
Job: Monk/Black Mage
Family: Wyrms
Crystal: None
Weak to: Water

Domain Invasion NM

Azi Dahaka

Azi Dahaka

Zone Content Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Escha - Zi'Tah 119
  • None
  • None


  • Mob Abilities:
    • Draw In.
    • Horrid Roar.
    • Hundred Fists - can use multiple times, seeming to increase near death.
    • Spike Flail - Deals 25~30% of Max HP. Inflicts Terror and Warps out its primary target. Has a reduced detection angle (90 instead of 180 degrees) when determining its target.
    • Tebbad Wing - AoE fire damage and Plague.
  • Spells: Thundaja, Thundaga V.
  • Spawns immediately after any server maintenance. Repawns between 6~15 minutes after Quetzalcoatl has been defeated, depending on the number of participants in Domain Invasion.
  • Players must obtain an Elvorseal to participate in Domain Invasion.
  • Multiple kills required to unlock multiple levels of Regen Vorseal.