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First Guide made for Blue Mage Cleaving! Feel free to edit this all you like. (Aslong as you have information relavant to this guide/no fake/unproven info please put that on the talk page)

Cleaving as BLU can help get Time Extentions, Cruor, Empyrean Armor Feet, Key Items, or Trial of the Magians Trials with little work/effort if done right. lights need to be gained to make the desired box drop as with any attempt at box farming See Abyssea Lights for further details.


As for spells that you set:

You can add other spells or take away the ones you don't need to set traits based on what your doing.

Additional spells

using these extra spells can help sucesss of your cleave attempt

Only usable while under the effect of Unbridled Learning. (5min recast):

(you don't need animating wail =P)


Use Atma of the Lion, Atma of the Ultimate and Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity. If you don't mind losing refresh you can replace MM with Atma of the Blinding Horn for more damage on your whiskers.

As for how you do it and what spells you use: One of the most important things is to set your subjob to Red Mage. This will allow you to cast Phalanx, Stoneskin and most importantly Aquaveil (spell interruption down).

More Help

If you are having issues soloing I'd recommend finding a balance between keeping MP up and taking little dmg. OR do a ton of damage then rest MP. w/e works for you. Plenilune Embrace and Magic Fruit are great for healing. Cocoon/Plasma Charge add extra defense (i use one or the other personaly every run) (stoneskin and Aquaveil are vitaly important)


earth staff/pdt- armor mab+ gear helps too (need more info here!Verification Needed)

Abyssea temps

hp/mp restoritives/ascetics tonic

(need more info here too!Verification Needed)

Video Example

This Video shows a bluemage killing Tauri type mobs for a trial however this will work with any mob from mandragora to dolls or whatever you decide to kill/farm.
