Stackable: 12
Other Uses[]
Resale Price: 1,387~1,394 gil
Synthesis Recipes[]
Woodworking (95/106)
- Yield: Bloodwood Lumber x 1
- HQ 1: Bloodwood Lumber x 2
- HQ 2: Bloodwood Lumber x 3
- HQ 3: Bloodwood Lumber x 4
- Wind Crystal
- 1 x Bloodwood Log
Woodworking (95/106)
Yield: Bloodwood Lumber x 3
HQ 1: Bloodwood Lumber x 6
HQ 2: Bloodwood Lumber x 9
HQ 3: Bloodwood Lumber x 12
Wind Crystal
- 3 x Bloodwood Log
- 1 x Bundling Twine
Used in Recipes[]
- 88 ?? ?? Naigama
- 101 ?? ?? Hades Sainti
- 79 59 Amir Bed
- 77 ?? ?? Hexagun
- 96 ?? Cerberus Bow
- 101 51 ?? Mezraq
- ?? Cartonnier
Obtained from Desynthesis[]
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Materials > Woodworking
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Only obtainable through synthesis.