Toss (28)
Sound Blast (32)
Self-Destruct (50)
Radiant Breath (54)
Light of Penance (58)
1000 Needles (62)
Yawn (64)
Firespit (68)
Heat Breath (71)
Actinic Burst (74)
Earth /Water/Ice:Dark Sandspin (1)
Cursed Sphere (18)
Blood Drain (20)
Poison Breath (22)
Soporific (24)
Death Ray (34)
Digest (36)
MP Drainkiss (42)
Venom Shell (42)
Awful Eye (46)
Geist Wall (46)
Magnetite Cloud (46)
Blood Saber (48)
Jettatura (48)
Ice Break (50)
Cold Wave (52)
Filamented Hold (52)
Bad Breath (61)
Eyes On Me (61)
Maelstrom (61)
Infrasonics (65)
Frost Breath (66)
Sandspray (66)
Fire /Thunder/Wind:Light Blastbomb (18)
Sheep Song (18)
Bomb Toss (28)
Sound Blast (32)
Chaotic Eye (32)
Mysterious Light (40)
Stinking Gas (44)
Blitzstrahl (44)
Self-Destruct (50)
Frightful Roar (50)
Hecatomb Wave (54)
Radiant Breath (54)
Light of Penance (58)
1000 Needles (62)
Yawn (64)
Firespit (68)
Heat Breath (71)
Temporal Shift (73)
Actinic Burst (74)


http://magitekarmy.com/skillchain.php (Calculator by AlexisLucia of Kujata)
