
Monipulator Overview[]

Type: Birds
Family: Bat Trios
Weak against: Amorphs, Light Light, Wind Wind, Piercing Weapons: Dagger, Polearm, Archery, Marksmanship, Shuriken, Sharpshot Frame
Strong against: Resist Vs
Killer Trait: Aquan Killer
Size: Small
Movement Speed: 100%

Flock bats, always traveling in a trio, are found in nearly every corner of Vana'diel. Flock bats have been tamed by Beastmen throughout Vana'diel thanks to their abundance and obedience. Bats are known to appear in fields during the night and make the dungeons of Vana'diel their permanent homes.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraits

Monster Skills[]

Level Name TP Description
1 Sonic Boom 75 Weakens the attacks of all enemies around the caster.
10 Jet Stream 100 Delivers a threefold attack.
20 Slipstream 75 Lowers the accuracy of enemies around the caster.
30 Turbulence 100 Deals Wind damage to enemies around the caster.
40 Knife Edge Circle 130 Stuns and Poisons enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
50 Train Fall 200 Deals 600% physical damage. Additional effect: HP Drain.

Monster Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Defense Bonus
15  Resist Virus
25  Double Attack
30  Attack Bonus
35  Resist Virus II
45  Fencer (No effectVerification Needed)
55  Resist Virus III
58  Fencer II (No effectVerification Needed)
70  Resist Virus IV
71  Fencer III (No effectVerification Needed)
Level  Name
75 (Merit)  Savagery
75 (Merit)  Aggressive Aim (No effect)
78  Critical Attack Bonus
80  Shield Defense Bonus (No effect)
81  Resist Virus V
84  Fencer IV (No effectVerification Needed)
86  Defense Bonus II
86  Critical Attack Bonus II
91  Attack Bonus II
97  Fencer V (No effectVerification Needed)

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Bat Instinct I STR+5 Resist Vs+30 Accuracy+10 2 30
Bat Instinct II HP+2% AGI+5 Evasion+15 4 60
Bat Instinct III Information Needed 90