Gender unknown
Race Goblin
Affiliation unknown
Occupation Treasure Hunter
Type: Dynamis-Divergence NPC
Location: Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8)

Medal Exchange[]

Aurix will exchange Cards obtained from defeated foes in Dynamis-Divergence zones for Medals.


Aurix sells Equipment Shards, Void Equipment, Moldy Equipment, and Job Crystals in exchange for Medals. Inventory varies with the how many waves you have cleared in the four Dynamis-Divergence zones.

After Entering a Dynamis-Divergence Zone[]

Aurix will only sell shards and voids for the jobs used to meet the purchase requirement.

Any Dynamis-Divergence Zone[]

1 Beastmen's Medal

Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)[]

3 Beastmen's Medals

  • Footshards

1 Beastmen's Medal

Dynamis - Bastok (D)[]

3 Beastmen's Medals

  • Handshards

1 Beastmen's Medal

Dynamis - Windurst (D)[]

3 Beastmen's Medals

  • Headshards

1 Beastmen's Medal

Dynamis - Jeuno (D)[]

3 Beastmen's Medals

  • Legshards

1 Beastmen's Medal

All Dynamis-Divergence Zones[]

3 Beastmen's Medals

  • Torsoshards

After Clearing the Wave 1 Boss[]

Aurix will only sell void equipment for jobs used to meet this requirement

Any Dynamis-Divergence Zone[]

1 Kindred's Medal

Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)[]

3 Kindred's Medals

  • Voidfeet

1 Kindred's Medal

Dynamis - Bastok (D)[]

3 Kindred's Medals

  • Voidhands

1 Kindred's Medal

Dynamis - Windurst (D)[]

3 Kindred's Medals

  • Voidheads

1 Kindred's Medal

Dynamis - Jeuno (D)[]

3 Kindred's Medals

  • Voidlegs

1 Kindred's Medal

All Dynamis-Divergence Zones[]

3 Kindred's Medals

  • Voidtorsos

1 Kindred's Medal

After Clearing the Wave 2 Boss[]

All of these items cost 1 Demon's Medal

Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)[]

Dynamis - Bastok (D)[]

Dynamis - Windurst (D)[]

Dynamis - Jeuno (D)[]

Relic Armor Upgrades[]

Aurix will offer to upgrade your Reforged Relic Armor +1 to +2 only after you have zoned into a Dynamis-Divergence zone. Upgrading body pieces require visiting all four zones.

Aurix will offer to upgrade your Reforged Relic Armor +2 to +3 only after defeating the Wave 1 Boss. Upgrading body pieces require clearing all Wave 1 bosses.

Notorious Monster[]

Family: Beastmen
Crystal: None
Notorious Monster


Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)
Dynamis - Bastok (D)
Dynamis - Windurst (D)
Dynamis - Jeuno (D)
Wave 1 Aurix:

Wave 2 Aurix:

Wave 3 Aurix:

  • Information Needed
1 ??? HP
??? MP
Spawn Conditions Companions/Summons

Waves 1 and 2: Spawns from "colorless" statues in Dynamis - Divergence zones. These statues spawn in random locations when the zone is entered. The statues spawn in place of the normal green/blue eyed statues and will still spawn their normal assortment of Squadron/Regiment monsters.
Wave 3: Can randomly spawn from the elemental "Circle" foes.

  • N/A
Special Abilities Passive Traits

Uses all Goblin special abilities, but favors Bomb Toss

  • N/A
Further Notes

Despawns upon reaching 50% health or after a certain amount of time Information Needed has passed without being defeated. If found again within the time limit, will spawn with its previous health value. (see testimonials)


On clicking the ??? at Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8) whilst in the possession of Key Item Scintillating Rhapsody and Key Item Dynamis - Tavnazia Sliver:

Huh? Who're you? Wait... You can see me?

How will you reply?
Say you can see him.
Pretend not to see him. (exits dialogue)

I don't get it... How can ya see me?
Ah! You must have the prismatic hourglass. I've got one just like it. My friends tried to stop me, but my curiosity got the better of me.
It was great at first, losin' myself in a quest for treasure. But before I knew it, I was like a ghost.
My body remains stuck in the other word, and only my spirit is able to return.
However, I've got no regrets. It's actually a blast. I've got all this treasure to myself! Hehehe!
I know how to get there. You might not be able to get there, but I can help show you the way. Whadda ya say?

Do you want to go?
Right away!
Maybe some other time... (exits dialogue)

I can see you're full of curiosity, just like me! First, you'll need an empty hourglass for your journey. It's a bit different from the prismatic hourglass, ya see.
There's something strange about the empty hourglass, like it's cursed or something. I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough.
Past, future; light, darkness... Or perhaps something else... The only thing I know for sure is that it won't turn out very good for you.
So, are ya sure ya wanna go through with this?

Do you still want to go?
More than ever!
I'm having second thoughts... (exits dialogue)

I can see yer not easily deterred. Well, in that case, you're gonna have to buy an empty hourglass from me.
Do ya know about the ancient currency used in the realm of men during the Shadowreign Era?
I'll trade ya for a Montiont silverpiece, a one hundred byne bill, or a Lungo-Nango jadeshell. Come see me when yer ready.

On clicking the ??? at Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8) after completing the above dialogue.

I'll trade ya for a Montiont silverpiece, a one hundred byne bill, or a Lungo-Nango jadeshell. Come see me when yer ready. I'll give ya the empty hourglass.

On trading a Montiont Silverpiece, a One Hundred Byne Bill, or a Lungo-Nango Jadeshell to the ??? at Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8) after completing the above dialogue.

Ah, I see you come bearing gifts... Okay, here's the empty hourglass as promised.
Now, there are a few conditions for travelin' to this world.
First...it's dangerous to go it alone. Bring yer friends with ya.
Ya need at least three people, and ya can take up to eighteen. If there are too few or too many, not everybody'll be able to make it back.
Second, it's important to get yer rest.
If you go, you need to rest for at least 60 hours (Earth time) before going again. That'll help ya from endin' up like me.
Third...this isn't really a condition, but the treasure there is mine. I'm simply askin' ya to bring it back for me.
Over there, you'll find goodies like this everywhere ya look.

Aurix shows you a rusted identification card.

This is a name tag used by humans during the Shadowreign Era. It seems they were quite the formidable fightin' unit.
Ya might also come across something like this from time to time.

Aurix shows you a beastmen's medal.

It's a campaign medal that was given to help boost morale amongst beastmen during the Shadowreign Era.
It appears to have been forged from the name tags used by the humans.
You'll find treasures like this everywhere over there. Bring them to me.
Of course, I'll be sure to reward ya properly. Just bring me that treasure, understood?

Obtained key item: Empty hourglass

On trading a Rusted Identification Card or a Beastmen's Medal to the ??? at Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8) after completing the above dialogue.

Information Needed
