
Monipulator Overview[]

Azure Sea Monk
Sea Monk
Type: Aquans
Family: Sea Monks
Weak against: Birds, Lightning Lightning
Strong against: Resist Vs
Killer Trait: Amorph Killer
Size: Medium
Movement Speed: Information Needed

Multilimbed denizens of the ocean, sea monks prove a constant annoyance to peaceful fishermen and intrepid adventurers alike. They have large "wings," which appear to be nothing more than fins, but, amazingly, they are able to float above surfaces. Carnivorous by nature, it's no wonder that they are often seen attacking ferry riders, fishermen, and parties that they float upon. Sea Monks appear in two colors, an orange species and an azure species, but both share the same characteristic stripes across their bodies.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

  • Azure Sea Monk (MON) (Available levels 30-99)

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraits

Monster Skills[]

Level Name TP Description
30 Tentacle 100 Deals 300% damage.
30 Ink Jet 120 Deals darkness-based damage. Additional effect: blindness
30 Hard Membrane 80 Enhances Evasion
30 Cross Attack 150 Delivers a twofold attack that deals light-elemental damage.
40 Regeneration 100 Grants the effect of "Regen."
50 Whirlwind 120 Deals 300% wind damage to enemies around caster. Additional effect: VIT Down.
60 Maelstrom Information Needed 300% Water damage to enemies around caster. Additional effect STR Down.

Monster Abilities[]

Level  Name
01  Meikyo Shisui
05  Warding Circle
15  Third Eye
30  Meditate
87  HamanohaVerification Needed
95  HagakureVerification Needed

Monster Traits[]

Samurai Traits[]

Level  Name
05  Resist Blind
10  Store TP
20  Zanshin
25  Resist Blind II
30  Store TP II
35  Zanshin II
40  Demon Killer
45  Resist Blind III
50  Store TP III
50  Zanshin III
Level  Name
65  Resist Blind IV
70  Store TP IV
75  Zanshin IV
75 (Merit)  Ikishoten
75 (Merit)  Overwhelm (no effectVerification Needed)
78  Skillchain Bonus (no effect)
88  Skillchain Bonus II (no effect)
90  Store TP V
95  Zanshin V
98  Skillchain Bonus III (no effect)

White Mage Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Magic Defense Bonus
20  Clear Mind (No effect)
21  Tranquil Heart
25  Auto Regen
30  Magic Defense Bonus II
35  Clear Mind II (No effect)
50  Clear Mind III (No effect)
50  Divine Veil
50  Magic Defense Bonus III
50  Divine Benison
60  Divine Benison II
Level  Name
65  Clear Mind IV (No effect)
70  Divine Benison III
70  Magic Defense Bonus IV
76  Auto Regen II
80  Clear Mind V (No effect)
80  Divine Benison IV
81  Magic Defense Bonus V
85  Shield Defense Bonus (No effect)
90  Divine Benison V
91  Magic Defense Bonus VI

Spell List[]

Level  Spell
01  Cure
03  Dia
04  Paralyze
05  Banish
05  Barstonra
06  Poisona
07  Barsleepra
07  Protect
07  Protectra
09  Barwatera
09  Paralyna
10  Aquaveil
10  Barpoisonra
11  Cure II
12  Barparalyzra
13  Baraera
13  Slow
14  Blindna
15  Banishga
15  Deodorize
15  Silence
16  Curaga
17  Barfira
17  Shell
17  Shellra
Level  Spell
18  Barblindra
18  Diaga
19  Blink
19  Silena
20  Sneak
21  Barblizzara
21  Cure III
21  Regen
23  Barsilencera
25  Barthundra
25  Invisible
27  Protect II
27  Protectra II
28  Stoneskin
29  Cursna
30  Banish II
31  Curaga II
32  Erase
34  Viruna
36  Dia II
37  Shell II
37  Shellra II
39  Barvira
39  Stona
40  Banishga II
Level  Spell
40  Haste
40  Cura
41  Cure IV
43  Barpetra
44  Regen II
45  Flash
47  Protect III
47  Protectra III
48  Repose
50  Holy
51  Curaga III
55  Auspice
57  Shell III
57  Shellra III
61  Cure V
61  Esuna
63  Protect IV
63  Protectra IV
65  Banish III
65  Sacrifice
66  Regen III
68  Shell IV
68  Shellra IV
71  Curaga IV
Level  Spell
75 (Merit)  Protectra V
75 (Merit)  Shellra V
76  Protect V
76  Shell V
78  Baramnesra
80  Cure VI
81  Boost-VIT
83  Cura II
84  Boost-MND
86  Regen IV
87  Boost-CHR
90  Boost-AGI
91  Curaga V
93  Boost-STR
93  Addle
95  Holy II
96  Boost-INT
96  Cura III
99  Boost-DEX

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Sea Monk Instinct I INT+7 Accuracy+3% Critical Hit Rate+3% 5 30
Sea Monk Instinct II STR+5 Resist Sleep+15 Double Attack+1% 3 60
Sea Monk Instinct III Information Needed Information Needed Information Needed ? 90
