Blind (Status Effect) has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Blind (Status Effect).



Icon background
Scroll of Blind
BLM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.8
Teaches the black magic Blind.
Blinds an enemy, lowers its accuracy.
The Accuracy Down potency of Blind uses the following derived formula:

Accuracy Down value = (Caster INT - Target MND) x 0.225 + 23[1]

The minimum Accuracy Down value is 5, the maximum is 50.[2]

A partial resist results in half-duration for the effect.

Automatons will cast this spell with every Head configuration except Valoredge Head, maneuvers and attachments permitting.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 30~31 gil

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Black Magic Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


111 - 128 gil
Only sold by the merchant to citizens of the corresponding nations, when in 1st place after a Conquest tally.

Dropped By[]

Name Level Zone
Amber Quadav 3-8 North Gustaberg
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-10 Palborough Mines
8-10 Konschtat Highlands
Amethyst Quadav 3-8 North Gustaberg
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-10 Palborough Mines
8-10 Konschtat Highlands
Orcish Mesmerizer 3-8 East Ronfaure
4-8 West Ronfaure
3-9 Ghelsba Outpost
8-10 La Theine Plateau
Yagudo Scribe 1-8 East Sarutabaruta
4-8 West Sarutabaruta
3-10 Giddeus
Baetyl Quadav 79-82 Beadeaux (S)

